This year has definitely been a year of Testing, Trying, and Exposing (everything not like Christ), Transformation from the inside-out! DEATH and a TOTAL reliance on GOD!
On our (me & Rhonda) journey to becoming...We have made a public decree to the devil that we will make a difference in our family, as shown in our "Top Friends" and our family IS Saved, Healed, Delivered and Set Free from every generational curse of Perversion, Drug Addiction, Lust, Homosexuality, Lesbianism, Poverty, Divorce, Dysfunctional Marriages/Relationships, Co-dependency, Low Self Esteem, Rejection, Abandonment, Depression, Murder, Schizophrenia and everything NOT like CHRIST! God has not only heard the Prayers of the righteous but HE has already ANSWERED, this is why we can decree and declare that our family is the Head and not the Tail, we are the first and not last! and Above ALL! We are a chosen Generation!
We give God glory for choosing us to go thru the Furnace of Affliction.
1. A profound change in form from one stage to the next in the life history of an organism, as from the caterpillar to the pupa and from the pupa to the adult butterfly.
2. a complete change of form, structure, or substance,
3. any complete change in appearance, character, circumstances, etc.
4. a form resulting from any such change.More about you see, my name is Vonda, I have become Victorious over ALL things, been to Hell and back, so who is Man that I should fear? Triumph makes this the Most Beautifulest moment in time for me and my Family, It's back to the Basics, those who matter, those who shape us, love us unconditionally. So pardon me as I re-focus, and re-prioritize my LIFE!!!...And forgive me please for overlooking those who really matter while trying to win the love of those who mishandled it, confused it, abused it and used it..Forgiveness, yes, but Life must go on, The WORD must be TOLD! Destiny is at Hand, Healing, Deliverance and Restoration cometh s NOW! And to move on, I must let go, let God and not look back...(Me and Lot's wife have NADA in common :). My Love, thru my actions speaks for itself. I'm "Desperately seeking Quality of Living...Real Things, Real People...Phoney people and those with selfish agendas...hit the Back button NOW.... above all else, to know me is to know that I am a Faith Walker, I believe that nothing is impossible for God, I believe in the realm of the Supernatural and am richly blessed to constantly see its fruit; ..according to your Faith, let it be done unto you. To know me is to also know my seriousness about God's Word, not just reading it, but living it, working out my own soul salvation, pressing toward the mark, Righteousness would have to be my stamp, that comes from the heart first, then spills over into one's action...whenever you see an individual cutting up, not treating you right, it stems from their heart.To see and know the heart of Men is the most privileged place to be with God, yet the most sacred, because He trusts you to see, yet not judge, see, yet still love, see, yet still pray, see, yet still be ready to receive them as God does when repentance comes; God gives back double once repentance is made, we are required to do the same. Obedience and low tolerance, for the lack of, is probably my other strong traits, PRIDE and all its cousins, detest...the times are serious and we must be mindful and thoughtful of our Diets, what we take in, who we allow around us at set times, when to shift and move, there is a time and season for all things. Pardon me, can I get by?... I got somewhere to be...With all that, what makes me happy?..Worship...Experiencing God on all levels..In every area of my disorder even if things appear to be chaotic, I find peace when my life, heart and mind are in Divine Order. One that note...please enjoy who and what matters most to me....
Enjoy the slide show below of Marshall's Surprise Bday Party!!
Your results:
You are Supergirl
Wonder Woman
The Flash
Green Lantern
Iron Man
Lean, muscular and feminine.
Honest and a defender of the innocent.
Click here to take the Superhero Personality Test