My teacher Dustin,Backward masking,Forensic Sculptures, Subliminal messages,Rape Whistles,Pancakes,Trepanation,Nazis,Reverse Physcology,Tornado sirens,Creepy Child Beauty Pageants, Dirty oily hair, The Words grilled and soap,The Elderly without teeth trying to eat corn on the cobs,Vintage Horror of War trading cards,Elderly furnished homes for sale,Anatomically-Detailed Dolls,Occults, Molded bread,Laughing Tracks, Mannequin heads, Dandruff, Gatlin Guns, Apple scented candles in old dark houses with secret doors and wooden floors that creak, Doll house food, Half empty malls with music on that are still in use, Psychiatric wards,Chess, Champagne, Dark comedy, Old Tarot Cards, Fascism,Human Anatomy,British Character Mugs, Spitting Image Puppets,Furry Sex Costumes, Garden Gnomes, Haunted Portraits, Absinthe, Accordians, Big Balloons Filled With Goodies,Ghost Hunting, Antique medical leggings, Syringe Pens, The Legend of The Mothman, Bathing in Milk and Cookies,Candy Shops, Old Antique Medical Equipment, Gas Masks, Watching people eat in restaurants,The Sound of Dishes Touching and Forks Scratching The Plates At A Family Dinner, Violins, Phrenology Heads, Silent Hill Games, Food Stands In The Cities, American McGee's Alice game, Occasional Crude Humor,Boob mugs, Fortune Teller Machines, Dollhouses, Gumball Machine Charms,Victorian Era, Pugs, Rubber Chickens, Rats, Hairless Cats, Shrunken Heads, Jack the Ripper, Combat boots with heels, Cold Air, Dentures, Eyeball Rings, WW1 and WW2, Abandoned Buildings and houses, Fetish Ballerina Shoes, Circus, Snow globes, Museums, Toys Inside Soap, Electric Shock Therapy, Old Comic Books, Flicker Rings, Kit Kat Clocks, Pizza Clocks, Colored fuzzy Jesus banks, Really ridiculous procedures, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Gummi Burgers, Crop Circles, Realistic Food, Taking long walks deep into the woods, Buying wedding dresses from goodwill and rolling down a tall hill into a mud pit(never attempted, but willing too badly!), Old tv's made into a fish tank, Latex clothing, Corsets, Nixon masks, Perfection of the 1950's, Brick walls with ivy growing upwards, Traveling and being a gypsy,Coney island, Sloths, Fortune kitties, Time Travel, Philosophy, Leg Lamps......
About The Mannequinhead!
Heart Attack Fun!
Email me for any questions! [email protected]
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Not heroes, people I fancy.