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As much as it saddens us we have to tell you all that Blackfly is officially over. We want to thank EVERYONE who has been there for us and supported us on our journeys. The reasons for ending it are many including trying to answer the age old question "where the fuck are all the drummers hiding?". Also our beloved Tony Toucan is flying the nest to go live in Canada without him this just wouldnt be Blackfly. We wish him all the best for the future and hope he hates it there and comes back :) (just kidding)!
Although this does see the end of Blackfly it does not see the end of Pete and Mark depending on whats out there so for what its worth here goes:-
"Vocalist and Guitarist seek serious metal/rock band - no covers (well maybe one or two) - send us a message if interested."
And yes that was a serous advert as now Pete and Mark are on the lookout.
So.....not much else to say really except thank you all so much from the bottom of our hearts and to those who stood in our way 'go fuck yaselves'... :)
Love and best wishes, Blackfly.
ps...our songs are now available for yourselves.