Likes: TRAVEL, smart guys,matchbooks, Papaya's,lululemon, Frozen yogurt,Lakers,Black Iris flower arrangements,writting in my planner,Cutting tags off new things,Running in El moro,Cartier anything,Spin,Pellegrino in glass not plastic, Kimora,Tapping the glass on my fish's tank-yes he does like it!,Herve ledger dresses, Coffee Bean, A new realization (enternal lightbulb),Ahi Tuna,YSL mascara, Real chemistry, Nice Boys,Funny Boys,Charming boys,love ..lust and all that fun stuff in between. Dislikes: tomatoes,Loud people,PDA's, McDonalds,people who take life too seriously,Starbucks,Allen Iverson,Long movies,limewire,driving,decisions, red meat,gum smacking
Cant decide...Something new
DipSet...De La Soul....Digable Planets..
Top Chef, Cashmere Mafia, Nip Tuck, all that cheesy stuff
Mae West-"I never worry about diets. The only carrots that interest me are the number you get in a diamond. Dolly Parton-"The bigger the hair the closer to god"