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I ♥ Chris Daughtry I ♥ Chris Daughtry I ♥ Chris Daughtry I ♥ Chris Daughtry I ♥ Chris Daughtry I ♥ Chris Daughtry I ♥ Chris Daughtry I ♥ Chris Daughtry I ♥ Chris Daughtry Myspace Falling Objects @ JellyMuffin.com I ♥ Chris Daughtry I ♥ Chris Daughtry I ♥ Chris Daughtry I ♥ Chris Daughtry I ♥ Chris Daughtry I ♥ Chris Daughtry I ♥ Chris Daughtry I ♥ Chris Daughtry I ♥ Chris Daughtry I ♥ Chris Daughtry I ♥ Chris Daughtry I ♥ Chris Daughtry I ♥ Chris Daughtry I ♥ Chris Daughtry I ♥ Chris DaughtryHi my name is Kim and I am 42 yrs old I live in Indiana.I am happily married to my wonderful husband Bob who I love very much with all my heart and soul he mean's the world to me and he is my hereo. My husband is a truck driver. I am a stay at home mom and I am a proud mom of three wonderful children thay are my pride and joy I love them very much with all my heart and soul and thay to mean the world to me. My husband and I we have a son his name is Ryan and he is 4 in a half yrs old. I have two other children from my previous relationship I have a beautiful daughter her name is Heather Marie she is the oldest she is 19 yrs old and is a senior in high school. My daughter is in a relationship and she work's and drive's a mini van. I have a son his name is Michael and he is in fifth grade. I am very proud of all three of my children.

Chromaluna on imikimi - Customize Your WorldI AM WHAT ONE MIGHT CALL A CHRIS~AHOLIC!! I have been a fan of Chris's since he stepped onto my TV screen on American Idol! He rocked the house down with Bon Jovi's "Dead or Alive" and rocked it harder with a great twist on Fuel's song "hemmorhage". Not only did I think he's hot as hell.. but his voice touched my soul!! I listen to his music on my CD player over and over, it's a wonder it hasn't worn out and blown up my CD player!! He sing's with such conviction, and seem to feel every word he sing's. He is a great perfomer with alot charisma, and feeling. Chris not only has a strong voice, but he seem's to have a great personality, and a warm heart. He seem's to be a loving husband and father as well.
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My Interests

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I'd like to meet:

Well of course I would love to meet Chris Daughtry!!This page contain's picture's of one of the hottest Man alive!! May cause sudden hotflashes,fever,crushing,puppy love or love sickness and drooling.


Daughtry for sure other then that it depends on my mood when choosing music


I have so many.. But the one's I could watch over and over again are Grease,Durty Dancing, Mask with Cheer all of John Cuzack,Nicolas Cage, Adam Sandler and John tranvolita movie's. My all time favorite's are luv storie's.


I like to watch American Idol even though Chris daughtry is my number one American Idol and he alway's will be 4 ever! Little people in BIG world,Everyone luv's Ramond.


My wonderful husband Bob is my heroe and those who gave their live's on 911. us. Military,Law Enforcement Fire fighter's. These are people who risk their live's everyday for people they have never met before! You can't find a bigger heroe then that.