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SCREWED. Released 07/12/2008
Free download: Click here!!ROBOTS. Released 04/10/2004
Free download: Click here!!All music and artwork material is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
Spanish / Español
El proyecto DILO nace a principios de 2002 en un intento de aunar la experiencia electrónica con máquinas llevada a cabo por Ãngel y FermÃn, con una perspectiva más orgánica (y rockera) en cuanto a composición y arreglos, aportada por Jordi. A los cinco años de su primer encuentro, DILO cuenta con un pequeño estudio casero de grabación-producción (Pikadero Records) y dos discos: Robots (2004) y Screwed (2007). Ambos discos publicados de forma libre y gratuita en la página web de la banda (, asà como en diversos portales de música libre ( ; ).
Las diversa formación e influencias de sus componentes dan lugar a una propuesta electrónica con intención punk, rock y pop, a medio camino entre Depeche Mode y Prodigy. Con una producción muy cuidada, la temática de las canciones de DILO mezcla a partes iguales los tópicos del rock con una visión crÃtica sobre temas sociales y polÃticos.
DILO ha actuado en diversos festivales y eventos musicales entre los que destacan: Florida 135, Festival Djs Contra la Fam en Barcelona, Cotton Club Lleida, Festinoval en Lleida, Festival FIRE en Gallur, Palmfest en Hospitalet de l'Infant, Aragón State of Djs cerca de Zaragoza. También quedaron finalistas en la 18a. Edición del concurso Bilborock 2006 celebrado en Bilbao. Han compartido cartel con Funk D'Void, Ascii Disko, Dave Tarrida, Alexander Kowalski, Dj Supermarkt, Aviador Dro, Iñaqui MarÃn, Jaumëtic, Iana Himnia, Robert X, Fandango Djs, Orduña, Carlos Hollers, Chimo Bayo y El Gran Puzzle Cózmico.
English / Inglés
In 1995 we started to use software trackers and the first tracks took shape. There were 2 of us then, Fermin and Santi, and Xtensions Of Mind was born. In 1997 the band performed twice live by mixing tracks obtained by mixing the output sound from 2 computers. For these performances we synchronized our music with the images projected by another computer (fractals animated by self-generated programs, based on tempo and frequency components, all in real time).
For a while we discontinued our live gigs and embarked on studio experimentation. We left tracker software to move onto a more professional hardware-based work system. In 1999 we incorporated our first synthesizers and another member joined in: Angel. From then we set off to develop a work technique based on MIDI sequencing and mixing.
At the end of 2001, Santi left the band and we changed the band's name to Dilo .
At the beginning of 2002, Jordi Aranes joins the band and Dilo begins a new project blending Fermin's and Angel's electronic music experiences with Jordi's organical influences on the arrangements and the instruments. Since then, Dilo has been searching for its own identity as a band and its own distinctive sound.
In 2004, Dilo releases Robots, its first album and publishes its music on its own web, under a Creative Commons license. In 2007, Dilo releases Screwed, its second studio album under a Creative Commons licence.
Dilo has played in several festivals and locations like: Florida 135, Aragón State of Djs (near Zaragoza), Festinoval (Lleida), Festival FIRE (Gallur, Zaragoza), Festival Djs Contra la Fam (Barcelona), Cotton Club (Lleida), Palmfest (Hospitalet de l'Infant) and the 18º Festival pop-rock Villa de Bilbao (Bilborock). Shared lineups with Ascii Disko, Funk D'Void, Dave Tarrida, Alexander Kowalski, Aviador Dro, Iñaqui MarÃn, Jaumëtic, Iana Himnia, Robert X, Fandango Djs, Orduña, Carlos Hollers, Chimo Bayo and El Gran Puzzle Cózmico.