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Rik Emmett


About Me

Live @ Sweden Rock Festival - June 7, 2008
Canadian Music Industry Hall of Fame Induction
(Click the arrow below to watch Rik's acceptance speech)
Rik Emmett Discography
1990 - Absolutely
1992 - Ipso Facto
1995 - The Spiral Notebook
1997 - Ten Invitations From The Mistress of Mr. E
1997 - Swing Shift
1999 - Raw Quartet
1999 - The Spirit of Christmas
2000 - Live At Berklee
2002 - The Millenium Collection
2002 - Handiwork
2003 - Good Faith
2005 - One Night in Cinci (DVD)
2005 - Live @ 10 Gigs (DVD)
2006 - Strung-Out Troubadours
2007 - Strung-Out Troubadours Live at Hugh's Room
2007 - Liberty Manifesto, by Airtime - a heavy rocking project
2008 - Marco's Secret Songbook - acoustic songwriter project
For additional information on Rik's catalog, including complete track listings & descriptions of each CD, please visit rikemmett.com
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Rik Emmett was a relatively unknown singer/songwriter/guitarist on the local Toronto scene in September of 1975, when he joined a newly-forming hard rock trio. By 1979 that act had three albums that had gone gold and platinum in Canada, and two of these had charted in the States, receiving serious radio airplay. By 1981, they were firmly established as one of the premier touring rock acts in North America, with generous FM radio airplay support and heavy rotation on the fledgling MTV cable channel. In the next seven years they released a total of ten albums, which all struck gold, as four of them went platinum in Canada, and two went gold Stateside. Emmett's name frequently appeared in guitar magazine polls, and he won some prestigious awards, including Best Lead Guitarist nationally in 1981. Rik left that band in 1988 to fly solo, but as one of the original band members, he was inducted into the Canadian Rock Hall of Fame in 1993.
Rik's solo career began in 1989 and spawned three releases for Duke Street/MCA Records. The first album of the three, Absolutely, went gold in 1990, yielding the hits "Saved by Love" and "Big Lie", two songs that provided a fairly easy transition from triumphant arena rocking while maintaining a sense of continuity for FM radio listeners. Perhaps a bit more of a surprise was the ballad, "When a Heart Breaks", which crossed a rock guitar hero over into other radio formats, and revealed a more sensitive singer/songwriter persona. "World of Wonder" also received substantial airplay, and revealed an expanding lyrical and stylistic range. Ipso Facto followed in '92. It offered up such hits as "Out of The Blue", the Stevie Ray / Jimi / Wes Montgomery tribute, and "Bang On", a rocking return to one of Rik's personal themes - positive motivation and inspiration. Ipso Facto was a tour de force of that 'damnable' stylistic versatility - no surprise to fans who knew Rik as a guy who always put trademark classical guitar pieces or little jazz tunes in between the hard rock anthems, arena blues riffs and progressive flourishes found on past records.
A strong singer/songwriter album called Spiral Notebook followed in '95, which got noticed through airplay of the singles "Let Me Be The One" and "The Longing", both examples of Emmett's abilities as a sensitive balladeer, arranger, and producer.
In 1996, Rik Emmett's career entered another new phase, as he began testing the courage of his musical convictions with his work at THE REC ROOM, a digital studio facility he built, and through OPEN HOUSE Records, his own label.
Artistically, following those convictions paid off. The first release for OPEN HOUSE was Ten Invitations from the Mistress of Mr E., a beautifully written and performed CD of instrumental classical nylon string guitar. Critics and fans were reminded that the 'rock guitar god' was not a one trick pony. Rik then recorded part two of his guitar trilogy, Swing Shift, which took a completely different musical direction, featuring jazz, swing and fusion. Again, the CD was well received, and piqued the interest of brand new fans in growing musical circles. Perhaps more importantly, he continued to elevate the spirits of his diehard supporters who were witnessing a musical transformation that would come to defy easy classification. Raw Quartet, released in early 1999, became the final CD in the trilogy, displaying Rik's passion and natural affinity for blues and rock. 1999's Live at Berklee (highlights from sold out shows at the prestigious Berklee College of Music in Boston), was followed by a traditional Spirit Of Christmas album, recorded in collaboration with keyboardist Sam Reid. 2002 brought the release of a 20th Century Masters Best of Rik Emmett Collection, and another widely-acclaimed instrumental masterpiece - Handiwork. In the late summer of 2003, the singer/songwriter of GOOD FAITH emerged, and yet another new chapter began in an already storied career. 2005 saw the release of TWO new DVDs: "One Night In Cinci" and "Live @ 10 Gigs." Both are available from www.maplemusic.com
"STRUNG-OUT TROUBADOURS" -- a collaboration CD between Rik Emmett and Dave Dunlop -- and "LIVE AT HUGH'S ROOM" are now available! Complete details appear on the left-hand side of this page.
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Photos with Friends
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My Interests


Member Since: 1/22/2006
Band Website: rikemmett.com
Band Members: NEW CD now available!

Strung-Out Troubadours is now available from www.maplemusic.com .

Strung-Out Troubadours is a writing/recording project that arose from the public response to Rik Emmett's instrumental duo performances together with Dave Dunlop during Rik's concert gigs. The material on the album is centred on an acoustic folk roots kind of showcase for serious guitar lovers.


1. LIGHT OF DAY - pretty much Dave's original form. I rewrote a few lyric lines to try and throw some McCartney-esque sunshine on Dave's Lennon-ish darkness. Collaboration is great when it pushes us out of set ways.

2. CROSS COUNTRY - Dave is off to the races! I just tried to give him some chord changes to race over. [BTW - throughout the CD, Dave is usually the 'lead' player, often on nylon string, and I am the steel string accompanist, occasionally taking a more forceful fingerstyle command of proceedings. I handle all lead vocals, and Dave tracked plenty of backgrounds. But not on this track. This is one of the instrumentals, and Dave is showing off some of his hybrid pickin' chops.]

3. STATE OF GRACE - grew out of the intro head for Dos Arroyos. A simple song that runs deep. "Every moment passing by" is a notion that, as a mortal human, has always given me an ache of regret. Nothing [except art and human imagination] can make time stand still. Yet we have an opportunity to try and do the right thing, be a good person, shape the world as a better place for others by attempting to hold true to certain virtues. Yet another attempt to write a song that will fill up the empty space between and inside hearts & souls with something graceful, something merciful, something tender. This requires a complete act of giving. You give it all, present in the moment, full of the courage of wonder. As my friend Ian Thomas has written, this is The Art Of Living.

4. DOS ARROYOS - a challenge to weave two forms and melody, as two meandering streams of thought. Two guitarists, not so much a conversation as an intertwining dance, the gentle flow along the riverbed that a logical sense of gravity determines.

5. GOOD THING - Dave's tune about how his wife rescues him from his 'bad'ness. Really fun to take a guitar duo thing into Hall & Oates R & B / smooth jazz territory. As 'producer', Dave challenged me to go from whispers and falsetto to a burned-out Tom Petty thing in the bridge. Kinda like Star Trek, it's sometimes fun to go where no Emmett has gone before.

6. QUINTESSENCE - Dave had the starter idea for a riff in 5/4, in drop D. This is a musicianly guitarist thing, and it presents a few technicalities to get your hands, um, dirty.

7. FAITHFUL STRANGER - grew out of Dave's arpeggiating chord fragment. I built the song, with lyric & melody & form, from that. We're often strangers to ourselves, reinventing & coming to terms with our own limited humanity. Within our orbits & cycles, can we manage to keep faith, with hope and love? These abiding graces help us feel less 'strange' to ourselves when "what goes away comes back around".

8. EVEN HANDED - an instrumental, arranged to give melodic comfort within the balanced harmonies of twin guitars. Familiar territory for those who recall some ideas in Beyond Borders, or things like Full Sail or Autumn Turns, on the Handiwork CD.

9. RAINBOW WORLD - the intro chord progression was Dave's original idea, then I wrote a pop song to a melody he was playing on guitar over the changes. This is the story of a man who is truly smitten, waking up in unfamiliar territory, where everything is twinkling and sparkling with possibility - cuz he's fallen in love. The catch - she's got quite a strong, independent spirit. He's not sure if this is what he finds so powerfully attractive, or if it's this that's scaring him - or just the fact that his heart cannot hear a single thing his head might be saying.

10. BONUS TRACK: THREE CLOUDS ACROSS THE MOON (LIVE) - the origin is a tune from the Swing Shift CD, but it has morphed. Oh yeah - the Troubs are nothin' if not shape-shifting mutants.

To place your order, please visit www.maplemusic.com
Record Label: Rockit Sounds Inc.
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

New Acoustic Guitar Trio...

An exciting new acoustic guitar trio has been born:  on June 16, Pavlo, Rik, and Oscar Lopez shared some great food and wine, then started collaborating on new, original music.  This project...
Posted by Rik Emmett on Sun, 22 Jun 2008 05:27:00 PST

here comes June...

Hi folks! Busy busy - rehearsing with the lads daily, and off to Sweden next week.  Dave & I have a Troubs gig in Bracebridge today, and I'm doing a Yamaha acoustic guitar clinic in Richmond ...
Posted by Rik Emmett on Fri, 30 May 2008 05:48:00 PST

May days...

Hi folks,   Not much time to write this month.  On Monday May 5, I am hosting a part of the Humber Students' Songwriting Showcase at Hugh's Room. Blair Packham will also be there to sing and...
Posted by Rik Emmett on Sat, 03 May 2008 09:48:00 PST

Approaching April....

Hi folks.   Incredibly busy time for me - just back from Mount Pleasant Michigan where I watched my son playing some NCAA Division 1 spring baseball!  Yahoo!  Outdoors in a Michigan bas...
Posted by Rik Emmett on Tue, 25 Mar 2008 07:18:00 PST

March madness...

Hi everyone,   Lots of stuff going on in March - prep for the Triumph induction into the Hall of Fame coming up April 6 (gonna need some new wardrobe for that, I reckon), the rehearsals for the...
Posted by Rik Emmett on Wed, 05 Mar 2008 05:50:00 PST


Hi folks...   Well - it's been a crazy month.  And I'm only two weeks in ... The road trip out west was insane:  Canadian weather threatened to kill the tour before we could even...
Posted by Rik Emmett on Fri, 15 Feb 2008 11:21:00 PST


Hi Folks, and cheers to the New Year!   Here's the review about the holidays:  ate too much.  Drank too much.  Spent too much money.  In that sense, it was...
Posted by Rik Emmett on Fri, 04 Jan 2008 04:38:00 PST

Holiday wishes...

I want to wish everyone peace, comfort, joy, and love over the holidays. I hope you'll all have a lot of fun, but also ease up and play it safe so we can all keep on rock...
Posted by Rik Emmett on Tue, 25 Dec 2007 10:35:00 PST

Backstage in Philly

Very dark.... no light on camera.... doing the best we can for you!Backstage in Philly.... Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by Rik Emmett on Mon, 19 Nov 2007 05:20:00 PST

Pittsburgh/Cleveland wrap-up

Pittsburgh/Cleveland wrap-up... Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by Rik Emmett on Sun, 04 Nov 2007 02:47:00 PST