Jimmy Greenup! profile picture

Jimmy Greenup!

A lot of people go to college for six years...... they're called Mood Directors.

About Me

I come from the great state of Michigan. I was raised on the rough streets of 17 Mile, in a suburb of Detroit, called Sterling Heights. Most of my childhood was spent cruising on my Big Wheel, looking for girls who wanted to share a drink box with me. I was infatuated with insects, dinosaurs and Ewoks. When I got a little older, I became obsessed with school dances. I watched Club MTV religiously, and studied M.C. Hammer dance moves on a regular basis.Then I went to Central Michigan University. At CMU I learned everything there is to know about life. I learned many things, such as how to bong a beer, and how to get a drunk girl to come over your house at 4:30 in the morning. I was an expert at organizing spin-the-bottle games with wasted sorority chicks, and I also mastered the art of fitting 12 people into my Geo Tracker. The basement of our Frat house was one of the most spiritual places on earth. The parties we threw there were unlike anything I had ever seen in my life. I learned everything about partying in that basement, and at CMU. And now I party for a living. I graduated with a degree in physical education, but I really got a master's degree in Mood Directing. And CMU has one of the best Mood Directing programs in the country.Then I moved to the West Coast, and I found this place called Las Vegas. And I said to myself, "This is the planet I was born on. This is where I belong."I am the Mood Director at TAO Nightclub. My blood, sweat and tears have gone into that place. Literally. All 3. I am the eye of the storm. I am the turbo-boost in your nightclub experience. I am the Kobayashi of drinking. I have had vodka go in my ears and eyes before. While working. I dance on tables and couches, and I loose my voice about twice a week. Most of my relationships are based on text messages and me blacking out on Sunday nights. If you cut me open, Red Bull & vodka would come pouring out of my body. I wear loud shirts, tight pants, and my hair should have it's own MySpace page. I know the words to almost every song in the club, and I can make really, really, really loud noises. I am also really good at clapping. When I get drunk I can do animal impressions, such as a hummingbird, scorpion, and a baby pterodactyl. I love getting drunk, and I love girls. And I really love drunk girls.Partying is my life. Las Vegas is my world. If you come to Las Vegas and party with me and my friends, and you don't have the time of your life, you have serious problems and you should consider becomming Amish. I surround myself with the greatest friends in the universe, and everyone in my life plays an important role in this dream that I am living. We honestly change people's lives, and we make this world a more positive place for everyone to live in. Please take a moment and look at the pictures on this page. Reality doesn't even exist as far as I'm concerned. Live to party. Party to live. It never stops. Thank you for your time.

My Interests

GROOVE CRUISE '08! July 25-28 out of LA! This is going to be bonkers people! Don't forget to use my discount code (ITNEVERSTOPS), or just mention my name when ordering! Click on the e-vite below for more info! href="http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vcGhvdG9idWNrZXQuY2 9t" target="_blank"..

I'd like to meet:

Hugh Hefner and anyone from the 1984 Detroit Tigers.
Super Bowl Saturday @ TAO
localitesvegas.com www.jackcolton.com


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Anything that makes girls shake. "Electronic Dance Music" (house, trance, housey-trance, trancey-house, tribally-deep-vocal-progressive anything). Hip-Hop (my first love), and of course anything 80's. I'm not scared to cut some rug to some 70's disco-type shit either. And any song from 'Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat'.


Goonies, Caddyshack, Billy Madison, Groove, Lord of The Rings, Return of The Jedi, Saturday Night Fever, The Beach, Sideout, The Lost Boys, Rad, The Search For Animal Chin, Encino Man, The Karate Kid, Gladiator, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Christmas Vacation, Pee-Wee's Big Adventure, Sin City, Party Monster, Blow, Boogie Nights, Big Trouble in Little China, The Golden Child, Boyz N the Hood, House Party, Friday, Traffic, Less Than Zero, Summer School, The Burbs, Teen Wolf, The Never Ending Story, The Dark Crystal, Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, Ghostbusters, Trainspotting, Major League, Napoleon Dynamite, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, American Beauty, Police Academy (1-3), Go, Top Gun, Troy, Dazed and Confused, E.T., Pulp Fiction, Old School, Wedding Crashers, Juice, Point Break, Roadhouse, Ocean's Eleven, Back to School, Elf, Short Circuit, Animal House, Cocktail, Risky Business, Ferris Bueller's Day Off.


Sportscenter, PTI, The Hills (dope shit), I love New York (insane), The Surreal Life, old-school Seinfeld, old-school Sesame Street, Fraggle Rock (got that shit on DVD), In Living Color, Chappelle's Show, Land of the Lost, Full House, That 70's Show, MTV True Life: 'I'm a Mood Director', Kids Incorporated, The first 2 weeks of American Idol, and Entourage (the greatest show in the history of television).


The Beach and Mood Directing for Dummies. And 944.


Hugh Hefner, Michael Jordan, and Jason Strauss.

My Blog

QUOTES (April 08)

"See, this is what you do in Korea town... you light the candle and hold it up, and the bitches come like madness."       -Nick Smith (at Table 53)"You don't wear tight v-neck...
Posted by Jimmy Greenup! on Thu, 01 May 2008 04:54:00 PST

QUOTES (March ’08)

"I look at your table, then I look at my table, and you have all the hot chicks, and I have fat ugly ones.  What did I do wrong?"   -Random guy at table 65 "That guy Eli Manni...
Posted by Jimmy Greenup! on Thu, 03 Apr 2008 04:12:00 PST

QUOTES (Feb 08)

"Holy shit!  What is your phone full of!?  -Table"STD's son."  -Dana (on all the naked pics on his phone) "I am half-Asian, but let me be honest, I am not into Asians at all. ...
Posted by Jimmy Greenup! on Mon, 03 Mar 2008 06:43:00 PST

QUOTES (Dec ’07)

"Lani and I are either going to buy a dog or have a child.  We can't decide weather to ruin our carpet, or ruin our lives."   -Chris W. "I am so drunk I can't stand up.  I nee...
Posted by Jimmy Greenup! on Mon, 07 Jan 2008 04:02:00 PST

QUOTES (Nov 07)

"What the fuck is Nintento wii!?  What the fuck are you talking about?  Man, I've been locked up for four years, Playstation 2 was hot when I went in."   -Adam"I have laundry deter...
Posted by Jimmy Greenup! on Wed, 05 Dec 2007 09:46:00 PST

QUOTES (Oct. 07)

"Vegas makes me want to have a cock."    -Lindsay"I accidently sent Bobby a pic of my cock on my new blackberry with a camera.  Shit is dangerous."   -Table"Larson, your outfi...
Posted by Jimmy Greenup! on Wed, 07 Nov 2007 03:48:00 PST

QUOTES (Sept. 07)

"Last time you got in your manties, I got laid."         -Joe (to Jimmy)"Jason goes through champagne like Jimmy goes through girls."     -Joe"If...
Posted by Jimmy Greenup! on Sat, 06 Oct 2007 04:53:00 PST

QUOTES (June '07)

"I don't want end up in your dumb quote book.  If I wanted everyone to know how I was in bed, I would have sex with everyone."     -Tobi"He likes minorities."   -Lan...
Posted by Jimmy Greenup! on Sun, 08 Jul 2007 04:33:00 PST

QUOTES (April '07)

 "I cook macaroni and cheese, and I still fuck hot girls!"  -Larson"It's just a flyer, it's not gonna bite."   -Greg"I have to lean the seat back though, I am gangster."  &nbs...
Posted by Jimmy Greenup! on Wed, 02 May 2007 01:46:00 PST


Holy shit.  This is what our table looked like at Mansion in Miami for Sasha & Digweed.  Wait till 1:53 minutes in......and hold on...... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8XCE_IK...
Posted by Jimmy Greenup! on Sat, 31 Mar 2007 04:36:00 PST