Cave Nine profile picture

Cave Nine

cave9 all ages venue in birmingham alabama

About Me

We are an all-ages, volunteer run, non-profit, independent music venue in Birmingham, Alabama. Our physical address is 2237 Magnolia Ave S. Birmingham, AL 35205
Sorry, but you can contact us, or some of our promoters here:
[email protected] - general inquriry
Best of Times - hardcore, metal
Hugs & High Fives - punk rock, pop-punk, indie, folk-punk
Steel City Booking - punk, thrash, crust, old school h/c
We get a ton of email every day so chances are we wont get back to you and you will call us jerks. Be patient, we try. If you don't get a response in a timely fashion please consider that a respectful no. The truth is, we love music, bands and everyone involved in the community. Thanks.
CAVE9 NEEDS HELP We were recently audited by the state of Alabama. We function as a non-profit venue and have been granted 501c-3 status by the U.S. Government. However, due to conflicting laws in Alabama, some of what we have done over the past three years is taxable. Due to our ignorance of differing state and federal laws we are $6,200 in debt. We need to pay this as soon as possible. We hate to ask, but if you have a few extra dollars maybe you could donate. Donations to a 501c3 are tax deductible, so if you need a receipt we can provide you with one. You can donate via paypal to [email protected]. Thanks again.
Turn Darryl Up
Be sure and check out our new DVD featuring 16 performances live at Cave9. You can order one here ($15 + 1.50 shipping) or get one at Cave9. All proceeds go to the Cave9 Music and Arts Project. Cave9 is a nonprofit organization and this will help us pay our bills and keep everything running. All of this footage was used with permission from the featured bands.

We've Got Too Much Heart
By Joey Brown
Part One
Part Two

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

People that rock

Check Out These Shows!


Yes, and lots of it.