I'd like to meet:
the last whisper of lashes fade dark, I see you then, in my dreams... drifting farther and farther until my whole being is drunk with your spirit and I begin to move...rhythms of your melody down the small of my back, onto the curve of
my hips and for a moment in time, eternal bliss. -Lxx
"As a child I was raised amongst savage siblings in San Diego (dangerous for a delinquent). I grew up playing soccer, racing my royal go karts, swinging from vines and swimming. In the fifth grade I got in a fight with twin boys over "foul play" during a serious game of four square. Maybe it was because I was bullied by a another big kid sometimes after school. It must be because I'm Irish. Excuses, excuses. I used to hide my mom's cigarettes in a Danish butter cookie tin in my closet so she couldn't smoke. Now,I smoke. I was deprived of a religion that Hail's Mary, instead I got to keep the guilt with me. I got knocked out while high diving at 15, thrown off a moto at 16,and moved to Europe at 17. Kids used to make fun of how big my teeth were and how thin I was -until I appeared on magazine covers- after that, grown ups took on that role. Naturally it's my children's turn to make fun of me -and it's happening. These days I am kept in a straight jacket, sometimes even during my most creative moments. My six year old keeps the key. Still, he thinks I'm the coolest mom at his school (when out of the jacket)... oh, except Dustin's mom- but I'm not supposed to worry because she's just a "little less pretty" than I. Sweet liar he is. With that bit of history behind me, I tend to live in a realm halfway between fantasy and reality. Depending on the day -or rather, the moment- the forces [their direction] shift. The most fanciful of days are the ones in which they give in to each other, for that is when I truly believe my fantasies as my reality; and that darlings, is a most fantastic state to be in.
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