deathbite! sock catch! muscles. jets. scratching chrissy. hunting Belle and punching uzzi in the face. i miss toby and i miss thomas. cat nip. dog food and bones. the outside world. spying on birds. ruining the blinds. racing up the stairs. sniffing faces and necks. sleeping alll day.. empty boxes. bags from thomas. sniffing thomas' bedroom door. sniffing and sneezing. climbing up the chimney. thrashing around in my litter box/dome. hatebreed. being a cat scarf. yellow feather stick, etc.
spidesr and flies.
My Dad's band, Ted Nugent, Hatebreed, Darkthrone, and Jay-Z.
Brian Fellows, Discovery Channel, TLC, The Dog Whisperer, etc.
I can't read. I lurk on these sites all day peeping out babes. so what.
mom and dad for rescuing me. chrissy for loving me even when i am rude. cara meanie for saving my life when i tried to jump out the window. thomas for taking me to the kitty e.r. when i smashed up my leg. toby for letting me eat cookies crumbs from his mouth.