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Stevie Wonderboy

I am here for Friends

About Me

birth. school. work. up next: death.

My Interests

music, movies, television, and books. read all about it below.

I'd like to meet:



amon amarth, andrew w.k., anthrax, arch enemy, as i lay dying, at the drive in, avenged sevenfold, beastie boys, ben folds, black flag, black sabbath, bloodhound gang, brendon small, candiria, cannibal corpse, cheasy-e, clutch, c.o.c, coheed and cambria, darkest hour, dead kennedys, deep purple, deftones, desert sessions, dethklok, dragpipe, d.r.i, frank zappa, franz ferdinand, fugazi, hank III, horse the band, iron maiden, jimi hendrix, jon spencer blues xplosion, king crimson, king missile, kyuss, lamb of god, led zeppelin, les claypool, mastodon, misfits, muse, nirvana, pantera, a perfect circle, pink floyd, the pixies, pj harvey, portishead, priestess, primus, public enemy, queen, queens of the stone age, radiohead, serart, sonic youth, she wants revenge, soundgarden, stone temple pilots, the streets, superjoint ritual, the sword, system of a down, tool, a tribe called quest, ween, weezer, the white stripes, the who, wolfmother, wu-tang clan, the yeah yeah yeahs


office space, half baked, super troopers, this is spinal tap, best in show, a mighty wind, borat, waiting, fight club, seven, slc punk, clerks, mallrats, jay and silent bob strike back, dogma, clerks II, the star wars trilogy, time bandits, raising arizona, enter the dragon, team america, shawn of the dead, another state of mind, march of the penguins, eternal sunshine of the spotted mind, slacker, dazed and confused, orange county, baby snakes, bad santa


current: the office, metalocolapyse, flight of the conchords, curb your enthusiasm, the daily show, the colbert report, freakshow, the sarah silverman program, heroes, friday night stand-up, later with jools holland, entourage, the wire. classic: freaks and geeks, ren and stimpy, dr. katz, home movies, mr. show, the larry saunders show, the state, stella, its garry shandlings show, mystery science theatre 3000, the x-files, undeclared


mostly comics: dan clowes' eightball, peter bagges' hate, joe matts' peepshow, ivan brunettis' schizo, rick altergotts' doofus, anything by j.r. williams, harvey pekar, or r. crumb; fast food nation, reefer madness, america the book, old stephen king novels, the harry potter series, the lord of the rings, the hobbit, the power of myth, the hero with a thousand faces, fight club, the robots of dawn, conspiranoria, the answer is never, occupation: skateboarder, and of course all of it by vonnegut, kerouac, orwell, bukowski, thompson, wolfe

My Blog

recent album recommendations

CLUTCH- FROM BEALE STREET TO OBLIVIAN if you know me at all, then you are not in the least bit surprised about this one. clutch has grown so much since their debut album, and the changes are just get...
Posted by Stevie Wonderboy on Sat, 10 Mar 2007 06:14:00 PST

this is getting re-goddamn-diculous

yes, i know anna nicole smith was a person.  i know its a shame when anyone dies.  but good lord, how long must we hear about the twists and turns of her fucked up existence?  in m...
Posted by Stevie Wonderboy on Tue, 27 Feb 2007 05:58:00 PST

the presidents state of the union speech

"blah blah blah same old shit i always say" --applause-- "blah blah blah i'm just riding this out until 2008" --applause-- "blah blah blah reaching across part lines" --applause-- "blah blah blah a...
Posted by Stevie Wonderboy on Wed, 24 Jan 2007 07:41:00 PST

steves top 20 bands of today

now heres what i consider the best bands right now- more specifically, what ive been listening to lately.  not my all time favorites, but one day perhaps they will be.  narrowly missing out ...
Posted by Stevie Wonderboy on Fri, 19 Jan 2007 08:13:00 PST

20 best bands of all time

i'm taking the easy way out here.  if you can't blog about something, make up a list, right?  so here's my top 20 bands of all time.  i'm not proud of all these bands, i compiled this l...
Posted by Stevie Wonderboy on Wed, 03 Jan 2007 06:16:00 PST

Do you know me?

Take this stupid quiz and find out!
Posted by Stevie Wonderboy on Wed, 06 Dec 2006 01:24:00 PST


I've been tagged.  Your Turn is next.  Tagged So the rules are: once you've been tagged, you have to write a blog with "9 weird things/habits about yourself". In the end, you need to choos...
Posted by Stevie Wonderboy on Thu, 19 Oct 2006 08:57:00 PST

can't blame a dude for trying

our band played a show last night- well, maybe show is not the right word for a christian band playing for the homeless and down on their luck- i guess you would consider it a performance.  so w...
Posted by Stevie Wonderboy on Sat, 09 Sep 2006 10:00:00 PST

rabies outbreak in henrico county

because of the age of our home (built in 1947), it has a lot of character, and a lot of problems.  one of which is critters that rear their heads every now and then, which i have discussed in pre...
Posted by Stevie Wonderboy on Wed, 30 Aug 2006 10:00:00 PST

trivial pursuit of nothing

most decesions in my life are difficult for me to handle.  not the big ones, like buying a home, having kids, purchasing automobiles, and signing caleb up for positive groups to influence him- no...
Posted by Stevie Wonderboy on Sun, 13 Aug 2006 10:56:00 PST