BlackSheepRadio profile picture


BSR - A Station For Florida's Original Indie Music

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

At this time BSR is only accepting and playing music from Florida artists.
We love our local artists and wish to showcase their talents.

Sometime in the future BSR may branch out and add another station
that will feature artists from all over, but for now it will remain Florida only.


*.30 Caliber * 2 A.M. * 21st Floor * 28 Gates * 3 Inch Fizz * 3 to 1 * 3rd Limb * 5 Billion Dead * 80 Proof Down * 9 Pints Shy *

* A Daylight Away * A Horror Story * Aberdeen's Afire * ACK! * Acoustic Agape * Adonai * After Every Tempest * After It's Over * Aily * Aja * Alaco Affair * Alex Bach * Alexandria * Alexian * Alud * Always A Favorite * Amelia Street * Amnesty * Amongst The Fallen * Amy English * Amy Steinberg * Anjelkiss * Area 51 * Arietta * Art Carter * Atlas * Atomic Tangerine * Average Joe *

* Bad Cat * Band Marino * Barbwire * Battlestar * Beautiful Mess * Becoming Final * Beneath These Words * Beyond The Sun * Big Happy Crowd * Big Shirley * Bill Peck * Billy Boloby * Bizzarro! * Bleeding Incorporated * Blue Meridian * Bobby Mott * Box * Box of Noise * Boxelder * Boxplow * Braille * Broken Center * Bughead * Bullet Blue Sky * Buried Beside Me *

* Cabal * Carnevil * Carolina * Certain Individuals * Chaefin * Chase * Chase Coleman * Chumley's Toy * Chunk Bucket * Cider * Circle of Scorn * Clarence Mayhew * Clayton Hall * Click * Coldspot 8 * Colsiver * Commissary * Concise * Copasetic * Courtesy of You * Critical * Critical Mass * Cuban Sandwich Crisis * Curse Icon * Cyst *

* David Milam * Day Music Died * DC North * Dead End Kids * Dead Flesh * Dead to the Sound * Dear John * Deconstructionist * Deepset * Delusional * Den of Thieves * Depleted * Deroot * Desiderata * Devereux * Devolve * Diabolic Intent * Dirty Hammock * Divine In Nature * DJ J-Break * DJ Krumple * DJ Sandy * DJ Taco * DollhouseX * Dont Die Cindy * Dopamean * Dreamsoaker * Dust A.C. *

* Early Next Year * Ebenezer * Edge To Idle * Emily Stine * Emma * Enigma the Monkey * Epic Design * Eumenides * Evandora's Fiddle * Eversfield * Eversinceve * Evil Ballerina * Ezra Stone *

* F * Fairweather Friend * Fathom * Filth Tree * fireflight * Fish Pocket * Five Minute Plan * Flash Over * Florganism * Folded Faces * ForDaylight * Forever Awake * Forever Changed * Four Square * Friendly Fire * Frigid Member * Frogger Phrampton * Funderburke * funkUs *

* Gadwell Lane * Gaia * Gargamel! * Gary Usinger * Gauge * Gene Ryan * Gestalt * GMan AKA The 7th Letter * Grant * GrayByMourning * Greater Grey * Green Goblyn Project * Grey Goose * Grumpy *

* Hands Free Method * Hard Ass * Harm's Way * The Hate Bombs * Hawkeye * Hindu Cowboys * Hope and Suicide * Hopesick * Horizen * Hu-Man * Human Factors Lab * Humbert *

* I DiGRESS * I Love Store Front Special * Ignid * Ill Remembered * In Hhume * In Passing * In The Honor Of Thieves * In This Day * Indorphine * InTension * Invisible Fireworks * Invisible Ink * Inward Elusion * Irrational * Isle 7 *

* J.C. Mathews * Jacqui Graziano * Jacuzzi Fuzz * JATA * Jayla * Jeff Coffey * Jerrod Daniel * Jerry D and Rachel * Jessica Dye * Jimi * Jimmie R. Vestal * Jimmy Miller * JJ * Joel Mercado-See * Johan Ess * Juan R Leon * Juniper * Junkie Rush * Justin Wiles *

* Kalus * KastDown * Kayonne Riley * Kelly Records * Kenny Lohr * Kicksave * KillJoy * Kings of No Good * King$ of the Highway * Kissing Karma * Kites With Lights * Klik * Knowing Stu * Kosmo Kramers * Kow *

* Lafayette * Last Summer Lost * Leave Calmer * Les Fortunate * LesserRitual * LeTTi * Life of Pi * Linda Nunez * Lithochrome * Locust Grove * Lost In Hope * Lost in Progress *

* M A Double T * Mafioso Ent. * Majestic Mess * Malachi * Malaki * Malicious Damage * Mama Carrie * Marc with a "c" * March To May * Mark Moore * Mark River * Mashlin * M.E.G. * Megaphone * Melissa Axel * Mercy Machine * Mere Surmise * Mesmer Machine * Methlab * Michael M. * Midas In Reverse * Mike Germaine * Milkt * Mind Machine * Mohave * Monroe * Mourning Yesterday * Mr. Robert Johnson * Murderous Embrace * Myndkill * Mysterioso *

* Nature Kids * Needlework * Negative Progress * Neither * New Crash Position * NewSchoolDropouts * New Season * Nick Donahue * Nino White * No One From Nowhere * Noon Blue * November Charlie * Nurtured In Purple *

* Old Fashioned Beatdown * Ollin * On Cassette * One Day Old * Only After Five * Open * Oriflamme * Orijin * Outer Darkness * OverlorD *

* Pauline Hannah * Persona * Phat Tater * phoenix/NEBULIN * Pink Flowers & Purple Butterflies * Pleasant Problem * Ploww * Point Blank * Pop Suicide * Positively 4th Street * Power Movement Project * PRC-77 * Prescription Death * Priapism * Promiscuous Allstars * Prowler * Prying Eyes * Pulse Nein *

* Quasitone *

* Rabbits With Glasses * Rainy Day Dallas * Random Disorder * Ravenz Gate Band * Rayko/KRB * Reason To Burn * Reckless Deerhunters * Redboy * Refried Confusion * Rich Kaynan * Rick Byrum * Rico Monaco and Sol Sons * Ridiculous Red * Rigid * Ring of Scars * Rinker * Rival Heroes * Rob Blackwater * Rocket 88 * Ronnie Christopher * Rotgut * Ruby James * Rude Squad * Ruin the Rain * Runnin' Blind * Rus Anderson *

* Saba * Saltwater * Sam Mollison * ...Says I * Sdsp * Seasons of the Wolf * Secret French Kissing Society * Select Start * Semi-Soul * Seven Blue Skies * Shak Nasti * Shake Azalia * Shawn Fisher * She Dies in December * Shitty Rogers and the Pitbulls * Silence After Tragedy * Sister Kill Cycle * Sixty-Nine Fingers * Skyline Drive * Slave Labor * Slop * Smegma * Smooth Move Band * Socialburn * Sol Season * Some Band * Sonia Vannest * Sleeping Girl Drowning * Snackdaddy * Soft Targets * Sonar * Sound the Alarm * Spare Match * Spazimoto * Speak of the Devil * Spellbox * Spitvalves * Spread Eagle * St. Catherine * Stemm Cell * Stephanie Brighton * Stillkept * Stoma * Stop This Fall * Strangaz Produktionz * Stretching FM * Struggleburger * Stumpp * Su Madre * Suburban Lockdown * Sucker Punch * Sugarfree * Summercall * Sunday Driver * Sunday Liquor * Sunny * Super Happy Fun American TV Death Challenge * Super Swamper * Super V * SuperEminent * Swingerhead *

* Table 3 * Tailspin Recovery * Tan * Tears in the Sahara * Ten 13 Concept * Terri Binion * The Adorables * The Apartments * The Black Rabbits * The Casket Draggers * The Diligents * The Evidents * The Fashion * The Glasses Otter * The Heatseekers * The Holograms * The Idiot Baby Theory * The J. Hexx Project * The Jam Lab * The Legendary J.C. 's * The Metric System * The Mission Dolls * The Mutiny * The Nine Volts * The Numb Ones * The Oaks * The Pale Horse * The Pax Romana * The Remnants * The Right Side of Tuesday * The Same * The Slowly Rubbing * The Sourpuss * The Standing Shadows * The Sugar Oaks * The Supervillains * The Usual * The Vinyl * The West Fifties * The Wild Mushrooms * ThePictureShow * Thera * There For Tomorrow * Timb the Enchanter * Todd Griffin * Tony Ozier * Tony156 * Tonya * Transparent Dark Productions * Treal * TribalMaxx * Troopa Deal * Troubled Children * Trust Weiness * Twisted Lemon *

* Uncaged * Uncle Gooch * Under The Influence * Undeserved * Unison * Unkempt *

* Vancouver * Venom Hide * Venuti * Verloren * Versailles * Voices Without Volume * Von Kull *

* Watch Me Disappear *Wayne Tolbert * When Tides Collide * White Crow * White Dawg * Who Was I * William Bitters * Without *

* X Takes The Square * Xpionage Music Inc. *

* Zanesville * Ze Bond Rocks * Zeal * ZOA *


Fight Club, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Romeo and Juliet....

My Blog

Venue Booking Information

I frequently receive questions about booking at venues in the Orlando area so I have decided to post the information that I have. I am not personally involved in the booking process for any venue. You...
Posted by BlackSheepRadio on Tue, 04 Oct 2005 09:30:00 PST

Strong Words of Warning Against the Emergenza Festival

Matt of 5 Billion Dead recently posted this in the BSR forum and I have copied it here so others may read his words of warning. This topic is also located on the message ...
Posted by BlackSheepRadio on Mon, 12 Sep 2005 10:35:00 PST