Brooke profile picture


You're kinda cool but I know better than to break the rules of messin' with a lesson that I'll never

About Me

It's time to live in the moment and treasure it all! Be kind to each other...Negativity is such a waste of oxygen... Wanna know more? My drag name is Jasmine Charleen. My pet-peeve is unpainted toenails. My friends think I'm a "preppie-hippie". (Save the Earth, it's the only planet with chocolate.) My son thinks I'm horribly embarrassing. My dad thinks I'm a bitchy-angel. My brother thinks I'm crazy if he thinks of me at all. My mother lives a mile away from me, and probably drives by at night to make sure I don't have any men here. My favorite pick-up line is: Hi...I've lost my puppy, would you help me look for her? I think she went into that cheap motel across the street..." And no, I don't actually use it.


MySpace Layouts MySpace Layouts
MySpace Codes
MySpace Backgrounds

My Interests

Here's a novel idea....

I'd like to meet:

On here? Funny people. Funny "ha-ha" not funny "strange". And not slapstick or over the top funny. (Leave that to paid entertainers please.) Witty, I guess. Sarcastic perhaps. But funny. Theoretically? Alexander the Great would be a good one...I could've convinced him to give me my own empire. Then there's people with hypnotic voices like Anna Nalick or Bing Crosby...yeah, weird combination, I know. Louis Armstrong, totally. Anyone who writes/plays hot tunes. People who have something interesting to say would be good to meet. Like Ghandi...he was a smooth cat. Creative types too...would've loved to hang out with Janis and Jimi. Or Kat Von D...she could give me the tattoo of my dreams, but we'd definitely have to hang out first cuz I could never afford her otherwise. There's a lot of other folks in my friends list I don't actually know but would like to. I love hearing from people from all over, so if you've read this far you're probably very cool and I should get to "MySpace know you". Then there's the people I know already, that you might like to meet. So check out my top friends for these entertaining personalities. Several of whom I'm related to. None of whom can give me my own empire.
You scored as Pacifism. You are a Pacifist. Under no conditions will you fight. You will accept risks -- even those of violence against you or death -- and you will act to help the victims of war. Conscience matters to you. Other pacifists: Martin Luther King Jr., Jesus, Buddha



Just War




War Liberal


Chicken Hawk



What is your view on War
created with


I couldn't even begin to list the wide range and you wouldn't take the time to read them all anyhow...


Casablanca...goodbyes in the rain break my heart...Breakfast At Tiffany's...I definitely have my Golightly side...To Have and Have Not...can you tell I have a Bogey thing goin' on?


During the season I'm all about Lost, The Office, and Grey's Anatomy...Right now it's Graham Norton Show, and Southpark..."Excuse me ma'am, but I believe you have a snuke in your snizz." What can I say? They make me laugh!


The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova...Love Anne Rice...Wicked by Gregory Maguire...


Barrett and our potty-mouth dictionary...It contains informative 'word in a sentence' examples like: Wondersnatch, noun: "Once you throw some dude the wondersnatch he is powerless." she puts up with Barrett and me I'll never know. Lisa...who despite being decades out of Barbizon (hahahahaha) and high school, still thinks she's a model cheerleader. Terri...the blonde yankee who's more fun than a barrel of monkeys. Pea...the ever rational voice of reason and my own personal Jiminy Cricket - she totally gets me. John...who walks through life with a free spirit and a "party on the head." Ya'll have gotten me through one helluva year...And you'll be much adored, always.

and by the way...
There are
people with my name
in the U.S.A.
How many have your name?
"While both names you entered were found in our database, neither was common enough to make it likely that someone in the U.S. has that name." Hmmmmm...So if I'm not here, where am I?

My Blog

Random thoughts....

it's hot...and humid...ridiculously so...when i walked out of my apartment to go to work today my sunglasses instantly steamed up...craziness...i generally give up on straightening my hair in mid-july...
Posted by Brooke on Mon, 25 Jun 2007 03:56:00 PST

Chinese buffet + Flying = Bad idea

again, working at the flight school at the airport has its benefits...not only do i get to drive the golf cart around the airfield, i occasionally get taken to lunch by my boss, and sometimes get offe...
Posted by Brooke on Sun, 17 Jun 2007 04:31:00 PST

Golf carts are fun!

deprived child of the world that i am, i had never driven a golf cart before today...sure i had ridden in golf carts, but riding in a golf cart is no have control of nothing and depending on...
Posted by Brooke on Wed, 13 Jun 2007 04:41:00 PST

THAT'S the finale???

that's IT?  that's the whole, entire, complete finale of the sopranos? i end breakfast with a bigger bang!  at least there's a clickingsound when the dishwasher door closes...if for som...
Posted by Brooke on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 05:28:00 PST

The Spawn of Pope Benedict & Madonna: My Blog of Repentance

What happens when Pope Benedict knocks Madonna up in the middle of the Sistine Chapel in front of hundreds of Catholic faithful?   No, it isn't a bad joke...It's yet another of my FREAKISH ...
Posted by Brooke on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 06:37:00 PST

Leprechauns, Nelly Furtado & Addiction

i now have absolute proof of the addictive properties of myspace...itwasn't enough that i put the little alert thingy on my phone...and thefact that i have 2 profiles (3 if you count my dog's) still d...
Posted by Brooke on Sat, 17 Mar 2007 05:14:00 PST

All you could possibly want to know...

highly random stuff about me...i detest chipped fingernail polish...i'm easily persuaded...i'm generally early for work and appointments and such...i'm alwayslate for going out...i've even been late t...
Posted by Brooke on Sun, 04 Mar 2007 06:06:00 PST

The second time around...

is the second time around any better?  i suppose it depends on whatwe're talking about.  for example, second time sex is usually better.obviously it was good the first time or you wouldn't g...
Posted by Brooke on Wed, 21 Feb 2007 06:17:00 PST

Bizarre mood of the moment...

It's a bleary, cold Saturday.  The kind of day when you just want to stay in bed with the covers over your head and sleep.  Which is what I've done most of the day.  My psycho-snake-han...
Posted by Brooke on Sat, 17 Feb 2007 12:43:00 PST

Apartment life...

And so it was, after a decade of homeownership, I am back to renting.  I went first to a lovely little cottage of red brick in the charming "village" of Sequoyah Hills.  For non-locals, Sequ...
Posted by Brooke on Sat, 03 Feb 2007 08:41:00 PST