Horror Thingies, Hello Kitty, Having/Getting Ink, Pestering my Loved Ones, Shopping-this gets mentioned often- You can find me @ Target... i'm Not kidding), Sleeping (though i dont Do/Get Enough of it) and maybe just being enough of a Mystery to keep You guessing
it's Not so much "meet" it's more to "Keep in contact with the Amazing People i've been lucky to come across" So if you'd care to haunt the Squishie Pink Folds of my Brain feel free to MSG me or Whatever. i usually check this thing... Kinda
Suffering from an Obsession with VNV Nation, MC Chris, Depeche Mode, Deftones, A Perfect Circle. i dig Variety. ask me what i have Playing at the Moment b/c i'm sure i've left out some Shyte i play daily.
with 200+ dvds at my disposal, i'll just rat off the 1st few that pop in my head at this Very Moment : Candyman (fav Horror flick ev-ah) SleepyHallow/Big Fish, the Matrix series, Pretty Much anything Senor Depp signs on to do (Pirates, Chocolat, Dead Man, Secret Window, Eddie-Sharpie-Things-for-Hands, Once Upon a Time in Mexico etc) Stigmata, Spirited Away, Playing by Heart, Boondock Saints
... it may be easier to just sum it up like this : HORROR, things involving Religion/Questioning of Faith/Belief Systems, Action, Fucked up Situations, (and my fav actors are E Mcgregor, J Depp, J Hurt)
when i do watch the Tele... its most likely the Food Network (i am Addicted. plus i cook. ALOT. so i have my Excuses... i can List them all of you'd like) and maybe some Law&Order SVU (oh my God when they do like 3 episodes in a row! Score!!!) and i have been caught watching the Cartoon Network (TeenTitans! Fosters Home for the Something-Long Titles Lose Me) and Invader Zim now that they're on dvd
once again : Horror, Fiction, some select Sci-fi/Fantasy, stuff starring members of the Undead. most Recently Loved Reads : Fight Club (i sooo adored the Book more then the Movie actually) and Ringu - book waaay more fucked up then the Americanized Flick. my Authors of choice : Poppy Z Brite, Nancy A Collins, Neil Gaimen (how i Love thee), James o'Barr. its 4 am and thats what's on my Desk at the Moment But if i had to name a fav Book : the Sonja Blue Collection (paint it all black, sunglasses after dark, in the blood)
i LOVE warm Ones... with XxXtra Mayo, Tomato, Mozz-ie Cheese on Freshly Baked Bread (see Carmine's!!!)
ooh wait... you mean the Kind that wear tights??? hmm i just Dig People who are NOT phony. please. if you are going to be Fake,