Rest In Peace, Brennon Alexander McCargo. My only son......

About Me

EJYC 2007 WINTER FORMAL CONCERT / PART I EJYC 2007 WINTER FORMAL CONCERT / PART II Ministering at the 99th C.O.G.I.C. Holy Convocation
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Well, I just want to help folk....I do what I do. I thank GOD for every door HE has opened and shall open to use me. Ushering in HIS presence so that someone's life can be changed, not just "blessed", is the most important part of it all. (That was deep, huh? But, true.) Music is my passion and I love to "impart" songs into choir members. I don't believe in just teaching a song...impartation is the key. We must believe what we sing in order for it to reach the hearts of others. I serve a Kingdom Choir called E.J.Y.C. (Empowered By Jesus Youth Choir) and they're pretty hot! I'm pretty active in the National Church of GOD in CHRIST Music Department as an assistant director and workshop clinician. I'm the Assistant Minister of Music for Life C.O.G.I.C. in Riverside, CA. I'm being pushed to sing and lead Praise & Worship more than usual. "I didn't know that you can sing" is what I hear from folk. Pray for ya boi in this area. I also write and arrange a few songs. That's about it. GOD gets the glory for it all. Celebrate somebody today!
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My Interests


I'd like to meet:

I'll see him again in Heaven one day....


Gospel, Inspirational, Positive


Law & Order (all of 'em!), The Bernie Mack Show in sindication. (I don't have alot of time to watch t.v.)


The Bible (KJV), Purpose Driven Life, Who Moved The Cheese?


JESUS CHRIST and Catherine Amanda McCargo-Burrell (Mom Dukes)

My Blog

We DO Exist.......Don’t Get It Confused!

..............we might be outnumbered due to gifts being celebrated versus measurement of character and lifestyle......but we do exist....................check us out!...
Posted by STRAIGHT CHOIR DIRECTOR'S RULE!!! on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 12:51:00 PST

Borrowed gifts.......(pain without description or prescription)

We are all on loan to each other....borrowed from God.  In His divine timing, that we shall NEVER understand, He will take back some gifts that He has given us.....even your only c...
Posted by STRAIGHT CHOIR DIRECTOR'S RULE!!! on Mon, 11 Feb 2008 09:42:00 PST

I Am So Over You

Don't deal with folk that tolerate you....only deal with those that celebrate you. Time heals all is too short for......
Posted by STRAIGHT CHOIR DIRECTOR'S RULE!!! on Tue, 17 Jul 2007 09:27:00 PST

Thank GOD For Enemies - What Side of The Table Are You On???

In our life quest to please GOD and to obtain all that HE has predestined for us, enemies are made. It isn't done ententional, but insecurities and lack of ambition or drive will cause the carnel mind...
Posted by STRAIGHT CHOIR DIRECTOR'S RULE!!! on Mon, 12 Feb 2007 03:40:00 PST

Return Phone Call

At 4:27 p.m. (PST), a very good friend of mine lays in the hospital in Maryland.  He was one of my best men in my wedding.  He is in critical condition but gaurded condition suffering from a...
Posted by STRAIGHT CHOIR DIRECTOR'S RULE!!! on Sat, 06 Jan 2007 04:57:00 PST