Matt's Super Sexy Sweetheart profile picture

Matt's Super Sexy Sweetheart

What you see is what you get

About Me

I'm a very nice and shy person. I work in a Nursery School. I love kids. I don't know what else to say about me, so you can IM me at: buffy7219, if you would like to find out more.

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What Kind of Dater Are You?

Total Romantic!
You want to be in love in the movies! When you kiss someone you want symphonies and fireworks. That can be a lot of fun, but is not always practical. Magic runs short at some point and when that happens, it's always nice to have someone you're compatible with as well.
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*The New and Improved Ultimate About Me*:

Name: Debbie
Date of Birth: October 19, 1980
Birthplace: Plainview, LI
Current Location: New York
Eye Color: hazel
Hair Color: dark brown
Height: 5'5''
Heritage: Jewish, Polish, Russian
Piercings: in my ears
Tattoos: none
Band/Singer: too many to name
Song: too many to name
Movie: The Outsiders, Back to the Future, Karate Kid
Disney Movie: High School Musical
TV show: RAW, reality shows, Prison Break, 7th Heaven, Smallville, Supernatural
Color: any shade of blue
Food: Italian
Pizza topping: extra cheese
Ice-Cream Flavor: vanilla
Drink (alcoholic): don't really drink
Soda: don't really drink soda
Store: don't have one
Clothing Brand: don't have one
Shoe Brand: don't have one
Season: Fall and Spring
Month: October- my Birthday
Holiday/Festival: Hanukkah
Flower: Rose or Lily
Make-Up Item: blush?
Board game: Monopoly, The Game of Life
This or That
Sunny or rainy: Sunny
Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla
Fruit or veggie: Fruit
Night or day: Day
Sour or sweet: Sweet
Love or money: Love
Phone or in person: In Person
Looks or personality: Personality
Coffee or tea: Tea
Hot or cold: Cold
Goal for this year: 1.) To exercise and eat right, 2.) To conquer my anxiety attacks
Most missed memory: Spending time with my grandparents in Florida
Best physical feature: my eyes
First thought waking up: What do I have to do today?
Hypothetical personality disorder: Huh?
Preferred type of plastic surgery: none
Sesame street alter ego: Ernie
Fairytale alter ego: Cinderella
Most stupid remark: don't have one
Worst crime: can't think of one right now
Greatest ambition: To be the best.
Greatest fear: Death and Spiders
Darkest secret: Not Telling
Favorite subject: Math and English
Strangest received gift: don't know
Worst habit: cracking my knuckles
Do You:
Smoke: no
Drink: not really
Curse: a little
Shower daily: Of course!!!!
Like thunderstorms: no
Dance in the rain: no
Sing: yes, when I'm alone
Play an instrument: no
Get along with your parents: sometimes
Wish on stars: sometimes, if I want something bad enough
Believe in fate: yes
Believe in love at first sight: yes
Can You:
Drive: yes
Sew: not really
Cook: yes
Speak another language: no
Dance: yes
Sing: yes
Touch your nose with your tongue: no
Whistle: no
Curl your tongue: yes
Have You Ever:
Been Drunk: no
Been Stoned/High: nope
Eaten Sushi: yea, it was not bad actually
Been in Love: yes, who hasn't?
Skipped school: no
Made prank calls: I'm sorry to say that I have when I was younger
Sent someone a love letter: yes
Stolen something: Sorry to say that I have when I was younger
Cried yourself to sleep: yes
Other Questions:
What annoys you most in a person? When they keep repeating the same things over and over again.
Are you right or left handed? left handed
What is your bedtime? whenever I'm ready to go to bed. lol
Name three things you can't live without: 1.) TV, 2.) Computer, 3.) Cell Phone
What is the color of your room? I have popcorn wallpaper all over my room and I have a blue carpet.
Do you have any siblings? yes, 1, a sister
Do you have any pets? yes, 1, a cat
Would you kill someone you hate for a million dollars? no
What is you middle name? Ann
What are you nicknames? Deb, Debster
Are you for or against gay marriage? For
What are your thoughts on abortion? I don't think it's right, unless you were raped.
Do you have a crush on anyone? no
Are you afraid of the dark? no
How do you want to die? in my sleep peacefully
What is the largest amount of popsicles that you have eaten on one day? have no idea
Would you take a bullet for the one you love? yes
What is the last law you̢۪ve broken? don't know
In a Member of the Opposite Sex:
Hair color: any
Eye color: any
Height any
Weight average
Most important physical feature: eyes
Biggest turn-off nothing I can think of now
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Your Love Style is Agape
You are a caring, kind, and selfless partner.
Unsurprisingly, your love style is the most rare.
You are willing to sacrfice your world for your sweetie.
Except it doesn't really feel like sacrifice to you.
For you, nothing feels better than giving to the one you love. What's Your Love Style?

I'd like to meet:

Anyone and everyone. Maybe you.... ..
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Basically anything except Heavy Metal and Classical.


The Breakfast Club, The Outsiders, Mean Girls, Freaky Friday, Freddy vs. Jason, The Butterfly Effect, She's the Man, Scary Movie, Karate Kid, The X-Files Movie, La Bamba, Titanic, The Notebook, Cheaper by the Dozen, Final Destination 1-3, Red Eye, Flightplan, Crash, and many more


I watch a lot of TV, Charmed, 7th Heaven, Wrestling, Summerland, Nip/Tuck, Smallville, Survivor, The Apprentice, The Amazing Race, er, The O.C., What I like about you?, Reba, Judge Judy, Angel, Leno, The channel 4 news at 11 pm., Days of Lives, Boy Meets World, Full House, Jeopardy, Wheel of Fortune, I believe I got them all.


Right now, I would have to say my parents.

My Blog

Back from Atlantic City

Hi everyone. I'm back from Atlantic City, well actually I got back last Thursday, but I haven't had a chance to update about it yet. I had a nice and interesting time with my friend Jess and our paren...
Posted by Matt's Super Sexy Sweetheart on Tue, 25 Apr 2006 01:51:00 PST


Today is my Birthday. Leave me some Happy Birthday wishes!!!! :wink:
Posted by Matt's Super Sexy Sweetheart on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST