Mahsa profile picture


"If you close the door the night could last forever leave the sunshine out and say hello to never"

About Me

My Interests

Photography, music, new york, making collages, shopping but being really picky about it. Lately I've been having alot of fun pretending that I'm on vacation.

I'd like to meet:

Anyone that will go to the park with me. Especially if you haven't already slept with everyone I know.


The Smashing Pumpkins, Yann Tiersen, Sleeping at Last, The White Stripes, Harry Nillson, Veruca Salt, BRMC, The Yeah Yeah Yeah's, The Sights, David Bowie, The Cure, Pulp, Johnny Cash, Cat Power, The Cinematics, Muse, Dandy Warhols, Sonic Youth, Wilco, Hole, Placebo, Interpol, Ryan Adams, Angelo Badalamenti, Peaches, Brendan Benson, Radiohead, We are Scientists,Blonde Redhead, Air, The Horrors, Julee Cruise, Velvet Underground, White Rabbits


My Own Private Idaho, Amelie, The Adventures of Sebastion Cole, Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen, Secretary, High Fidelity, The Neverending story, The Usual Suspects, Blue Velvet, Lock, The Craft, Trainspotting, Immortality....oh and Twin Peaks. I'm am seriously obsessed with Twin Peaks. Especially the red room in the bar where all the girls are dancing around naked.


Six Feet Under (hands down the best television show of all time), Entourage, Rome, Sex and the City, Big Love....yes I did just practically name off all of the hbo series that exist but they are all good. 24, House, The Current Channel, Project Runway, Growing Up Gotti, Beavis and Butthead, VH1 Classics when they do the Alternative hour


American Skin, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Memoirs of a Geisha, Junky, The Fourth Sex, Foxfire, Confessions of a shopaholic, On the Road, I'll Be Your Mirror, The Lorax


Nan Goldin