Carlo profile picture


Ambition is a 24hour job !

About Me

I'm a freelance illustrator/concept artist who loves to specialize in Fantasy, Science-Fiction, Macabre & Horror themes. I can create character concept art for video game design, comic-books, sequential storyboards, private commisioned art ( i.e. just portraits of your favorite people,celebrities, personalities, etc.etc.)even design tattoos for ya.
Send me a message if you'd like to find out more.
If you'd like to see what I can do I have a link to my online Gallery here.
feel free to check it out !

My Interests

I like ART.. whether it's a million dollar painting by Salvador Dali to a dinosaur welded together by some 70yr old fogey out of rusty hub-caps and bubble gum in a gas station on the desert 10 miles from nowhere .I like seeing diffrent cultures and peoples. Landscapes from the ghettos of Los Angeles to the lakes of Ireland, the architecture of the sisteen chapel to graceland.Tattoos...classic cars.. Harley Davidson motorcycles ..horror movies, comedies,tragedies.

Music : I like music for many reasons .. from the emotions it brings out of me to the lyrics that make me envision fantastic themes. to the funniest shit you just have to sing along to !

I'd like to meet:

There's another loaded Question huh ?

Writers, fellow artists from all walks of life..fine art, photography,cartoonists, DJs,dancers,models,musicians it's all art to me!

Y'know the type ? abit off kilter.. considered by many of thier friends harmlessly insane....for the most part. Not part of the herd..
People that could be clients fro projects, people I could network to my other various contacts to work with, wor for,trade contact information with.. anyone serious about thier passions and creative outlets.


It ussually matches the mood of what I'm currently working on. sort of like a soundtrack or background music to creation.. lol


Mood dictates that Movie day.


T.V ... Mostly..cartoons and art related or researchable stuff.. and the occasional JUNK like MTV. =P


Ah! Well, I do like to read sometimes.. besides comic-books I like to read R.A. Salvatore ( all his books ). Anne Rice ( all her books..except for the ones that are like cheap dime store porn novels never bothered to see what the hype was all about ). I think I still haven't finished a book my sister let me read called "Manifest Destiny" .


Hmmn.. if we're talkin' SUPER HEROES ? I don't really have a particular favortie.. but If we're talkin' Heroes in the more realistic sense ? My heroes are : KURT COBAIN-for his poetry and mind.. the guy broke boundaries and ideologies by just turning a guitar upside down, playing it left handed and screaming out his soul's piece of mind to a deaf and blind world and being heard.. if even only for a minute. The guy who stands up to a bully , not because he can but because he saw someone being bullied and decided he didn't want that happening. The Girl /guy who goes after his dreams and makes it happen no matter how silly that dream may be to anyone else !

My Blog


Genius may have its limitations, but stupidity is not thus handicapped. Elbert Hubbard (1856 - 1915) ...
Posted by Carlo on Tue, 03 Oct 2006 11:00:00 PST

The things you find on the bottom of a MUG !

I found this on a MUG in a coffee shop !DANCEAs though no one is watching youLOVE As though you've never been hurtSINGAs though no one can hear you LIVEAs though heaven is here on Earth   pretty ...
Posted by Carlo on Mon, 31 Oct 2005 05:50:00 PST


Welp.. my project's been stopped . ( sigh) Gonna go and take my P.T.O. back and tell work I won't be needing it.. =( AAARRGGHHHHH!!!!!! (walks off to shoot himself.. )
Posted by Carlo on Thu, 13 Oct 2005 06:27:00 PST

Into Davey Jone's Locker!

Goin' away fro a few weeks from myspace y'all.. I'm typin this as I wait for some company paperwork. May you all have the greatest time !I'l be seeing you all again here on the 24th hopefully with awe...
Posted by Carlo on Wed, 12 Oct 2005 07:08:00 PST

My Tattoos !

By the fiery! I'm still here online. =/ welp so.. I was goofin off with my camera ( cameraphone to be exact.) ..and, I took pictures of most of my tattoos.. I used to be a tattoo artist afte...
Posted by Carlo on Mon, 10 Oct 2005 03:26:00 PST

New lay-out. thanks to my lil' sista !

YEP ! Mayfaith has done it again.. Helped me re-work my lay-out page.. was totally tryin to keep myself distracted and I am still here at her place .. so before she went to work she helped me get thi...
Posted by Carlo on Mon, 10 Oct 2005 01:46:00 PST ya all find me ?? =)

Wel ain't this a kick in the arse !  Heheh !  It seems once ya find one of your Co-workers and add tehm to yer myspace friends list.. the rest seem to pop right outta the wooworks. hehe ! OK...
Posted by Carlo on Mon, 10 Oct 2005 07:42:00 PST

Needing a release...

Had to .. needed the release here. and for me. sometimes I'm driven to write than to draw.. rare as it is I had to write it down before I lose it.. =/ Thanks for listennig all .. it helps.   Fear...
Posted by Carlo on Fri, 07 Oct 2005 11:18:00 PST

Getting back into the swing of things...

Okay .. so a very good friend and former roommate of mine is on a mission to help me get back into the groove of constantly creatign art again.. having a full time regualr job kinda takes up alot of t...
Posted by Carlo on Fri, 26 Aug 2005 07:49:00 PST

Posted some more art on my profile page !

Heya all.. ummn.. well I decided I'd put up more stuff on my "wall " of sorts.. it's just three of my art pieces.. one is a blonde Vampire done in gray markers.. the center piece is Hellboy hisself pe...
Posted by Carlo on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST