Michelle profile picture


You never know what you'll find on the beach...

About Me

I found this layout design on PureLayouts.com - check out their MySpace Layouts .

I once rode in a blimp.

My Interests

All I need is some loud music that gets my rump a shakin'!

I'd like to meet:

Someone with a truck. I need lots and lots of boxes moved.


And I'm all over the map when it comes to what I like. Don't even ask me to name my Top Ten Deserted Island Discs. It can't be done.

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John Hughes will always have a place in my heart. Yeah..I'll admit it...I tried to copy every outfit that Molly Ringwald wore in Pretty In Pink.Bottle Rocket, Dogfight and Three Kings are my favorite movies. How's that for eclectic?


Daily Show and baseball games.


Just some of my favorite authors - David Sedaris, Michael Chabon, Haven Kimmel, Joseph Conrad and Frank O'Hara.If you ever, ever suggest I read Danielle Steele I will stop speaking to you.


My mother. 'Nuff said. And my nephew Michael who died of leukemia. He showed more courage in the 15 years he was with us than any kid should ever have to.