WHAT I LOVE: evil laughter, cheap dates, expensive conversations, the size of things, making photographs, singing in the car, rust, fireworks, men wearing pink, french fries, sing-a-longs, the piano, horses, blatant honesty, reckless abandon, the nature of seduction, kissing, moments that define us, hopeless romantics, boys without girlfriends, jealousy... and luke raimondo. WHAT I DON'T LOVE: internet dating, dishonesty, excessive honking, bobble-head dolls, bad breath, stinky cheese, cheap conversations, neediness, full ashtrays, port-o-pottys, being scared, irrational arguments, the political climate we live in, dreadlocks, manipulation, beating around the bush, liars, dirtbags and men who are bad in bed.
jeff tweedy, ralph gibson and diane arbus.
i love WILCO and Tom Petty. it's serious. very serious. but i also like other stuff like morphine, radiohead, tom waits, chuck prophet, david byrne, beck, john coltrain, aretha, etta, frank, lucinda, missy,motzart, billy joel, black crows ...
princess bride
i don't like t.v. - at all. ever... wait, is 6 feet under TV?
anything sedaris, anything bukowski, anything shepard, anything neitzche, anything chomski, anything poetic, anything memorable.
jeff tweedy. and oprah is pretty bad ass. and diane arbus is outstanding.