I like sarcasm, sunshine, thunder and lightning, loud music, and a few other things. I'm the modern day viking! Except I don't rape and pillage(generally...). I obviously know everything. I am way too fucking cynical. I like Cynic. I'm a spelling/grammar/punctuation Nazi, even though I'm really not that good at any. I am a hypocrite on many and most levels. I also drink too much. But there ya go.
I like computer-y stuff. I have an Acer Aspire 5630, which is quite sexy, and runs Ubuntu/Slackware. I also have a desktop which is old but runs Slackware 12.0 with Fluxbox excellently, and I use as a temporary server for some of the shite I do. Opera is the best browser. I use AfterStep and/or Fluxbox to manage my windows ... but Gnome>KDE :P. I also like art and shit, mostly fantasy, surreal, fantastic, psychedelic, and visionary stuff. Shit by Giger, Hieronymus Bosch, Salvador Dali, William Blake and the like appeals to me.
MSN: abby123456AThotmail.co.ukSo now, you probably know everything about me. Whatever you've heard, probably isn't true.