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Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting
Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting
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4th Annual GriTogether
was a lot of fun!
We had more Marines and Family Members than ever! If you missed it this time, be sure to stop by next year on May 3rd 2008! Here's some of what you missed....
Groups attending the Gritogether...
Courtesy of the Marine Corps Legacy Museum, Harrison AR
Fun Activities for Everyone!
Food & Fun!
NEW Products!
New products arriving DAILY!
Go here for more info.
We have a list of combat deployed Marines who don't get much mail! When you order any of our Adopt-a-Marine, we will send it to a Marine on our list on your behalf. Your name and address will be included in the package (unless you tell us otherwise). Due to OPSEC we are not able to give out the addresses we have.
We reserve the right to substitute similar products if neccessary.
If you order additional items, they will be shipped separately from your Adopt a Marine Package to the address specified on your order. If you would like to purchase additional items to add to your adopted Marine's care package, please call us toll free at 1-866-776-2607.
Package #1
Package #2
Package #3
Package #4
Package #5
06 Gri-Together was a HUGE SUCCESS!
Below are a few photos from the event. You will see group photos of Vietnam Marines, Vietnam Era Marines, WWII Marines, The Marines at the After Party, OKC Leathernecks, Korea Marines, Desert Storm Marines, Sgt Grit Forum Members, Iraq/Afghanistan/Horn of Africa Marines, The Oldest & Youngest Marines & much more!
Exclusive Sgt Grit
2008 Calendar!
This exclusive calendar contains photos submitted by Sgt Grit Customers. The 2008 calendar has photos from WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm, Iraq, & much more!
My heros are all the Marines in the
United States Marine Corps.
Thank you for protecting us.