My intrests are simple...DUH Anime and there are different types i love Yaoi,Yuri,Hentai YAY!! Anime Porn lol i love to play sports especially tennis if u wanna face me in tennis i'll prolly kick ur ass but i wouldn't kno for sure let me look inside my self to see if i have any more intrests......oh i like acting i hope to become an actress when i grow up but if that doesn't work out i guess i'll become a doctor so i can help ppl or kill them ^_^
Talk to me
1.Be nice and I’ll do the same
2.Don’t hurt my friends
3.No stealing
4.Be exciting
5.Ugh….don’t try to change me
My favorite music is RnB and i love Hip-hop and all types of Rock music...i can't dance very well don't even kno why i bought that up but i like alot of music i listen to all types i am favorite RnB song of all time is Usher's "Slow Jamz" love that song...Favorite Rap song is alot of Jay-Z songs so u get the favorite Rock songs of all time is Kill Hannah "Lips like Morphine" and "Untitled" by Simple Plan..oh and im into J-Pop and J-Rock my favorite song from J-Rock is Gita Gita Hustlers "Ready Go"
My favorite movies are all the anime movies i saw and inuyasha's movies,any horror movie YAY!!!! Horror ^^ i like action movies and comedy can't turn that down...umm thats all i got no wait i LOVE all the lion king movies ^_^ its so sad Mufasa died T_T and alot of other kiddie movies
i watch alot of TV so lets bring down to a simple list...i watch alot of anime shows wanna kno ask me about it..umm supernatural,veronica mars,everybody hates chris (thats a funny show) umm alot of music videos..and this is a simple list of what i watch because i don't wanna type so much
i love mangas and and alot of hood books...not a real fan of reading but i love Zane books they are so good with all the drama and stuff but thats all the books i like to read point blank period
My Heros are the ppl who create anime because they give me inspiration to spend my money on some hot anime and on all the cute plushies other than them my hero is my cat shes so stubborn that i hope to be like here one day J/K lol