SubsonykeXorcist profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

So who is this Brian guy, anyhow? Well, that's a long story! Or maybe not...
Firstly, I live to serve the greatest artist of all, the One who designed the universe. I have put my faith, my trust, and my life in Jesus Christ, and it's been quite a ride.
I'm a artistic engineer. Sound impossible? Yeah, public school tried to teach me that right brain / left brain junk, and after 16 years of "formal" education I was pretty convinced that there were serious things wrong with me. Maybe that's still true, but I'm an engineer AND an artist, and the experts were wrong. Don't believe me? Technical and creative mixing? Was not the rennaisance the awakening of artistic creation to the western world? And was not one of the greatest period artists also the most forward-thinking designer of the age? Yep. So, I've reconciled with myself and decided I CAN be both. (ask me sometime why Einstein's theory is mis-understood when people say nothing can exceed the speed of light...)
I love music. I love all expressions of art, but music is the one that moves me the most. Visual arts, like painting and photography, do allot for me, too, but my greatest passion is music. Music is a way to communicate what I'm feeling in such a way that just maybe we can actually understand each other for a moment. I can feel what you feel, and you can feel what I feel... if only for a moment or two.
I love to play music - I play bass guitar in a metal band, and I mess around with guitar and drums some, too. I tried for years to play guitar, but... well, ask me and I'll 'splain it. I'm the bass player.I love the technical side, too... I'm a practicing live sound engineer, and I have a small, private studio for recording. I don't have the fantastic gear that the big studios have, but it's not a PC studio-in-a-box setup either. I can get some really great results with what I've got. and I've goten compliments from some of the industry's bigger names. If you're an artist wanting to do some recording, here's your chance - hit me up.Check out Stallings USA Custom Shop Guitars! Some of the finest instruments available, period...
Here's my next car:
Ronald Reagan, "A Time For Choosing"
Johny Cash, "Hurt"
NIN, "Hurt" (same song)

My Interests

I'd like to meet:


Well, as you can probably figure out, music is more than entertainment for me - it's a huge part of life. God spoke the universe into existence, and the vibrations from His voice are still holding everything in place. What greater honor than to play and sing it back to Him?

I'm into the heavier stuff, mostly, and have been since I was about 12. I grew up on bands like the Doors, Zeppelin, War, Jim Croce, Joplin, Elton John, Fleetwood Mac, Heart, etc. When I developed my own taste, I chose the darker, heavier side - Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Motley Crue, AC/DC, Dokken, Black Sabbath - then Ozzy, Dio, Rainbow, & those offshoots - you get the picture.
Actually, there isn't much in music that I don't truly enjoy - I love lounge like Michael Bublé, and I really enjoy accoustic jazz, when some cats get together and play off each other it's really amazing.

Right now I listen to Skillet, Evanescence, Gretchen, Ultimatum, Iced Earth (! One of my favorites, fo sho - like Mozart meets Iron Maiden and teams up with Dio!), Pillar - idk, allot. Like I said, there isn't any music that I can't enjoy, unless it's cookie-cutter stuff put out just for marketing. If someone put their heart into it, I'll listen and honestly enjoy it.

My Blog

TYKKÜS and the future

Hello, all my dear friends!In case you haven't heard, the members of TYKKÜS met last night and have officially decided to part ways. TYKKÜS has bee...
Posted by SubsonykeXorcist on Fri, 26 Oct 2007 11:43:00 PST

Driving in AZ

1. You must first learn to pronounce the city name, it is: FEE-NICKS. There are other names to learn such as Awatukee (Ah-wa-Too-Kee) but that will included in the advanced course. 2. The morning rus...
Posted by SubsonykeXorcist on Mon, 23 Jul 2007 06:56:00 PST


I just read this on another website, and I thought it is definately worth sharing.  For the original posting, go to Greg Stier's Blog.  Greg is part of an organization called Dare 2 Share.Pl...
Posted by SubsonykeXorcist on Tue, 16 Jan 2007 10:11:00 PST

WOW! Major life changes ahead!

So, today is my first Monday in 8 years that I don't work for someone else.  Yep!  I'm unemployed.  And the crazy part?  It was by choice!  I've been with the same company for...
Posted by SubsonykeXorcist on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 06:52:00 PST

Interesting article about the election

Here's an article I found to be insightful... thought you might enjoy it, too.Why Conservatives Lost by Chuck Colson~B...
Posted by SubsonykeXorcist on Fri, 10 Nov 2006 10:01:00 PST

Machines controlled by thought

The ramifications and possibilities are almost endless!  Check out the following Associated Press article - this guy has a new bionic arm that is completely controlled by his thoughts.  Just...
Posted by SubsonykeXorcist on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 09:14:00 PST

My Friend Kuna

Oh, one more very important thing I haven't mentioned...My friend from work, Kuna Williams, was in a motorcycle accident almost 2 weeks ago. He is currently in a coma at St. Joe's, so please pray for...
Posted by SubsonykeXorcist on Fri, 11 Aug 2006 04:33:00 PST

Thursday 10 Aug 2006

Howdy!Well, today is a new day. I decided not to let the goings-on of the world get me down or overly concerned! While things may look grim in some areas, fact is I can pray and that's the best thing ...
Posted by SubsonykeXorcist on Fri, 11 Aug 2006 04:02:00 PST

These days...

Howdy, y'all!  I haven't been able to get on much lately - lots going on!  New changes are happening in my life, pretty fast, too.  I'll be posting more about that stuff soon. There's s...
Posted by SubsonykeXorcist on Wed, 09 Aug 2006 08:15:00 PST

Gas Prices

    Someone posted this idea to force the gas companies to lower their prices... interesting idea, and at first glance it looks like it might work, but... ne-how, I replied thus: The ...
Posted by SubsonykeXorcist on Thu, 13 Apr 2006 04:51:00 PST