sparrow profile picture


you don't need a weather man to know which way the wind blows.

About Me

30s are the new 20s someone keeps telling me. does that mean that I am really 16 right now? i wonder about weird things like this. i worry about what macdonald's and walmart are doing to society and if we are all going to be eating seaweed by the time i reach retirement age. i like to be outside, but spend a lot of time inside my cubicle sporting a brown sweater to ward off the chilly breeze of the A/C. i am in the midst of high hopes of going back to school soon to the finish the degree i never got, despite spending four years in various classrooms. i eventually always manage to seriously damage any type of relationship i have with anyone. i love animals and am partial to cats - especially to my own beautiful darby and pinochio. i can count on one hand the amount of people i consider my friends, but know without a doubt that if i was stranded in the middle of any desert i could depend upon any one of them to get me home safely. i miss my family ... a lot ... everyday.

My Interests

weird news, historical events, finding new, interesting music, volleyball, rock climbing, keeping up with my family, any graphic design program, small town newspapers, stories of people rising above society's expectations.

I'd like to meet:

tom waits, fidel castro, abraham lincoln, britney spears, ronnie's mother, my cousin that my mom said was the centerpiece in a past playboy, ZI-ZU!, any band member of pink floyd, angelia jolie, edward norton, the president of nike (so i can ask him a few very important questions), the psychic who keeps sending handwritten letters to the company i work for, a bonafide voodoo doctor and a coworker's siamese cat.


pink floyd, the cure, ween, tom waits, nick cave, bright eyes, badly drawn boy, american analog set, catpower, stars, pixies, pinback, death cab for cutie, belle and sabastian, the ziggins, sublime, david bowie, bob dylan, the rolling stones, simon and garfunkel, billie holiday, johnny cash, willie nelson, anything ambient or electronic. i also have a soft spot in my heart for 80s hits.


favorites are: "the royal tenebaums," "unbreakable," "punch drunk love" and "i heart huckabees." i am really into documentaries.


prison break. PBS. i don't have cable, and there's not much worth watching anyway. i believe reality tv is the worst thing that's ever happened to television.


currently reading "sophie's world" by jostein gaarder.


my mother for her infinite knowledge and intuition.

My Blog

and the parade begins

I had a dream a few weeks ago in which I was 28 and about to go to outer space for seven years. My hometown threw me a going-away party and there was a parade.  The next day, I told my friend, Ca...
Posted by sparrow on Wed, 28 Mar 2007 05:38:00 PST

just when i'm ready to disregard birmingham

ween decides to come to town!!
Posted by sparrow on Thu, 22 Mar 2007 04:16:00 PST

i hope i don't get my ass kicked in monopoly again

space boy and i are going to lori and reagan's tonight to play monopoly. i got space boy a special edition for his birthday last month, and we have only played with each other since then, and he's kic...
Posted by sparrow on Sat, 10 Feb 2007 02:42:00 PST

not cool

i am in pain. i have a cavity in one of my front teeth. how the hell did that happen? it hurts. i am constantly in pain which means i am constantly pissed. and i can't get to the dentist until wednesd...
Posted by sparrow on Sun, 04 Feb 2007 06:41:00 PST

bigger is stupid

i just visited western market which was a nightmare as usual, but for added fun, these guys have decided to hook up some sort of box that makes a noise like a pigeon in distress. as i was walking to t...
Posted by sparrow on Sat, 20 Jan 2007 04:32:00 PST

dream. awake. dream.

dream. awake. dream. awake. "then the lord said to abraham ...," a black man, deeply southern, booms through the radio speaker. it's 6:00. dream. awake. dream. awake. "... for your sins." it's 6:30. d...
Posted by sparrow on Thu, 11 Jan 2007 06:56:00 PST

Merry Christmas! 6122206
Posted by sparrow on Fri, 22 Dec 2006 06:59:00 PST

my homemade christmas card

Posted by sparrow on Mon, 18 Dec 2006 07:35:00 PST

beautiful day

today i was lucky enough to have the day off of work and it was so warm and sunny, i regretted sleeping in until almost noon. once i got going though, several very wonderful discoveries were to be mad...
Posted by sparrow on Fri, 15 Dec 2006 03:21:00 PST

jingle, jingle

as if this time of year isn't depressing enough, fidel castro is dying. for all of you who know nothing about fidel or cuba except for the propaganda this country's brainwashed you with, know that fid...
Posted by sparrow on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 08:03:00 PST