Taylor profile picture


I am here for Dating and Friends

About Me

I go to UCSC and find the fucktards and asshats there fairly inconsiderate and annoying. They refuse to respect my feelings and thus i fume in a silent hatred which, in all likelihood implodes on me leaving me moody and craving canned chicken. I also live in craptos CA. Yeah sunny california. My room is more like nightime in deep space.
Beyond my locational disabilities, i have many others. But i prefer to use this space to expound on my almost ticklishly delightful intellect. I enjoy WoW, PnP, Tina, Charlie, and the occasional GAM. Just kidding, i would not do things so powerfully addictive. And i will look down on you if you do. My "drug of choice" is hardware, computer HARDware. I am fairly gifted in collecting hardware and building computers, whether from parts i buy or from parts from my friends which i keep.
I am quite the gourmand and enjoy a good MEAT SAUCE, when i can make one. However, sometimes my sauce has failed and ruined the meat in it, but if i can pull of some good meat sauce, that makes my day, and it also makes JJ's day, and everyone elses who gets to share my sauce. Quite delicious, please ask for the recipe.

My Interests

Computers and acting

I'd like to meet:

My first thought here is that i will hopefully never meet anyone. The depression induced play i have been putting on for everyone has held them off for a long time, i only hope i can keep them at bay.

However, if you exist on WoW then i may deign to cast something on you. But don't take that as a sign of favor.

On second thought i wouldn't mind meeting my penis again. Our relationship has been touch and go since about age 11, and its been a couple of weeks since we last broke up, so im hoping to make up soon and yes, meet the cute little guy again.


Yes, i do watch them occasionally. Although that generally was before J man and i came to an impass and he still would buy me tickets.
However, i do enjoy acting and such being the case, one of my favorite movies is "The Rockey Horror Picture Show". I sometimes enjoy dancing to the "timewarp" and putting my hands on my hips and the such, as well as occasionally yelling lurid things and pretending that plumpness of my cheeks somehow sounds like a vagina, or at least what i suppose to be a vagina' sound.
Other than that, there is my life. I constantly dream that zombies would take over and alleviate me of the dimwits who coinhabit this world of mine. Also it would give me a much deserved break from my usual "come to nothing" introspection. I have several Zombie plans worked out, down to the minutest detail. Unfortunately though, they dont seem to be coming, and the one plan i haven't for the life of me been able to make is a real life one. I guess until the Zombies come i'm gonna have to resort to escapism since my usual planning consist of scheduling an hour or two a day for defication and another hour or 2 for showering.


Johnny - Not only do we share somewhat damaged junk, he a semi circumcised "john"son and me a questionable intact testicle, he also is the only person i know who has the wherewithal to steal my "IP" (if you know what i mean). ********************************************** Also my Father, who lost his leg in 'Nam fighting for the american freedoms he believes in such as growing and selling unlimited amounts of marijuana to anyone with a fake medical marijuana card approved by a questionable doctor. Also the right to sometimes send me this money, but only in response to a letter I sent which berated him.