Fields of iaru profile picture

Fields of iaru


About Me

Formed from the ashes of the band Shadowsphere back in 2002 who were due to sign to Killjoy's (of Necrophagia) label Baphomet records but due to the collapse of the relationship in the band was not to be, Anubis was left in the cold singer less and without a deal.He worked away developing his unique sound and mix of traditional middle eastern percussion with heavy doom laden guitars and atmospheric sound and pounding drums to create the sound scape that was to become Fields Of Iaru and the birth of Egyptian BLACK TOMB METAL. Fields of Iaru deliver a new haunting sound full of darkness and passion. Truly music to be played for the god Ra.Recruiting old time friend and former 13 Candles band and ex Twisted Autumn Darkness vocalist Namaste the line up was complete. But sadly this union was not to last as Namaste left due to other band commitments and Anubis was left without a singer once more. Not one to lay down and die he took it upon himself to take up vocal duties and make it a solo project, Anubis had not sang since his early years in music way back in 1988/89. So what you hear on the recording these dark days I 00% Anubis. Anubis has a long pedigree of musical experience in the 22 yrs of doing music having deals with Nightbreed record (Nottingham U.K.) Cacophonous records (London U.K.) and Def 2 Music/Pro Sonic (U.K.) with the band 13 Candles.Fields of Iaru are forming a cult following around the world via the internet by mp3 trading with their songs being passed around chat rooms, with a record store in America wanting to sell their demo cd things are looking good for Fields of iaru, the response from the myspace site has been overwhelming with fans world wide and now fans sites on myspace called THE CULT OF ANUBIS so far there are sites for EGYPT, UK, POLAND, CZECH REPUBLIC, SWEDEN, PORTUGAL & GERMANY.Fields of iaru have had intrest from labels, radio stations and zines world wide with as number of reviews in the pipeline as well as air play and talks with labels. They took thier first venture into the live realm doing thier first gig at the Cellar bar in Blackburn UK where they were recieved very well, a big test for Anubis to see if his creation worked live which it did and didnt lose the atmosphere created on the cd. Now with a live line up of Lord Set on bass and the Pale Empress performing her gothic egyptian bellydanicing Anubis is keen on putting a tour together and to spread his infernal tomb noise upon the world. Feel the intensity and darkness Fields of Iaru bring into the world. May RA shine upon you. Fields of iaru UK managment by HERESY management U.S.A promotions and dealings T.C.B managment Main promotion handled by the mighty NEKRONOS PROMOTION-HELL... Also hails to to the following Valium Promotions and heresy promotionsMany thanx to the following for spreading the word world wide...... Blackjazz & AXBM and the Mags and Zines that have supported us. Radio stations who support Fields of iaru...,,,

Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting

My Interests


Member Since: 1/20/2006
Band Members: Anubis uses...Ibanez, Fernandes and De'armond Guitars, Boss effects, Peavey amps, Lord Set uses....Epiphone & B.C. Rich basses, Boss effects, Ashdown egineering amps



Sounds Like:
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

recording up date and mysterious goings on

Just when i thought id finished recording i go and decide to drop 2 more songs and start to write 2 new ones!!!! Mad fool i hear you cry yup you are right but also i wanted more new songs on the album...
Posted by Fields of iaru on Fri, 17 Oct 2008 03:10:00 PST

Recording update

Infernal hails to all you TOMB RATS all the recording is now finished and i will be starting work on the mixing in the next couple of days then onto mastering it. Im a 110% happy with it so far it all...
Posted by Fields of iaru on Thu, 02 Oct 2008 07:47:00 PST

review on

 review at   Fields of Iaru - Alone in Inertia(Dark Cavey Records - 2008) What ever you do don't listen to this by yourself or even with earphones on, as it will scare th...
Posted by Fields of iaru on Mon, 22 Sep 2008 03:06:00 PST

recording up date

Infernal Hails to you Ra's Hordes Things are going well the guitar and bass have been laid down just a few tweaks to do on them then onto recording the extra keyboards ..ed tracks then onto my vocals....
Posted by Fields of iaru on Fri, 19 Sep 2008 02:59:00 PST

Re recording of Alone in inertia

Infernal Hials all, Well im busy re recording "Alone in inertia" at the min and also writing for the next album. Why re record i hear you cry!! well ive never been 100% happy with what id done on the ...
Posted by Fields of iaru on Thu, 11 Sep 2008 03:10:00 PST


FIELDS OF IARU-ALONE IN INERTIA Egyptian themes, mythology and influences are proving to be exceptionally fertile and rich grounds for inspiration for many practitioners working within the whole cont...
Posted by Fields of iaru on Tue, 04 Dec 2007 10:00:00 PST

Fields of Iaru in Metal Hammer

Fields of Iaru in Metal Hammer In December 07 issue of Metal Hammer you will see a write up on Fields of Iaru, here is what it says; 'Fields of Iaru: tomb raiders. They've connections to Shadowspher...
Posted by Fields of iaru on Tue, 04 Dec 2007 09:03:00 PST

Fields of iaru in latest issue of METAL HAMMER

check out the latest issue of metal hammer (december 2007) there is a small write up on the band and saying were one to watch out for in 2008 so we wait and see what doors will open up to us now. than...
Posted by Fields of iaru on Sun, 25 Nov 2007 11:46:00 PST

alone in inertia you can listen to the entire album here.......

here is the link for the site where you can hear all the songs from ALONE IN INERTIA album happy listening
Posted by Fields of iaru on Thu, 08 Nov 2007 02:10:00 PST

black belle webzine interview

here is the link to black bell webzine where you will find and interview with Anubis
Posted by Fields of iaru on Thu, 08 Nov 2007 04:31:00 PST