— The Aspiring Mystic
The quotation above recounts an experience I had when I was sixteen years old, in 1977. It launched a lifetime love for contemplative spirituality and silent prayer. Over the years that followed I discovered the writings of classical mystics like Julian of Norwich, John of the Cross, Teresa of Avila, Thomas Merton, and others; I also encountered living expressions of the mystical path in a variety of settings: monasteries, independent organizations like the Shalem Institute, and the teachings of living contemplatives like Cynthia Bourgeault and Thomas Keating. Even though I’ve always felt called to explore the wisdom teachings of other faith traditions (like Buddhism and Neopaganism) and although my relationship with the institutional church has at times been stormy and difficult, I keep coming back to the living waters of the western contemplative path.
It’s a living tradition. Here in the third millennium we are given the grace to enter the silence, to pray the ancient liturgies, to slow down our frenzied lives and taste the sweetness of the eternal presence. Even though after 30 years I still consider myself a rank beginner, it is my honor and privilege to study and practice the wisdom of the great mystics.
If you’ve read this far, I hope you’re traveling this path alongside me. And if not, I invite you to come. This isn’t about religious fanaticism, or rigid moralism, or otherworldly denial of the beauty and pain of this present life. Rather, contemplative spirituality invites us to open our hearts to divine love and grace, so that we might in turn become living embodiments of that same love, thereby allowing us to live a more full and abundant life, starting here and now.
A little bit more about me: I am the author of 10 books dealing with a variety of spiritual topics, including mysticism of course, but also Celtic spirituality and earth-based wisdom. Most of my books concern Neopaganism, a path I explored for about seven years but ultimately decided wasn't for me, since I craved the contemplative riches of sacramental Christianity. While I don’t think religious identity is nearly as important as the condition of one’s heart, here’s the list of labels I’ve worn, for those who want to know: I was raised Lutheran and after a short but intense period of involvement with the charismatic renewal, I became a wanderer as an adult — exploring the Episcopal Church as well as Neopaganism and other forms of non-Christian spirituality, before being received in the Catholic Church. Professionally, I’ve always worked with books and recorded media, both at the retail and wholesale levels; I spent four years as a full-time freelance author, when most of my books were written. Currently I am a secular employee of the business division of a monastery, where I do marketing and website management. I’ve always lived in the American south and love it here, even if my political and social values are rather out of step with the region as a whole. I am blessed with a wonderful family — my wife shares my devotion to contemplative spirituality, for which I am ceaselessly grateful; our shared life is kept very interesting by our profoundly physically handicapped daughter (as well as four cats, three of whom love to sit with us during our time of centering prayer). Last but not least: I am a vegan, and believe strongly that care of the body (healthy diet, adequate sleep, exercise) is a vital part of any spiritual practice. We don't have to be Olympic athletes, but it is important that we take care of ourselves.
You can visit my blog at The Website of Unknowing .
(Layout adapted from a wondeful one created by Mike Industries .)