Assorted geekery - comics, video games, movies, anime, manga, tokusatsu, etc. I consider myself something of a polyglot, with rudimentary-to-fluent understandings of English, French and Japanese. I intend to learn Korean at some point too.
Artists. Specifically, aspiring comic book artists. Besides being a freelance journo, I'd love to break into comics. Unfortunately, my own artistic skills rank somewhere around, if not below, those of a retarded squirrel. At any one time, I probably have a dozen ideas I'm scrambling to get down on paper but no-one to draw them. I'd probably be looking to either self-publish or work through a local comics production group I'm part of. If interested and able, please drop me a PM through MySpace.
Barenaked Ladies, Reel Big Fish, Melissa Etheridge, Black Lab, Jeff Buckley, Phantom Planet - and the like....
HEROES!!! - Best show being made right now! Also, The 4400, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Angel, Farscape, Red Dwarf and, somewhat guiltily, The O.C.
Far too many comics to list - and yes, they do count as books. Practically anything by Alan Moore, for example, will be of far higher literary value than most of the top sellers in Waterstones.Otherwise, recent favorites have been Wicked by Gregory Maguire and Fat Land by Greg Critser. Mostly though, I read Victorian-era literature - Verne, Wells, Haggard, etc.