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Shannon Kay

Artist/Metaphysical Visionary

About Me

I'm very laid back and down to earth. I am an artist. My favorite media is ceramic.... but you wouldn't know that by looking at my blog. I will get my ceramics up.... eventually!
I'm a very spiritual person... but not at all religious. I find that my beliefs are VERY different than anyone I've met before. I'm an intelligent person... or at least I think so when I compare myself to the rest of my generation......... that's not saying much. I strive to better myself in every way possible, and when I retire I WILL own an art gallery........ don't doubt me!!!!

My Interests

I don't have a lot of free time. When I do, I like dancing to industrial or goth/techno or rock. I don't do booty dancing!
I love to go hiking and anything that involves nature. Although, I don't like cold weather too much... so I tend to stay in more during the winter.

I haven't been in a long time, but I LOVE to go racing!! Especially when I'm driving my dad's kick ass car!! 500 horses baby... yeeaah. If you're lucky, maybe I'll strap you in some time and take you for a ride!
Above all I am an artist. I'm still learing different types of media. My favorite is the ceramic media. I LOVE to play with mud!

I'd like to meet:

I want to meet people who are open minded, and intelligent. I like people who are in touch with not only themselves but nature as well. I prefer surrounding myself with down to earth types... I don't need drama in my life!
I'm always open to meeting fellow artists.


I LOVE tribal rock! If it's done well, it's VERY empowering! I like pretty much any kind of old and new rock. If I'm in the right mood I like to listen to classical. I can't STAND rap or country. Okaay... I'll take that back..... I can't stand MOST rap or country!


I'm with Crystal on this subject. I'll watch anything once. If it's good I may even watch it again or buy it. If I had to narrow it down...... or at least by category... I'd say action and comedy are my favorites. Since there are TONS of movies I LOVE.... I'm just going to leave it at that! HA!


Lost, Surface, Simpsons, South Park, That 70's Show
I try to avoid the tv.... too busy to sit on my ass all day!


Anodea Judith's books on Chakrahs. I LOVE books about the metaphysical world, astrology, energy and all that fun stuff.


All of you who know me well, probably expect this, the members of Tool are a huge inspiration.

The best and most pure source of inspiration will always be Mother Nature.

As an artist, naturally, I have to add a couple of artists to my list. Susan Seddan Boulet is my FAVORITE artist! Her pieces are so up-lifting and absolutly gorgeous!!!!

Another favorite artist, who actually even designed one of Tool's album covers, is Alex Grey. He's also a philospher. I've only listened to a little of one of his teachings. I would like to buy one of his books. He is a very spirtually wise individual!

I'm also very inspired by Josephine Wall. I love her mixture of the human spirit with nature, something we could all use more of in our high-paced, modern lives.

My Blog

Theories in Metaphysics

God: n 1 Creator and ruler of the universe. 2 Being or spirit worshiped as immortal and with supernatural power over nature, human fortunes, etc. We all have god(dess) within ourselves. Our higher sel...
Posted by Shannon Kay on Mon, 26 Jun 2006 06:07:00 PST


Fear Everyone knows him,For he will not go unknown.He is brought on by rejectionThoughts of being alone.Thoughts of terrible happeningsAre from which he will thrive.Thoughts of where you goWhen yo...
Posted by Shannon Kay on Wed, 14 Jun 2006 10:45:00 PST

Graphic Designs

Here are some of my graphic designs. Keep in mind all of the business graphics print out darker than they are on screen.Some of these designs may be out of proportion... sorry!LogoMy caardAddress...
Posted by Shannon Kay on Thu, 09 Feb 2006 05:24:00 PST

The Awakening

The Awakening It is the end of the day and the sun starts to set. I come to bid it a perpetual adieu. Time slows almost to a pause. The obscure sounds of every day life ring in my ear. The piercing no...
Posted by Shannon Kay on Sun, 29 Jan 2006 10:00:00 PST

Miscellaneous Art

Here are some of my favorites.... they don't really belong in a category.   This WAS going to be my beautiful prom dress.   This is my first mask. Those are real roses in the eyes.  ...
Posted by Shannon Kay on Sat, 28 Jan 2006 01:10:00 PST


      I'm usually a perfectionist when it comes to my art. This is my first piece where I just let myself go and just painted. I now realize the importance of finding beauty ...
Posted by Shannon Kay on Sat, 28 Jan 2006 12:47:00 PST


Some of these pictures are not the higest quality... to say the least. Sorry about that. When (or if) I have time I will take better pictures. Enjoy!    I know this isn't the tradi...
Posted by Shannon Kay on Sat, 28 Jan 2006 12:20:00 PST