recent obsession - kite flying. i also like records, cats, books, trees, eating, walking, movies, friends, hills, water, F1, fish, chocolate, being a bit drunk, having fun....really lots of things that most people like!
i will talk to most people, though if you have some magificent super power i'm more likely to be impressed.
Music is a tricky one to talk about. see the blog over there for radio show tracklistings and what not.
Movies is a bit like the music thing.... it depends on mood! comedy is always a winner, can't beat a good bit of python, but then i also like darren oronofsky, and cameron crowe.... can't narrow it down!
i don't watch much TV, but peep show is genius. super hans is my favourite tv character of the last 5 years, easily!
I will attempt to read almost anything, within reason. books are fabulous.
Is this real-life heroes, or can it be super heroes? when i was a little girl i always wanted to be either she-ra, cheetara, penelope pitstop, or wonder woman. i am none of the above.