Cora the Rose profile picture

Cora the Rose

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

As of today, I, Cora Rose Gaulin, will cease to diddle aimlessly on the internet. I will no longer spend hour upon hour reading Weekend Web, nor will I religiously follow upwards of twelve knitting blogs. I will be checking my personal email ONE TIME PER DAY, and other than that, I will only use the internet for academic research and to take part in my online English class. This diet will proceed for an initial period of not less than two (2) weeks, and then dependent on th results thereof, will continue indefinitely.THUS: If you want to reach me, email me @ [email protected]. If you want to reach me right away, call me @ 413.433.7701.TO PRODUCTIVITY!

My Interests

jingles, esp. remilard inurance, poetry, live music, dancing like a fool, laughing at silly things, sewing, knitting, buttons, balljacking, roni's butthole

I'd like to meet:

Other people who like to say, "WEINAZ!"




death to smootchie, zoolander, magnolia, american history x, chasing amy, SWEENY TODD, THE DEMON BARBER OF FLEET STREET


Arrested Development, all day, everyday.


a separate peace, sun under wood, atlantis, source, field guide, human wishes, praise, the unbearable lightness of being



My Blog

I just smelled Colin Meloy.

And he smelled like stale cigarettes. Exactly as I had imagined.
Posted by Cora the Rose on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Cloth Pads!

So I'm right in the middle of a cloth-pad making frenzy. Yes, yes, cloth MAXI-pads. I'm not trying to be a preacher here, but they're much better for the environment, and for your hoo-ha. If you're in...
Posted by Cora the Rose on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Alright, already.

I'm excited enough about seeing the Decemberists again tonight that I am making a myspace blog about it, although I do think myspace blogs are a little silly, and I will probably also write about this...
Posted by Cora the Rose on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST