Lindy Hop. Charleston. Carolina Shag. Swing Dancing. Theatre. Teaching. The Wanderlust. Writing. Driving. Travelling. Music, Movies, and Books. People watching. YouTube watching. Rollerblading. Assistance. Equestrianism... is that a word? Walking somewhere when driving is quicker. Dancing to music that I enjoy listening to, not just what happens to be playing in the background. Taking photos for the memories, not because I'm trying to win an Ansel Adams contest.
The writers for the Family Guy, Invader Zim, Deadwood, Scrubs, LOST, and The West Wing. Anyone who knows how to dance a good song into the ground. People who inspire leadership, loyalty, or those crazy moments where you feel like you can do anything.View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment
Ella and Basie. Dizz and Bird. Satchmo and the Duke. Nina, Billie, Lena, and Dinah. Eva Cassidy, Johnny Cash, Aerosmith, and the ENTIRE score to Quest (you'd have to have been there...). John Mayer, Dave Matthews, Mike Doughty and there is something about Trent Reznor that keeps me coming back. Beach music, Beethoven's Piano Sonatas, and the occasional Tom Waits song. I've heard Portishead, rocked out to G. Love, and almost drove my car into a telephone pole listening to Alice in Chains. I dance to Matt the Electrician even though he's kind of a folkie. I love jazz and swing, dixieland makes me all giddy, and Jack Johnson is my hero. Marvin Gaye was a genius, and I still get a kick out of listening to early 80's dance music - one song at a time. The acoustic cover songs I'll never get sick of.
Stardust. The Princess Bride. Blazing Saddles. Love Actually. The Lord of the Rings. The Marx Brothers. The Emperor's New Groove. Ringu. Drunken Master. French Kiss. Chicago Actors. Foreign Directors. Hollywood Endings. Withnail and I.
Band of Brothers. Invader Zim. House. 24. The West Wing. Daily Show. The Family Guy. Celebrity Poker/ World Series of Poker. Six Feet Under. The X-Files. Coupling. Friends. ER. The Tick. Whose Line is it Anyway? Grey's Anatomy. Scrubs. Lost. Deadwood. A Charlie Brown Christmas.
Right now... The Sirens of Titan by Kurt Vonnegut. I read sarcasm pretty well too.
All of the Hollywood assistants who get through each day and keep dreaming. All screenwriters who write what moves them, not what moves studio executives. All directors who fight and fight to make the product better. All producers who fight and fight for everyone else. All actors who realize their place in the big picture, and work hard to live up to that place. AND... All parents that encourage their sons and daughters to pursue their dreams.