:: la otra música :: profile picture

:: la otra música ::

News in Spanish about interesting music.

About Me

I'm currenly running :: la otra música :: with loads of info in Spanish about progressive and not-so-mainstream music. Or music I just like, for that matter! ;-)

The blog is updated on a daily basis, so please feel free to drop by and send in any bit of news :-)

You can contact me at [email protected] . Also feel free to check out the blog at la-otra-musica.blogspot.com .

I'm looking forward to hearing from you!



How I made my profile:
I used Dave & Jay's amazing myspace editor ...

My Interests

Obviously music, and also cultural studies, philosophy, journalism, history and social sciences in general and a really long etcetera...

I'd like to meet:

Cool people who enjoy music as much as I do :-)


Quite a broad palette :-)


Apocalypse Now!, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Dark Crystal, Captain Sky, Indiana Jones, Matrix (the first one), Pulp Fiction, Bowling for Columbine & Fahrenheit 9/11


Seinfeld, Lost, Heroes, 24, Band of Brothers, The A Team, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Robotech, Los Simuladores, History Channel, A&E, Battlestar Galactica (the original series), etcetera.


Howard Fast's 'Spartacus'; Frank Herbert's Dune saga, JRR Tolkien, Rodolfo Walsh, Frederick Forsythe, Herman Hesse, Arthur C. Clarke, Homer, Umberto Eco, Michel Foucault, Th. Adorno, Max Horkheimer, Pierre Bourdieu, H.G. Oesterheld, etc.

My Blog

06.07.08 - Novedades en :: la otra música ::

Hola,Esta semana en :: la otra música :: tuvimos novedades de Cushma, Cides & Alexander, The Rogues' Gallery, The Musical Box, Travis & Fripp, Presto Ballet, Cosmosquad, Bad Company, Pez, Ummagumma, Ü...
Posted by :: la otra música :: on Sun, 06 Jul 2008 08:00:00 PST

25.06.08 - Novedades en :: la otra música ::

Hola,Esta semana en :: la otra música :: tuvimos novedades de DPRP, Progresiva70s, Andy Latimer, El Festival de los Viajes, The Rogues' Gallery, tributo a Dream Theater, Simone Simons, The Musical Box...
Posted by :: la otra música :: on Wed, 25 Jun 2008 02:49:00 PST

08.06.08 - Novedades en :: la otra música ::

Hola,Esta semana en :: la otra música :: tuvimos novedades de Hexatónica, Franco Salvador, The Rogues' Gallery, Progresiva70s, DPRP, Proto-Kaw, Michael Kiske, Frost*, Anubis Gate, It Bites, Jinetes Ne...
Posted by :: la otra música :: on Sun, 08 Jun 2008 07:22:00 PST

31.05.08 - Novedades en :: la otra música ::

Hola,Esta semana en :: la otra música :: tuvimos novedades de El Retorno del Gigante, The Rogues' Gallery, The Musical Box, Neal Mors, Sieges Even, Progresiva70s, King Crimson, DPRP, Skiltron, Bloodpa...
Posted by :: la otra música :: on Sat, 31 May 2008 05:51:00 PST

24.05.08 - Novedades en :: la otra música ::

Hola,Esta semana en :: la otra música :: tuvimos novedades de The Musical Box, The Rogues' Gallery, Amaseffer, Frost*, Pure Reason Revolution, Symphony X, Juan Ravioli, MediaBanda, DPRP, Progresiva70s...
Posted by :: la otra música :: on Fri, 23 May 2008 02:25:00 PST

10.05.08 - Novedades en :: la otra música ::

Hola,Esta semana en :: la otra música :: tuvimos novedades de The Rogues' Gallery, The Musical Box, Nightwish, Nine Inch Nails, Progresiva70s, Abigails Ghost, The Flower Kings, Floor Jansen, Diego Miz...
Posted by :: la otra música :: on Sat, 10 May 2008 06:26:00 PST

27.04.08 - Novedades en :: la otra música ::

Hola,Esta semana en :: la otra música :: tuvimos novedades de The Flower Kings, The Musical Box, The Rogues' Gallery, AC/DC, Piter, Marton & Lucifer, Big Bang, Progresiva70s, Pure Reason Revolution, D...
Posted by :: la otra música :: on Sun, 27 Apr 2008 05:52:00 PST

19.04.08 - Novedades en :: la otra música ::

Hola,Esta semana en :: la otra música :: tuvimos novedades de The Rogues' Gallery, Progresiva70s, DPRP, Coheed & Cambria, Roascio/Soler, Hamacas al Río y Tristania.Próximos shows en Argentina.Nota: la...
Posted by :: la otra música :: on Sat, 19 Apr 2008 06:16:00 PST

13.04.08 Novedades en :: la otra música ::

Hola,Esta semana en :: la otra música :: tuvimos novedades de The Musical Box, Wolverine, Symphony X, Queensrÿche, The Rogues' Gallery, Tánger, Juan Ravioli y Flopa, Poseidótica, Dragonauta, Buffalo y...
Posted by :: la otra música :: on Sun, 13 Apr 2008 05:37:00 PST

06.04.08 Novedades en :: la otra música ::

Hola,Esta semana en :: la otra música :: tuvimos novedades de Caamora, The Rogues’ Gallery, The Musical Box, DPRP, AcidRain y Presto Vivace, ConceptuArg 2008 y Fughu.Próximos shows en Argentina....
Posted by :: la otra música :: on Sun, 06 Apr 2008 05:20:00 PST