I'm Kimi.
It's not my real name, but I hate my real name.
I love Yaoi!!!!
Katou and Iwaki are the most adorable couple eva!!!! *Fangirl scream*
Gay guys are sexy.
School sucks. I hate it.
Youka Nitta is the goddess of Yaoi. She's my hero!!!!!
Her work is the only reason i stay alive
If I ever go to Yaoi-con, I'm totally going to have to meet Youka Nitta is just the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Allright, let's move onto my list of things I find unnecessary [basically meaning, I hate them soooooo much!!!!] OK, this is the list [not really in any order]: Evanescence, Amy Lee, the "Freak on a leash" song featuring Amy Lee [come on! she ruiens it completely!!!], World of Warcraft, Fruits Basket [*shudders* hate it sooo much I'd love to burn them all] One Piece [sorry, can't get into it], Inuyasha [that either] Courtney Love, Avril Lavigne [have you heard her new single "girlfriend"? Seriously], Only the ring finger knows!!!! [god, worst "shonen-ai" manga I have ever read], Loveless [*shudders again* i don't care if it is "kitty ears" and "boy love"]. Hmm...I think that's about it. If you like/love what I hate, fuck off!! I don't give a shit what you like! OK?
Guess that's all I have to say.
If you read this, you were either bored or curious, which ever works for you [xDD]
Peace Bitches!
~Kimi-Chan 666
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