uber profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I created my own profile using nUCLEArcENTURy.COM and you should too!

My Interests

Going out with my friends, chatting a gooden to people.Listening to Music, Clubing, Uberisms, Having a good Funk,Having a good Punk, Love looking at the way people aredressed - (bad and good)

I'd like to meet:

Cool people who step out of the box with a story!!!


eLEctRonIC, iNdie, neW Rave, RetRO(HouSE], houSe,DAFt puNK, M, eRol ALkan,U, PaUL TAyLOr,S, KaSabaian, klaZons, I, THe jam, 20:20 SOUNDsySTEM,C, mOby, I, OaSIS, sIMIAN moBILE DISCO, S, tHE poLICe, T, HaRd Fi, the GossIP BLoC paRTy, H, bLOndIe, E, NEW OrdER, A, Lcd soundsYtem, ShitdIsco, N, thE LibertiNeS bAnaNARAma, S, hOT cHip, W, stone RosES, E, InSx dIGitilism, R, THE fUTUREHeads, ratpAck,


Quadrophenia, Clockwork orange, Goodfells, casino, godfarther etc... The karate kid!!!!!!!(Lame i know, but theres an appeal to old films as such, they stick to the times they know, unlike such films as the matrix!)


Saop addict, Reality Tv, Make Over programmes, tv legands--- Russell Brand, Jonathan Ross, Trinny and Sussannah, Gordon Ramsey, Kevin Webster,

My Blog

Chuck a blend..

I have chucked my first mix, captured the sounds and added them to a device some people are calling Compact Disc!!!!!If you would like a replica sending to you, via the royal mail process-----> Drop u...
Posted by uber on Sun, 15 Apr 2007 11:35:00 PST