*.· Var-ee ·.* profile picture

*.· Var-ee ·.*

Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh HAAAAAAAAAAAA!

About Me

At a Glance
****DISCLAIMER Please, take the time to read my page. I am so against reducing people to a mere numbers and having the audacity to call it a friends list. I dare not speak for others and their motives for being on Myspace, but that's not how it works in my world. I am a simple girl with a simple request for honesty and genuine interest in getting to know those I choose to correspond with. After, reading through and you are still interested I ask then that you please follow up your friends request with a simple message or IM. If the above request is too much to ask then maybe you should rethink whether you want me on your friends list.Thank you kindly for taking the time to read this! Have a blessed day! -----Vary *********

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****Inquiring minds want to know! Be a sport and participate in my survey!!! Mauh***
In honor on 60th aniversery of the adventures of Ian Fleming''s James Bond 007, which of the actors below made the best James Bond 007? Why?
1) Sean Connery
2) Roger Moore
3) George Lazenby
4) Timothy Dalton
5) Pierce Brosnan
6) Daniel Craig
Share your opinion. Everyone has one!
What percentage of a relationship success rate is based on sexual compatibility?
100% Crucial to survival of relationship
75% Very Important to survival of realtionship
50% Somewhat important to a relationship
25% One of the factors, but not that important in a relationship
10% Not the end all, but certainly helps a relationship
0% Not vital at all to a relationship
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My Interests

Proud Mommy!!!!!

I'd like to meet:

Who I would like to meet..... I am open to correspond with people from all walks of life, those who are genuinely willing to share beyond simple well wishing, but thoughts and aspirations, those I can inspire and can inspire me. Life is all about reciprocation and compromise. Anything else is unacceptable!

Meet the Gang!!! .....



My friends call me Vary. I was born in Cambodia, but lived in the US most of my life. I am the youngest of three children and the only girl. Having been reared and schooled in Texas, I will always think of Texas as my home. I come from a wonderful family with an equally strong heritage. I am a proud mother of a beautiful 20 month old baby boy, who gives meaning to the insanity that I sometimes call life.
By choice and by circumstance I have found myself back in the land of my origin, where I have chosen to raise my son. Though out of my element and far away from all I that I know, I have never felt more alive and free from the constraints of my past. Clutter and drama have a tendency to weigh you down, both of which I have no room for in my life. Simplicity sums it best! I am a simple girl with a simple outlook on life.....Live everyday as if it were to be your last! After all you only live once ... make it count!
I love who I am and owe full credit to all the wonderful people in my life. My family and friends are amongst the few things that I value the most. This island that we all call home is getting less about the individual and more about the masses. For that very reason, I believe in keeping things real.I can carry myself well in any given situation without ever compromising my morals to "fit in". I am outspoken, fiercely independent, quite opinionated, and at times extremely stubborn.Yet, I am ridiculously clumsy and even an absolute dork at times! I love to laugh and make others laugh. I can't sing worth a damn, but a little karaoke from time to time does have a therapeutic effect. I have a passion for horticulture, fishing, camping, dancing, kickboxing, music, cuisine, and traveling to out of the way destinations. I am not an adrenalin junkie, but have been known to take a few leaps of faith from time to time. I absolutely loathe being lied to. Honesty is always the best policy in my book.
Music soothes the savage beast in me! And well I love to dance and you can't possibly dance w/o music, can you? What can I say I am a child of the 80’s? I am an absolute fan of Depeche Mode, the Cure, Moby, Yaz....But I also tend to be a bit of a mood listener. After all, I believe that there is a tune out there to fit every mood knows to humankind.
Nothing better than a good movie, great company, and of course a huge bowl of warm buttery popcorn! As for listing them by name, why there’s too many...I wouldn't know where to start!!
I do indulge in a few selected shows like Alias, LOST, CSI, and of course House. I guess you could say I am a sucker for a dash of suspense and drama, a little sprinkle of satire, and tons of forensic series. Tv being as limited as it is here, I don't know what I would do w/o cable. I need my regular dose of CNN, and Discovery channel!
I recently rediscovered the joy of children's classic storybooks while reading to my son, some thing’s never change. My all time favorite book would have to be The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath. I think I have read it like a million times. This book is inspiring and I highly recommend reading it.
Heroes??? I suppose I could rattle off a few famous people’s names, but I won't. I would rather stick a little closer to home. (W/O sounded too corny) I have to admit that even though I haven't always been closest with mine... My mom is hands down the person I admire the most. She is a true innovator. If I can achieve half as much as she has, I would be grateful. Go Mom Go!
Chinese Astrology Profile: The Rat
The Chinese astrological cycle begins with the year of the Rat; consequently those born within this category like to be first, pioneers, at the forefront of the action. Because of this, they tend to see themselves as a cut above the others. Restless and inquisitive, those born under the influence of the Rat are active, both physically and mentally, and tend to lead busy lives. Challenge is essential to them for they love the thrill of living dangerously, adapting easily to different environments and surviving against all odds. With clairvoyance, intuition, perspicacity and an eye for detail, Rats are formidable problem solvers, finding workable solutions to the knottiest problems. Traveling is one of their favorite pastimes. They have a natural talent for the arts, specifically writing.
The Rat possesses attributes ranging from charming and humorous to honest and meticulous. The Chinese say those born in these years make good and wise advisors, yet they can never decide for themselves and change direction constantly. However, Rats at times hunger for power and money, leading some to be gamblers and others to be manipulative or petty. Their greed can lead them into a destructive trap. They should avoid the negative traits of being sly, secretive, critical and judgmental of others. Another problem is that they can worry and fret endlessly, especially about their health, which creates internal stress. To combat this, Rats need space and understanding, love and companionship.
Rats are best known for their charm and intelligence, which often wins admiration wherever they go. Blessed with a sharp wit, they possess a marvelous sense of humor, which makes them stimulating and amusing company to have around. Generally extroverted, they may well be described as opportunists for they prefer to live off their wits rather than labor long and hard to earn their daily bread.
The Rat has a great appetite and appreciates fine cuisine, loving all types of good food, fine wines, baked goods and gourmet meals. Although he may not be patient enough to prepare these great meals himself, he does enjoy dining at all the latest restaurants.
Rats should have a happy childhood and a carefree youth. However, the second part of their lives may be stormy and problematical. They may be prone to lose money in a bad business deal or their happiness in an unfortunate love affair. The third part of their lives will be comfortable, and their old age as peaceful as could be wished.
It is important to note whether the Rat was born in the summer or the winter of the year. In summer the lofts and granaries are full, but in winter the Rat will be obliged to go out and forage for food, and must watch out for the traps set along the way. In human terms, this could mean the risk of prison or an accidental death.
The Passionate Rat
Rats are able to control their feelings and will generally present a cool facade to the outside world, regardless of whatever volcanic emotions they may be feeling inside. But these are passionate creatures whose feelings can be deeply stirred and though able to control them as a rule, when the volcano does erupt, watch out! Perhaps one of their faults is their inability to actually talk about their feelings to those they love, and consequently they tend to repress them -- thus adding to the volcanic pressure. As well as being deeply passionate they are sensual creatures who simply exude sexuality and who greatly enjoy all forms of physical stimulation.
Rats' romantic life is very quiet, provided that they take care not to interact with the Horse or Rooster. In particular, it is catastrophic for a male Rat to marry a female Fire Horse. They should be wary of those born in the Year of the Tiger; although a light social bond may be enjoyable, a deeper relationship may prove problematic. Rats have excellent relationships and much happiness with the Dragon, Monkey and Ox born.
January is the month of the Rat. The time of the Rat is from 11:00 p.m. to 12:59 a.m.; their direction of orientation is the north. The Rat's color is light blue.




My Blog

Time Does Not Stand Still Not Even for Love.....

Time indeed heals most wounds,But why now do you want to speak those words to me?"I loved you then and I love you still!" He says in a somber voice.What is it is you want me to say? What is it you wan...
Posted by *.· Var-ee ·.* on Thu, 05 Oct 2006 09:11:00 PST

Where is the compassion and understanding....

In the eager anticipation of the long overdue trial of those responsible for the atrocities during the Khmer Rouge Regime, I wanted to share some thoughts with you all:Where is the compassion and und...
Posted by *.· Var-ee ·.* on Wed, 04 Oct 2006 10:19:00 PST

Love or Hate me....

This following piece is dedicated to women everywhere!   Love me or hate me, but always respect me. I love like I live, without fear Look if you like, but don't peer. Give me credit where cr...
Posted by *.· Var-ee ·.* on Sun, 13 Aug 2006 04:42:00 PST

Sometimes you have to look beyond what you see........

Sometimes you have to look beyond what you see to find the  truth that which you seek. Not all that you see is what it seems. The truth sometimes is clouded by images of lust, thoughts of ...
Posted by *.· Var-ee ·.* on Sun, 13 Aug 2006 03:23:00 PST

Happy Bday James!

 to a special friend.All my love to you this precious day!Part of me knows just what I should say;Part perhaps some deeper word would send.You're the strand on which I silent writeBefore my dream...
Posted by *.· Var-ee ·.* on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 09:20:00 PST

A little secret for your birthday, Dear Laurier!

I've been holding tight a little secretBeen sneaking around the halls,And now the day's arrivedIt's time to tell them all.To my special friendWho's cute in every way,C'mon take my little giftFor now ...
Posted by *.· Var-ee ·.* on Mon, 25 Sep 2006 01:35:00 PST

The Kiss

The Kissby Vary There he stood before her like an angel, Who fell from the heavens above. Her beautiful smile brought tears to his eye. For the likes of mere mortals, Never have his eyes behold s...
Posted by *.· Var-ee ·.* on Thu, 21 Sep 2006 01:53:00 PST

Happy Birthday, Erik!!

"Happy Birthday" means much more Than have a happy day. Within these words lie lots of little things I never get to say. It means I wish all the best for you, first of all, Then thanks for all yo...
Posted by *.· Var-ee ·.* on Tue, 19 Sep 2006 01:54:00 PST

Ivan, thank you!

Thank you, Ivan! You have been a source of compassion and good will! And you are a good sport through and through when indulging my many moods. I know that I don't always say it, I appreciate the humo...
Posted by *.· Var-ee ·.* on Wed, 13 Sep 2006 01:01:00 PST


Why is it that things never work out the way you want them to? I know that life doesn't always go your way. I know also that one has to accept the good with the bad. I just get frustrated at times. Yo...
Posted by *.· Var-ee ·.* on Wed, 13 Sep 2006 12:24:00 PST