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Marrik Layden Deft.

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About Me

YES me, While most of you are good honest, hard working members of society, you must understand everyone is different so some of us choose not to be. ......I partake in many social experimants...some work out some don' of you will like it...... some won''s all good, we all die..We get Blazed alot on various should come join us sometime.............bEiNg........Olde Boy Records.................PEACE

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My Interests


Member Since: 1/30/2006
Band Members: There is many, old, new, close and not so close but still Brethren.....Gasp, Puddle Gutts, Respek BA, Djin Truth, Loki, Lord Muck, Cloud Strife, Doonhamer, Uncle Being, Butterscotch, Badger Sized Rat, Scribbo, Brainz, RADouble B, The BullDog, Mr Plastic Hips, JKC, MOG, Mr. Grey Brown, Green Bank Formula, End Timers, Tin Men, Bipolar Bears, The Being, Glasgow Scumbags, EasyRiders....That'l do it for now
Influences: People that sleep!!!You will be woken. I will wake You. Generally being in an altered state if mind using various substances ya get me !!..... All the OldeBoy's that frequent my life. .....Music that takes things to the extremes. Keepin It Gully. Def Jux to sex pistols to portishead to Task Force to Kubus and Bang Bang? Exatly like to keep shit rugged thats all!!! it's not too much to ask~!
Record Label: Olde Boy Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

The Slow Decline

Watch This. It's by Adam Curtis, its called 'The century of the self. It's in four parts, take the time and watch it. Its about consumerism and how the goverment controls us. If you's are interested i...
Posted by Marrik Layden Deft. on Wed, 21 Feb 2007 07:27:00 PST