"Jeromy holds the key to my heart" profile picture

"Jeromy holds the key to my heart"

Jeromy's Girl Forever

About Me

My name is sheila.I finally got a account after my friends bugged me to get one. I am a HUGE music lover. I esp love country music. Some of my favorites are Blake Shelton, Rascal Flatts, Kenny Chesney, Miranda Lambert and Keith Urban. I also like rap esp Eminem and John Cena. I am a huge wrestling fan too. Some of my favorites are Kane, RVD, Chris Jericho. Cena and Kane are my favorites in WWE. I also like TNA esp Chase Stevens. I also love the soap passions. It is a good soap. Anybody who like wrestling or passions I would love to hear from you. I love all animals esp dogs. I have a German Shepherd. Her name is Raven and she will be 2 years old in May. If anybody loves animals esp dogs or has german shepherds I would love to hear from you. I have the greatest best friend on the whole planet!!!!!! He means soooooo very very very much to me!!!!!! . His name is Mike I have the greatest boyfriend on the planet his name is Jeromy. He means everything to me!!!!!! I love him sooooo much!!!! I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!
Free Layouts Generators Forums Graphics Tutorials Site Extras! Register - Members Login Username: Password: Forgot Password? Browsing Generators Falling Objects Falling Objects ResultsResults: Look at the page and you should see the falling objects you generated. If you generated falling symbols they may appear in a code but on your profile the symbol will appear. I love john cenaI love john cenaI love john cenaI love john cenaI love john cenaI love john cenaI love john cenaI love john cenaI love john cenaI love john cenaI love john cenaI love john cenaI love john cenaI love john cenaI love john cenaI love john cenaI love john cenaI love john cenaI love john cenaI love john cenaI love john cenaI love john cenaI love john cenaI love john cena I love john cena I love john cena I love john cena I love john cena I love john cena I love john cena I love john cena I love john cena I love john cena Click here to make Falling Objects I love john cena I love john cena I love john cena I love john cena I love john cena I love john cena I love john cena I love john cena I love john cena I love john cena I love john cena I love john cena I love john cena I love john cena I love john cena Instructions: Click inside the textbox then hold Ctrl on your keyboard and press the A key. Next hold Ctrl and press C. On your blog, personal page, or profile hold Ctrl then press V and add the falling objects anywhere on your page.Sponsored Links Gens! Web & Myspace CodesGenerate codes for your profile, blog, page, or myspace. There are different text, image, and css effects. Here are a few:Falling Objects - make a really neat effect different icons or text fall on your page.Slideshow - use the picture or image of you choice to make a slideshow!Scrolling images - find graphics or images & make them scroll across your page.Scrolling text - generate the text of your choice & make it scroll on your page.Visit our generators section to get access to all our web & myspace codes. Quick Browser Homepage MySpace Profile Editor Free Page Graphics Play Flash Games Help & Support Requests or Suggestions Related Partners Myspace Graphics Myspace Glitter Graphics Myspace Help Music Video Codes Sponsored LinksMain Page | Report Bugs | Contact Us | Forums | Terms of Use | LogoutCopyright 2005-2006 Freeweblayouts.net. All Rights Reserved. CONTENT FOUND ON FREEWEBLAYOUTS.NET MAY NOT BE USED WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION. Myspace Contact Tables
Myspace Layouts, Contact Tables & More! ............ Jason Michael Carroll - Livin' Our Love Song.

Add to My Profile | More Videos Blake Shelton - Austinnn

Add to My Profile | More Videos Rascal Flatts- What Hurts the Most

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My Interests

my intrests are listening to music, going to the movies, hanging out with friends, making new friends and more

I'd like to meet:

John Cena and Chase Stevens!!!!!!!! I love those guys alot. They are soooo hot! I also love to meet Rascal Flatts. Those guys are the best!!!!! How do you get that lonely?

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My favorite music stars are Rascal Flatts, John Cena, Blake Shelton, Miranda Lamert, Kenny chesney, Montgomery Gentry, Brooks and Dunn, Eminem, 50 Cents, Ja Rule and more


I love scary, comedy and disney. Some of my favorites are Day After Tomorrow, Freaky Friday, Mean Girls, Cheaper By The Dozen, She's the Man, Final Destination 1 through 3, Nightmare on Elm Street series, Red Eye, Flightplan, The Longest Yard, Date Movie and more


Passions, 7th Heaven, Gilmore Girls, Spongebob, Full House, Roseann, Everybody Loves Raymond, The Suite Life of Zac and Cody, Thats so Raven, Golden Girls, wrestling, baseball, the Nanny, Food Network, I Love Lucy, All In The Family. Three's Company, Fresh Prince Of Bel Air, Phil of The Future and more


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My Blog

We all miss you anna even people who did not know you

I did not know Anna but this touched me deeply. I wanted to do something to honor her. It made me really upset that somebody could do this to a innocent and beautiful girl. I hope the guy rots in hell...
Posted by Sheila on Tue, 25 Apr 2006 11:34:00 PST


Today is my grandmothers birthday. She is no longer with us she died the day before my birthday last year. My birthday is June 25 and she died June 24. I miss her.
Posted by Sheila on Sun, 05 Mar 2006 08:35:00 PST


I went to the doctors today have to go back next week to get my sugar and cholestrol tested. I ate this morning because I was hungry so they could not test me for that. I did tell her about my lower b...
Posted by Sheila on Fri, 03 Mar 2006 02:21:00 PST

Happy Valentine's Day

I hope everybody has a great Valentine;s Day. What is everybody doing?
Posted by Sheila on Fri, 10 Feb 2006 12:44:00 PST