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About Me

" Ok well u wanna know about me..... Well I'm not gonna right a book and tell u my do's or my don'ts but I'll give u hints and ways not to piss me off..... Don't take my kindness for weakness, I'm very sweet kind and gentle but when I realise that ur taking advantage of that the 'buck stops there'... I was placed on this earth not to be liked or approved by the world or the assholes and pricks that live in it but to make a difference and leave a lasting impression on u and ur life.... When and if u do have the pleasure of meeting me I will leave ur minds thinking, ur body tingling and ur eyes wondering what the hell was that... I am the drug u can't have enough of, an addiction that's hard to break and a habit u want to share.... Hate me or love me it doesn't matter but ur respect I will have..... I'm only impressed by ones true self any others will go on recognised......WHEN REQUESTING ME TO BE YOUR FRIEND ATLEAST WRITE A NOTE OR SOMETHING SO I CAN C WHT UR ALL ABOUT..... UNLESS UR FAMILY AND I TALK TO U ON A REGULAR BASIS ON THE PHONE THOSE R THE ONLY EXCEPTIONS.... WITHOUT A NOTE U WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED AS A FRIEND...UR TRYNA BE MY FRIEND I CONVERSE WITH MY FRIENDS SO SAY SOMETHING.... IF U DON'T LIKE THE SONG CLICK THE NEXT BUTTON BUT REMEMBER THIS IS MY WORLD SO THESE R MY SONGS View My Playlist
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A 200 Question Fun Survey 4 Myspace (All The Bzoink Surveys Put Together)
Full Name:: Later 2 Moro
Birthday:: September10th I'm A Virgo baby
Birthplace:: Dis iz my storieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!
Eye Color:: Dark brown
Hair Color:: Black for now
Height:: 5'6 but 5'8 5'9 when I'm ripping the runway!!!!!
Weight:: Oh no u didn't, u really think Imma tell u that?
Right handed or Left handed?: I'm a righty
Your Heritage:: Well my moms jmcan and my dad's British so I'm a Brijam!!!!!!!
My Worst Habit:: I'm a critic, I tell the truth but yeah I 'm guilty
Zodiac Sign:: U know what they say about Virgos:-)
Shoe Size:: Oh wow ok when u plan on buying me some I'll tell yah then
Pants Size:: and again when u buying i'm telling
Innie or Outie?: Lmao I think this is so funny ammmm both *wink *wink* LOL
Parents Still Together?: Nope, but that's a good thing
The Shoes You Wore Today:: Flip flops
Your Weakness:: My kindness
Your Fears:: Dying alone, not getting married, and not having Kids
Your Perfect Pizza:: A New York pizza
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year:: To be successful in all I do
Your Most Overused Phrase On An Instant Messenger: LOL I laugh at everything LOL
Thoughts First Waking Up:: 30 missed calls WOW
Your Best Physical Feature:: I luv my eyes but they all luv my lips MUAH!!!!
Your Bedtime:: Whenever my eyes get the better of me
Your Most Missed Memory:: A Family of 4
Favorite color?: Blue
Food?: I love seafood but honestly I'm a wendy's person
Sport?: I like basketball and I only watch football to see men in tights DAMN!!!
Animal?: Ferrets and a Maltese not a poodle or a shitzu, a maltese
Ice Cream?: mmmmmmmm Cookies and Cream
Candy?: Any sour candy love em
Store?: The Lounge
Salad Dressing?: French Wi
Actor?: favorite ammmmm ammmm ammm I dunno but Shemar Moore is sexy as hell (call me)
Song?: Right Say something Mariah Carey featuring snoop dogg
Letter?: Huh? What ? ok Watever I'll pass
Number?: 7
Gum?: Orbit
Holiday?: Xmas, I've been good this year Santa;-)
Season?: Fall, I love the colors:-)
Toothpaste Flavor?: Minty Fresh awwww
Radio Station?: Sirius Radio
Perfume?: DKNY Delicious
Scent besides perfume?: Juniper Breeze Bath and body work Body splash
Body part on the opposite sex?: LOL Legs especially if he's bow legged Damn sexy
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?: Amm when I grow up I wanna be just like me I'm grown Dude lol
How Do You Want To Die?: A christian Deep In slumber
Turn ons:: OOOOOO Nice teeth
Turn offs:: Nasty Teeth how bout u brush Dammit chew on a stick or sumtin Damn
Which One Of Your Friends Acts The Most Like You?: None I'm unique U can never be like me Bitches LOL
Who's The Loudest?: None I can't deal with loud ppl
Who Makes You Laugh The Most?: come to thinkof it none of my friends are really funny hmmm something to think about!!!!
Who Have You Known The Longest?: Meeka
Who's The Shyist?: They pretend to be but they r really not
When Have You Cried The Most?: When My grandmother died
What Is The Best Feeling In The World?: Even though it stinks, I say being in love
Worst Feeling?: A sense of lonliness
Where Do You Want To Live When You Grow Up?: In the future I wanna live in Europe
If You Could Change One Thing About You What Would It Be?: Nothing, I like how I am and who I am :-)
How Long Do You Think You'll Live?: Hopefully after I have kids and experience true love and happiness, but it's not up to me the man upstairs makes that decision....
Let's walk on the: moon, I've always wanted to do that
Let's look at the: new scary movie that came out
What a nice: Day, Yeah I can appreciate Nature
Where did all the: Food go, Greedy asses
Why can't we: just do it here, right now PLease lol
Silly, little: bee
Isn't it weird that: they say walgreens is 24 hrs but there's still locks on the door!!!!! weird huh
Never under any circumstance: am I going down there
I wish: I could find one man to prove to me that they r not all the same
Everyone has a: an opinion, but keep urs to urself, I don't wanna hear it
I am: the nicest person I know, really I am
Been In Love?: yeah and it stinks
Been To Juvie?: yeah Hated it
Mooned Someone?: Lol not yet LOL
Been Rejected?: Yeah and back then they didn't want me now I'm hot they all on me SUCKAS!!!!!
Ran Away From Home?: Now I know every kid probably tried this, I never go too far lol
Pictured Your Crush Naked?: LOL R U SERIOUS LOL OF COURSE that's y he's a crush DUH!!!!!!
Skipped School?: YUP Senior Skip Day those were the days (sigh)
Thought About Suicide?: Yeah, but thts the easy way out
Slept Outside?: Yeah, it was kinda fun
Laughed So Hard You Cried?: Yeah don't remember the joke though LOL
Cried In School?: Yeah,when I got my heart broken
Thrown Up In School?: I dn't think so I wasn't drinking then
Wanted To Be a Model?: I AM A MODEL
Cheated On Someone?: Nah b4 I cheat I'd rather leave u
Done Something Really Stupid That You Still Laugh At Today?: LOL YEAH LOL
Seen A Dead Body?: yeah Damn!!!! My mood just drooped
Been Bitched Out?: Yeah and it was a bitch ass that did it!!!!
Drank Alcohol?: Yeah but no AAA meetings yet LOL
Smoked?: Nah it's a nasty Habit Besides I love the color of my Lips MUAH
Been On Drugs?: Nah don't need to I'm always on cloud 9 :-)
Eaten Sushi?: Yeah and I love it, I Recommend Noble the best Sushi restaurant ever
Been On Stage?: Yeah and I almost bust my ass no thanx to Munroe
Gone Skinny Dipping?: Nope I will not reveal my skinny
Shoplifted?: Nope handcuffs would never go with any of my outfits
Been Drunk?: Yeah and I didn't like it
Been Called A Tease?: LOL yeah I have lol
Been Beaten Up?: Test mi if u bad
Swear?: I don't need to F&@#$ing swear, OH oops Sorry lol
Sing Well?: I've been told
Shower Daily?: I'm a woman who always smell good what do u think?
Want To Go To College?: Been There done that on to bigger and better things
Want To Get Married?: Yeah, when Shemar Moore is done playing with those little girls and come home to a real woman
Get Motion Sickness?: LOL Nope how can I it's all about the motion lol
Think You Are Attractive?: Hell yeah cause there r some unfortunate looking ppl out there!!!!!
Get Along With Your Parents?: Yeah my dad when we're on a one on one level
Like Thunderstorms?: Yup that's when I get my beauty sleep
Play An Instrument?: I killed that talent when it killed my nails
Own An IPOD?: What do u think it's the 21st century get with it.....
Pray?: How can I not I have to thank him for all my blessings
Go To Church?: Yup I'm baptised haven't been in a while but my soul belongs to 1
Sleep With Stuffed Animals?: I throw them off the bed to sleep it's too many
Keep A Journal/Diary?: Nope, I don't want any1 finding it and reading it that's too personal
Dance In The Rain?: Yeah I have and it was lovely :-)
Sing In The Shower?: All the time I'm a regular song bird LOL
Pepsi or Coke?: Coke
McDonald's or Burger King?: Nether, Wendy's Burger and McDonalds fries now that's perfection!!!!!
Single or Group Dates?: mi nuh inna di group ting bredren!!!!
Chocolate or Vanilla?: I like Vanilla
Strawberries or Blueberries?: MMMMMMMM Strawberries
Meat or Veggies?: Meat I don't watch my weight
TV or Movie?: It depends what's on either
Guitar or Drums?: WHAT?
Adidas or Nike?: I live the motto: Just do it
Chinese or Mexican?: Chinese
Cheerios or Corn Flakes?: Neither I like Apple Jacks
Cake or Pie?: Cheesecake
MTV or VH1?: LOL AMMMMM it depends whats on
Blind or Deaf?: What's the question? R u serious?
Boxers or Briefs?: LOL It depends on the package LOL
Do The Splits?: Use to, when there's a sound for every body movement u know ur getting old, I'm not trying that again
Write With Both Hands?: Nope
Whistle?: Yup and a melody too:-)
Blow A Bubble?: With gum yes anything else that's just nasty!!!!!
Roll Your Tongue In A Circle?: No weird!!!!!!!
Cross Your Eyes?: only when I'm tryna turn a guy off LOL
Walk With Your Toes Curled?: when it's cold or i'm nervous
Touch Your Tongue to Your Nose?: yeah I really can!!!!! SEE!!!!
Dance?: Like and angel
Eat Whatever You Want And Not Worry?: YUP that's beauty of having great genes not GAP but True Religions
You Touched:: Myself sounds freaky but no, I just took a shower
You Talked To On The Phone:: ammmm I think it was my dad, yeah it was cause he asked me to do something for him
You Instant Messaged:: Woog
You Hugged:: My Dad
You Yelled At:: I don't yell
You Played A Sport With:: My neice and Nephew and the boys
Time You Laughed?: Today at 1:57 LOL
Time You Cried?: yesterday I had a very sad memory:-(
Movie You Watched?: The fog
Flavor Of Gum You Chewed?: Orbit Mint the blue one
Joke You Told?: I'm not a comedian
Song You've Sung?: Say somethin
Where Are You?: In bed
What Can You See Out Your Window?: The rain drops on my sky light
Are You Listening To Music?: yup
What Are You Wearing?: A t-shirt
What's On Your Mousepad?: don't have one I'm on a laptop
Do you believe there is life on other planets?: AM I dunno never really thought about it
Do you believe in miracles?: Yes I do, I'm a miracle
Magic?: Nope
Love at first sight?: Yup, what can i say I'm a hopeless romantic
Satan?: where there's good there's evil
Ghosts?: Ammm I dunno some story seem believably but I dunno
Santa?: LOL yeah I was good this Year, so hurry down my chimney tonight LOL
Evolution?: Nope I didn't come from no monkey
Fav Eye Color:: Hazel!!!!!! That's so dreamy
Fav Hair Color:: Black
Short or Long Hair:: If u sexy enough to pull off some braids that's sexy
Height:: 5'9 and 6 anything (wow it's gettin kinda hot in here)
Weight:: I don't need anymore bones for dogs to chase us
Best Clothing Style:: A beater, with construction tims and baggy blue jeans OHHHHHHH I THINK I JUST CAME WOW
What Country Would You Most Like To Visit?: Africa I use to dream about going from I was a little girl and help out
Number Of CD's I Own:: I have and Ipod
Your Good Luck Charm:: Don't have one
How many pillows do you sleep with?: 4 lol
Do you drink milk?: yeah
Person You Hate Most:: I don't have the time for that
Most Outdated Phrase:: but I still use it WATEVER
Do you think God has a gender?: I dunno I've never really thought about that, good question though!!!!!!!
Where do you think we go when we die?: It's not our decision to make
How many rings until you answer the phone?: If I'm waiting on a call 1 other ppl can wait
What is something scientists need to invent?: A pager for the remote, I can never find that thing....
Are you a health freak?: Yeah I am, I don't shake every1s hands and I walk around with purex
Are you a virgin?: LOL in some countries lol
If you could travel into space, where would you go?: to the moon I heard it's nice this time of year
What is the worst weather?: Hurricane weather
Did you play with Barbies as a child?: Not to my knowledge I had GI JOES
How many grades have you failed?: I never fail, I just dust myself off and try again

My Interests

,I like singing,acting, reading mystery or suspense novels, watching scary movies, staying home curled up on the couch and also helping people I seem to be good at that, cooking, cleaning, basketball, swimming, driving and yeah eating it's one of my favorite, I know it doesn't show it's my genes u c, not sevens but true religion :-)

I'd like to meet:

Fans,friends, business people I'm an opportunist so throw me an opportunity..... No fake people please I don't do plastic....I'm not here to date or find a sex buddy if I needed any of those I would open my little black book.... Be real str8 up or keep it moving....Thank you very much



Well I'm a scary movie fanatic but other than that I liked the movies Eves Bayou, Color Purple, Beloved, Life and a couple more


HMMMMMMMMM Can't say I'm much of a TV person but when I get arount to it I'll watch like girlfriends or adult swim, some HBO,Showtime, Cinemax Whatevr till I fall asleep

ammmmmmm I'm sure thre's more I just cant' remember right now


I like black novels, mystery novels, comics, fashion magazines and a dash of romance with a twist and ammmmmmmmm I don't remember the name of it but it was good real good It was with this man and he had his wife and he was cheating and then the woman U kno what I'll tell u l8r


The only hero in my life is GOD cause without him alot of things would not be possble in my life today.... What can I say I'm blessed:-)