About Me
Hi. I'm Gary. At least thats the term the people who brought me into this fucked-up world branded me with.You can call me anything you like,it matters not who we are but what we do.I have but one interest/goal in my life.Thats to help make the world a better place for every human living in it.Everything else,including music as we know it(see below),is just a hindering distraction from reality that may temporarily please but ultimately adds to the degeneration of the human race and the planet it depends upon.There's no point listing my favourite bands/artists/hobbies as I'm a human being and therefore fluid in nature and constantly evolving.Tomorrow I will be different from today.........I've written many songs,most of which are political,but sadly,people don't want to hear about reality..."Living is easy with eyes closed" as some scouse bloke once said.......I hope you find something you like in the tracks on this site.Just remember though,they are what they are,just tiny particles of unimportant abstract nonesense plucked from my mind at varying points in the evolution of my social understanding and creative development.What I wrote yesterday is NOT a reflection of who I am today...........Anyway........
MUSIC AS WE KNOW IT is a complete falsity,and rock/pop "stars" are just a vehicle for the lies they need us to swallow.They are but walking advertisements for products that make a handful of people very rich indeed.
Music is the perfect commodity.Easily re-produced,packaged and distributed throughout the consumer world creating vast profits for billionaire executives.Unlike,say,sculpture,which isn't easily replicated and sold to the masses.How many famous sculptors can you name?........Rock 'n' roll is bullshit! Just a front for a huge corporate machine.And they sucker us into believing it by portraying these walking adverts as GODS on pedestals.Which is subsequently even believed by the worship and money-fueled ego of the "god" THEMSELVES so that they THINK they are superior to the "ordinary" person........Don't believe this shit!And for fucks sake don't try to BECOME one of these false idols.Achieving it would destroy any chance you had of realising what being human is all about.Ultimately,the world is FUCKED because of EGO........
Besides,the inevitable failure you experience while desperately trying to reach your goal of becoming a twat adored by other twats will make tou utterly miserable.........Not that you have any chance of being famous ANYWAY! You will simply NEVER be a "star"! GET OVER IT!! The socio-political system we all live under doesn't work like that.CAPITALISM doesn't ALLOW the masses to get to the top of its pyramidal structure.It NEEDS you,and all the other oppressed "nobodys",at the bottom.It NEEDS that bottom layer as its foundation.Otherwise the system would collapse.......Also,they CONTROL you while you THINK you can go to the "top".And while we all follow the eternal dangling carrot we perpetuate the myth that makes them ever richer,and we ignore the shit going on in the world.So please stop feeding the monster and turn away from the temptation that has you indirectly contributing to the deaths of millions of people!!........
Why would you WANT to be famous ANYWAY?Are you so insecure that you can't rest till the whole world adores you?Don't you realise there is no limit to human desire and you'll search FOREVER for contentment if you head down that road?Every step "gained" results in a mental moving of the goalposts so you NEVER find real happiness?Robbie Tosspot Williams is STILL searching! The richest man alive is STILL miserable! America STILL hasn't enough wealth!! Stop chasing rainbows and open your eyes!!.......
Contrary to what you've always been told,you DON'T have to compete and win at everything to be of any worth.You DON'T have to be perfect.ITS OK to lose.ITS OK to blend in.ITS OK to be flawed.Competition is what drives capitalism,and therefore its responsible for all the suffering on earth.Reject that shit man!!.........I know right now you THINK you have to stand out,but that's only because the system influences your mind.You'd be amazed how utterly different you'd be when living under a more sane system."Life is not determined by consciousness but consciousness by life" as Karl Marx put it. Your thoughts,aspirations and behaviour are merely products of Capitalism. You simply do not know who you realy are yet!!.........An alternative to the madness that is capitalism has to be fought for by the masses however,and at the moment they're very fucking blind so it aint gonna happen for a while.Till it does,TRY to be content with who you are.Be happy to be equal among the people around you.You could be happy cleaning toilets if you didn't foolishly believe in an illusory ladder and the deluded idea that climbing it makes people happier and more successful than others.Its a mind-set.Its a perception.Believe me,when you suss the system out you'll laugh at how stupid you were........The system NEEDS its GODS in order to give legitimacy to a privileged heirarchy.Its the same basic lie that's found in Christianity.Worshipping those seen as high and mighty keeps the rest of us servile.Don't bow to these false idols.And don't sell your humanity down the river for a shot at becoming one of them.You'd only be living a LIE and adding to the slaughter..........
Everyone needs a goal though.So rather than waste energy on the pursuit of gaining the world for YOURSELF,strive to make the world a more equal place for EVERYONE.The lie that is music adds to the suffering of the poor in the world.Contrary to what those rich cock-sucking hypocrites Geldof and Bono say, charity does FUCKALL!! Waste of time folks!!Bit like me running you down in a juggernaut then offering you a massage.Pointless........
MUSIC,like all art,should be free to all.Not privately owned by copyright.So pirate away people.But also put something back.
Create.You have it in you.Just create.Its what humans have always done.
Delve into the complex mind they don't want you to use(incase you suss them out)and produce wonderful things. Just don't expect money for it.Don't expect fame.Art should be for art's sake.Ignore the carrot.........
One day we'll create a world without war for profit.Without poverty and oppression.But first we all need to open our eyes to the free-market system that has a very firm grip on arguably the most beautiful form of art there is........MUSIC!!.........And an even firmer hold on the minds of the robot masses who have had all questioning programmed out of them........FOR NOW!!!........By the way,I make no apoligies for any offence caused by the songs here.They were created during the process of my re-education so they are part of my history.They aren't MEANT to offend,only to entertain,and,along with this text,maybe open up new channels of thought in the heads of those who still see things one dimensionally.And to be frank, if you're THAT easily upset,you must be a fucking religious nut.In which case,GET OFF THIS FUCKING SITE YOU LUNATIC!!!.........Honesty is always appreciated however,so please tell me I'm a prick if you like.It matters not what those not yet enlightened think anyway,you don't even know YOURSELVES yet!You're all following the herd like good little sheep!! And tomorrow you COULD be so different........Time to WAKEUP!!!!!!!!!!