Ryan Heapy TAO/ tao BEACH Host profile picture

Ryan Heapy TAO/ tao BEACH Host

lifes good.....

About Me

Hi.. I'm ryan... i think i'm still young.. and i think i've almost done it all and seen it all... i still love living.. but if i had to go to tomorrow i wouldn't regret a thing. My life has dealt me some of the best and worst cards at the same time. But there has always been those beautiful moments where the beauty of friends, family, loved ones and experiences shine through,.. i've mopped the floors of dairy queen at 15 and i've thrown 3,500 person nightclubs and developed a couple venues along the way, i slept on a church floor in the ghettos of mexico with cockroaches and no showers for two weeks building houses for the poor and i've also stayed in many of the most beautiful hotels in the world while cooling down with evian spritzers, i've driven through the favellas of brazil in dune buggies, and i've taken private jets and helicopters just for dinner and lunch, i've sang in front of almost 5 thousand people, but i also split my finger in half which pretty much ruined my guitar career,i've shot hoops with jordan and talked shit on baseball with tommy lasorda, ive gone to confession and had a nun at my graduation party, and i've also sat down with larry flynt in his private office, i live in a desert with no water yet i lived on the beach for the last 8 years..i've got a degree in communications but i still study philosophy, religion and spirituality, i've lost many of the closest people in my life, yet i still have the best friends and family in the world, my friends that own bicycles are just as loved as my friends with the ferraris..yea money is good and all but it really isn't much... theres so much more to this life.... i like music and art. i like drinking. i like getting the hell out of the house and doing whatever it is this fucked up world has to offer. i'll do a blacktie fundraiser and go straight to the most god awful dive bars in the same night. i'll go anywhere and have fun. i like communication. i believe in karma and the balance of yin and yang, I work too hard, and i play too hard, its the only way life's supposed to be lived (unless you found a way not to work!). Traveling is the best. I love my family and love my friends... without them there isn't really much... i also like being by myself... i'll eat by myself, movies, drinks.. whatever... i can pretty much be content in about most all situations... Material things are fun... love cars (i have a nice one).. houses (i have a nice one).. shopping (i have a bad habit).. but there is much much more to life than that shit.... There is much more to life than our small sheltered communities. And there is sooo much more to me... theres no way i can fit my complexity in such a short bio... but I truly do believe in dreams and large aspirations, whatever they may be.. whether climbing that ladder for ceo or quitting your great job to be a starving artist (go bush.) life has sooo much to offer... don't sell yourself short. my brother.. love of my life.who found you!!
SpyOnVegas.com - Las Vegas Nightlife a day in the life.. 7am in brazilmagnums and magrums!! my life sucks. horseback through the jungle... come with me pretty much on top of the world.vegaaaassss

My Interests

i am interested in people, who they are what they do, traveling is a neat thing to do. i love money and like business. i really like freedom. one day i might do something to preserve it, and i dont mean go to war. fighting is pretty gay, unless you can watch two barbarians in a ring and bet on them, than thats kinda cool. i also have a lot of opinions but opinions are like socks... everybodys got em and most of em stink. haha. yea....I must have been bad magnum supermagnum the dream team...my goose watching over us... tiff!!!!if greenups their you don't need to ask.. cheers to me!!!

I'd like to meet:

john jacob jingleheimerschmidt, aleister crowley, anton lavey, jesus, ghandi, the devil, the boogie man, jack daniel, johnny walker, Timothy leary, G. W. Bush so i can slap him, Rick James so i can be slapped, Larry Flynt (again) and shake his hand for what a fine job he has done for freedom and free speech, and of course if your reading this, then you. ............................................................ ......................................................... ............................................................ ........................................................ ............................................................ ....................................................... ......................... P.S. I didnt think id have to say this but NO MATTER WHAT!!! DO NOT ADD ME AS A FRIEND WITHOUT MESSAGING ME FIRST...i go through my friend requests and just hit delete if i havent heard from you... 99.9% of the people on my friends list are my real life friends.. i can go through my entire friends list and come up with at least a couple good stories or memories with each and every one of them...(ask mr. morris, he didnt believe me) the other .01 percent wrote me some message or tricked me or something... i don't see how you can be friends if you've never spoken, so, if you want to add me then at least say hi first..... and why the hell are there 15 yr olds trying to be my friend... myspace is startin to get kinda creepy..... get it together people....START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
Really Long Survey (over 200)
What is your name?: ryan wesley heapy by the way.. i think this is the longes survey in the world.. i can't wait!!
Are you named after anyone?: my dad sort of.. we have the same initials..
What's your screename?: heapstyles reppin it since aol was invented
Would you name a child of yours after you?: yes.. i want to name her ryann.. is that narcisitic?
If you were born a member of the opposite sex what would your name be?: ryann..
If you could switch names with a friend who would it be?: i wouldn't.. ryan means king.. thats pretty neat
Are there any mispronounciations/typos that ppl do w/ your name constantly?: no.. everyone spells heapy right.. duh..
Would you drop your last name if you became famous?: too late.. j/k
Your gender:: female
Straight/Gay/Bi:: i must say i like girls..(although two people yesterday asked if i was gay) hmmm.. no
Single?: today..
If not, do you want to be?: i almost got married last night..
Birthdate:: sagitarius...11/30/79.. me and keith.. yes sir.. get ready for the bday bash at chronic cantina..
Your age:: 26 ewww
Age you act:: 21 somedays 85 the next
Age you wish you were:: i liked 22 good times..
Your height:: 6'3".. perfect
Eye color:: i'm colorblind...
Happy with it?: no.. cause i suck at my colors..
Hair color:: people tell me its dark..
Happy with it?: sure.. tall dark and handsome. smile
Lefty/righty/ambidextrous:: right hand left foot
Your living arrangement:: my own 3bdrm crib doggy. on the market.. come get it..
Your family:: my love.. little bro and mom..
Have any pets?: nah.. baileys gone.. only animal i ever liked. he spoke english
Whats your job?: i get people drunk at supposedly the fanciest hotel in the world.
Piercings?: diamonds in my ears yea..diamond in my nose... you gotta sing it like the song..
Tattoos?: not yet.. lots of them soon..
Obsessions?: too many..
Addictions?: weening those down..
Do you speak another language?: yea.. jibberish..
Have a favorite quote?: "sometimes not getting what you want.. can be the greatest stroke of luck" haha... or my new fave.. thanks to keith, angele, nat, and the hard rock.."baby.. you're doing the lords work in the devi's den!!!!!"
Do you have a webpage?: whats this?
Deep Thoughts About Life and You in it
Do you live in the moment?: where am i
Do you consider yourself tolerant of others?: my weakness
Do you have any secrets?: no not really.. i don't really believe in em.. lifes so much fun you gotta talk about it.
Do you hate yourself?: who does that?
Do you like your handwriting?: who does that?
Do you have any bad habits?: hahaha.. who has those.
What is the compliment you get from most people?: my mom just told me i have a heart of gold..
If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called?: mein kampf
What's your biggest fear?: failure... and fear
Can you sing?: yes..
Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool?: nah.. i think i do alright myself..
Are you a loner?: its very nice sometimes..
What are your #1 priorities in life?: be successful and find the true meaning of life..
If you were another person, would you be friends with you?: thats a stupid question.. duh..
Are you a daredevil?: i live in las vegas.
Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself?: not lately.. i'm content..
Are you passive or agressive?: passive-aggressive.. probably worse than both
Do you have a journal?: not anymore.. i have myspace..thats kinda lame..
What is your greatest strength and weakness?: only the special know those...
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?: i'm thinkin about getting real buff and growing my hair long again.. hows that
Do you think you are emotionally strong?: solid like a rock...
Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life?: i don't regret a thing
Do you think life has been good so far?: beautiful... seen it, done it, lived it, i could go tomorrow completely happy
What is the most important lesson you've learned from life?: shit happens.. and everything is one.. hmm...
What do you like the most about your body?: my size 13 feet.....
And least?: that i actualy have size 13 feet.. haha
Do you think you are good looking?: i'd like to think so..
Are you confident?: very
What is the fictional character you are most like?:
Are you perceived wrongly?: comm major, i know how to present my self accordingly
Do You...
Smoke?: lately.. ewww
Do drugs?: nope.. had my stage.. no mas senor
Read the newspaper?: yahoo news everyday..
Pray?: meditate
Go to church?: church is everywhere..
Talk to strangers who IM you?: those creepy webcam girls and loan people need to stop
Sleep with stuffed animals?: bailey left one here.. i'm gonna name it soon
Take walks in the rain?: i don't plan on it..
Talk to people even though you hate them?: many
Drive?: yes but i hate it.. i want a driver.. or a subway.. even thinking about trading the beemer in for a bike
Like to drive fast?: my car goes 160 but im in no rush..
Would or Have You Ever?
Liked your voice?: huh? ask suzies mom.. my voice is a weapon.. hahah..
Hurt yourself?: not on purpose.. but for a while i was v.i.p. up in st. joes
Been out of the country?: often
Eaten something that made other people sick?: i drink the water in t.j.
Been in love?: something like that..
Done drugs?: me ..never..
Gone skinny dipping?: noooooooooooooo.. hahah...oh man..
Had a medical emergency?: many
Had surgery?: actually no....
Ran away from home?: nah..i had my own guest house.. didnt have to run far
Played strip poker?: umm.. yes
Gotten beaten up?: yes
Beaten someone up?: yes but i'm a lover not a fighter
Been picked on?: didnt we all go to school at some point
Been on stage?: many times.. in all different aspects..
Slept outdoors?: its the best
Thought about suicide?: yup... made it through though.. tah dah!
Pulled an all nighter?: i live in vegas
If yes, what is your record?: hahah.. 4 days.. i was a bad boy for a minute..
Gone one day without food?: almost today.. jeez i'm starving
Talked on the phone all night?: oh yea.. to korea.. every night for two months.. i could have bought a yacht with that money
Slept together with the opposite sex w/o actually having sex?: i'm a cuddler..
Slept all day?: i wish... my brain is out of control
Killed someone?: no sir...
Made out with a stranger?: nooooooooo who would do such a thing!!!
Had sex with a stranger?: noooo never!!!!
Thought you're going crazy?: does that mean i was once normal?
Kissed the same sex?: nooooo never!!!!... this time i'm serious..
Done anything sexual with the same sex?: read above.
Been betrayed?: ummmm.. only 3 days ago..
Had a dream that came true?: they do everyday...
Broken the law?: which time? why aren't i in jail?
Met a famous person?: so theres this girl who's supposedly the worlds sexiest athlete now. oh and zapp from american gladiotors is the shit... enrique never needs to dump goose all over me again.. and for stephan.. paris thinks i'm sexy. hahah
Have you ever killed an animal by accident?: damn bugs on the 15
On purpose?: no.. i don't like killing..
Told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell?: nope..you're secrets are safe with me
Stolen anything?: fly paper in 4th grade.. last time ever. I got caught and started screaming they were accusing me just cause i was mexican. they let me go
Been on radio/tv?: sure
Been in a mosh-pit?: hundreds...
Had a nervous breakdown?: i'm not sure whats goin on.
Bungee jumped?: no... but i want to
Had a dream that kept coming back?: yes... i don't understand it
Belive in life on other planets?: probably
Miracles?: no there called connections.. we're all connected..
Astrology?: of course...
Magic?: yup
God?: yup
Satan?: not really
Santa?: of course!!! anyone who gives shit out for no reason is down with me.
Ghosts?: yup
Luck?: we're all connected.. the shit happens for a reason..
Love at first sight?: yup "hey babe, i need your number just in case, whats your last name" ...she says "put in yours"...
Yin and yang (that good cant exist w/o bad)?: life is a balance.
Witches?: fo sho.. i'm workin on some shit right now
Easter bunny?: yea.. he kicks down too.. but not like santa
Believe its possible to remain faithful forever?: yes.. without a doubt
Believe theres a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow?: yes...
Do you wish on stars?: all the time... they always come true..
Deep Theological Questions
Do you believe in the traditional view of Heaven and Hell?: no .. sorry.. not at all...
Do you think God has a gender?: nope.. i think hes in us all.
Do you believe in organized religion?: ummm no not so much.. but its a great way to get a shit load of people to all think the same and tithe 10% of untaxable money
Where do you think we go when we die?: home
Do you have any gay/lesbian friends?: i just told chaz he would have loved the hair awards
Who is your best friend?: i have a lot.. they all serve different but equally as important needs in my life.. they know who they are.. my top 8 represents
Who's the one person that knows most about you?: hmmm.... heather knows how crazy i am.. chantel was my twin.. matt has seen it all..i'd do anything for mr. morris.. nicole is my prozac..
What's the best advice that anyone has ever given to you?: my uncle.. harvard psychiatrist..you could say he drops knowledge.. the reason i'm still here
Your favourite inside joke?: go fuck yourself sandiego
Thing you're picked on most about?: the o.c. haha..
Who's your longest known friend?: jimbo henderson.. since 2 nuckka
Newest?: wow what a good couple of days.. i needed it.. so definitely colette, and definitely her friend nicole.. and of course to my man chris lingo.. the last man standing.. "so you lost jer?" good times..
Shyest?: i dont have shy friends
Funniest?: i have to say matt again.. he's the only one who tells a joke and laughs way before he tells the punchline. hahah
Sweetest?: nicole.(aka snow white).. but jen jennings and aaron faulk are right up there too oh and can't forget katie jo..
Closest?: matty.. love you brother...i think we've been through it all
Weirdest?: theyre all weird.
Smartest?: toss up.. Keith (30 yr old lawyer, partners in a firm, owns the hottest bar/restaraunt in oc, but he makes stripper poles for his full time job.), my cuz daniel (resume is way too long.. lets just say he's at oxford law as we speak), mr. msp(he just happens to own a big hotel on the strip) or sean plotkin.."hi i own 1% of long beach" haha.. what the hell happened to you two days ago??
Ditziest?: probalby brie.. but i love her... so she gets away with it..
Friends you miss being close to the most?: everyone from home.. heather, rashelle, kelly, keith, brie, doyle, gene, carrie
Last person you talked to online?: jayme or jewels
Who do you talk to most online?: jayme or jewels.. you know the working professionals who stare at computers all day
Who are you on the phone with most?: i don't like the phone... so maybe my mom or sir michael wayne morris..
Who do you trust most?: i trust em all.. thats why their my friends...
Who listens to your problems?: snow white.. why i love her sooo much.. and heather when she picks up.
Who do you fight most with?: hahah... i don't think she's still my friend...
Who's the nicest?: snow white again.. (wow you're winning some awards)
Who's the most outgoing?: eddie or matt flip a coin..
Who's the best singer?: kelly madigan a member of the charlies angels
Who's on your shit-list?: i'd need another survey
Have you ever thought of having sex with a friend?: oh my.. who would do such a thing
Who's your second family?: probably the haldemans.. have you seen the good to go taco bell commercial.. thats him.
Do you always feel understood?: most of the time.. i speak well
Who's the loudest friend?: eddie or my brother
Do you trust others easily?: not at all.
Who's house were you last at?: mine?
Name one person who's arms you feel safe in:: shhhhh
Do your friends know you?: yea.. i'm an open book
Friend that lives farthest away:: eddie in brazil, my cousins in london and d.c., jim in frisco, katie when in korea, oh and some girl in nebraska!
Love and All That
Do you consider love a mistake?: never a mistake. but possibly a tragedy.
What do you find romantic?: everything can be romantic depending on the person you're with
Turn-on?: too long
Turn-off?: too long
First kiss?: amber .. on the ferris wheel 6th grade.. funny.. haha.. but katie carrol was the first crush in 2nd grade.. haha yea you katie..
If someone u had no interest in had interest in dating u how would u feel?: disappointed for them
Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them or going: huh?
Have u ever wished it was more socially acceptable 4 a girl 2 ask a guy out: sure whatever
Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractiv: yes.. 2's to 10's personality is a beautiful thing
Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking?: pretty sure.
What is best about the opposite sex?: this survey is long
What is the worst thing about the opposite sex?: really long
What's the last present someone gave you?: sergio cooked me breakfast.. oh yea..
Are you in love?: right this second no
Do you consider your significant other hot?: not sure what she is.. but shes lights out...
Who Was the Last Person...
That haunted you?: i'm nice
You wanted to kill?: shhhhh
That you laughed at?: megan kiefer
That laughed at you?: schmegs again
That turned you on?: colette heapy.. heres my earings... i'm coming back with your corona.. get out of nebraska
You went shopping with?: my mom.
That broke your heart?: ya'll know.. first time ever... ooooo.. that hurt..
To disappoint you?: read above
To ask you out?: a very good friend but i had to say no..
To make you cry?: she knows... read two ?'s above.. i want a new survey..
To brighten up your day?: nicole and katie.they make me feel warm and fuzzy.. or last night watching stephan, berto, mike and i dance above the crowd on couches, tables, and stools.. puts a smile on my face
That you thought about?: that girl with the chanel earings
You saw a movie with?: chantel
You talked to on the phone?: ms murray..
You talked to through IM/ICQ?: what language is that..
You saw?: sergio and colette..
You lost?: i've lost a lot in my day, martin, jill, dad, the list gos on... but my wingman dicky.. i love you..
Right This Moment...
Are you going out?: i'm eating popcorn filling out a 5 hour survey
Will it be with your significant other?: my phone is stupid. or i'd answer this question differently
Or some random person?: i told you i'm here filling out this survey
What are you wearing right now?: a pink shirt, puma warmups, and my glasses.
Body part you're touching right now:: is the keyboard part of the body now...????
What are you worried about right now?: good question......
What book are you reading?: book 4 by aleister crowley
What's on your mousepad?: some adelphia shit
Use 5 words to describe how you're feeling:: happy, loved, secure, tired, special
Are you bored?: no this survey is actually really exciting
Are you tired?: tired is not the word`
Are you talking to anyone online?: myself
Are you talking to anyone on the phone?: nope..
Are you lonely or content?: content.
Are you listening to music?: yes.. snow globes .. by the chasing patrol.. hahah... love you babe
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I like good music. not too into some commercialized shit that mtv or clearchannel is selling you, but you cant hate em for being able to package shit nicely and get sheep to buy it. i like when a band can play a ten minute song and make you wanna cry at the end. i like Tool, bjork, finley quay, death cab for cutie, the killers, king crimson, led zeppelin, at the drive in, kanye west, tribe called quest, mars volta, frank sinatra, james brown, james taylor, christopher wallace, gangstarr, miles davis, pink floyd, sigur ros, modest mouse, rage, portishead, coldplay, sex pistols, postal service, buena vista social club, circle jerks, black flag, HFL, billy idol, the cure, sergio mendez, steelpulse, minor threat, fleetwood mack, elton john radiohead, g and r, frou frou, just to name a few

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true romance, devils advocate, blow, city of god, good fellas, bus 174,magnolia, vanilla sky, eyes wide shut, top gun, shrek, sideways, bowling for columbine, porn, clockwork orange, full metal jacket, requiem for a dream, belly, bully, dumb and dumber, fear and loathing, contact, spun, scarface (of course)


the o.c. ( yea i know), daily show, ali g, entourage, sex in the city (yea i said it), pretty much anything on hbo, curb your enthusiam, seinfeld, that 70's show nip/tuck, cheaters, porn, the simpsons, taxi cab confessions, the soup, and an occasional novela haha..


anything by aleister crowley, dan brown, kenneth grant, stuart little was beautiful, and so was the giving tree, the hardy boys were pretty cool too, ....since i don't have time to read that much i'm making my own section which should be in here... ............................................................ ................................................... .................................. ............................................................ ..................................................ART: Michael Parks, Dali, Vladimir Kush, Warhol, Davinci, Alexandra Nechita, David LaChapelle, Peter Lik to name a few... and local love to: Aloysius Dougherty, Skeez, Mark Deren, and Vaux (jenny j.)

My Blog

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