Drive-in/Grindhouse sinema from 71 to 86, muscle cars from 68 to 74, offending people, creating compelling moving and still images, writing (usually screenplays and/or music) drawng, (not drawling) painting, porn, horror porn, running mascara and being a jerk.
people that don't suck.
Ghoultown, 16 horsepower, Johnny Cash, Lynrd Skynyrd, Haunted Garage, Necromantix, dog fashion disco, lollipop lustkill, american headcharge, dry kill logic M.S.I. and I.C.P.
DAWNA OF THE DEAD, versus, wild zero, ringu, texas chainsaw massacre(1974), phantasm, phantom of the paradise, zombie, day of the dead, Anthropophagus, I spit on your grave, jeepers creepers, Cecil B. Dementerd, deathrace 2000, rivers edge, fight club, taxie driver, straw dogs, wild bunch, django, a man called blade.
MST3K, LOST, fututrama, family guy, Aquateen hunger force, all in the family, grounded for life, night gallery, fastlane, Kolchak: the night stalker and Firefly.
H.P. Lovecraft and Faust.
all my hero's are in hell... except Rob Halford, Paul Williams, Jess Franco and Joe D'Amato... ok, well, Joe D'Amato probably is in hell. GOATCHEESE, DOUCHE and KROBER WE'LL RIDE UNTIL WE DIE!!!