smalltown Ramblers profile picture

smalltown Ramblers

Just a figment of your imagination

About Me

Smalltown Ramblers started its days as many other bands, as a secret project in a cold and dark basement, long out of reach for the ordinary Joe. This was around the summer 2002, and both members and public werent quite ready for the big stage yet.Smalltown Ramblers, or originally Smalltown Rumblers, was a three-piece band in the beginning. Øyvind Sørensen (Slap-Bass), Kjetil Wang (Sax) and Torgeir Forseth (Guitar and vocals). Our first demo was released late 2003 and actually made it onto the Brazilian Rockabilly compilation Rockin All over the place, much to our own amazement! Our first real gig was in familiar surroundings at the rock-club Caven in Oslo, Norway November 2003. Big cheers all around! (Support for Taggytones, Denmark)There was a loud majority trying to convince us to incorporate a drummer in our act, and by the summer of 2004 we indeed had our very own drummer, Petter Stangjordet. Our drum section was raw: One snare-drum. (It still is). We really didnt have to get Petter going, since he picked our tunes out of the blue after fewer than 5 practises.We were now a fully fledged Rockabilly band and received much greater praise than we had expected. We decided to do something about this, and spent a rather large amount of time practising, writing and rehearsing new tunes. By the time of Summer 2005 we had racked up a decent amount of gigs. Starting to get warm, we released our first album Trucks, Trains & Evil Women May 2005. The album is a raw straight forward boogie-rockabilly album with a mean saxophone. Reviews: Hamar Arbeiderblad(Newspaper) Devoid of dead spaces, Dagbladet (national newspaper) A much needed rain of sparks, Backstage (Music Mag) Something specialWe had our first real airtime on Norwegian radio in the summer of 2005, and we were getting the attention of the press. Rumours had it we were the best thing in Norwegian rockabilly since they didnt know when! In December 2005 we had the honour of playing at Norways biggest and most respected rock-venue, Rockefeller, in front of nearly 1500 overly wild spectators.As luck, sheer persistence and will to rehearse 3 times a week would have it, we were invited to play at By:Larm in Norway February 2006 . A get-together for the whole music-industry in Norway, and the largest gathering of Norwegian up-and-coming bands. We felt oddly out of place playing music that was wildly different to anything else being played.May 2006 brought along the release of our second and arguably best album; Too much Coffee. An album more diverse and Country sounding than Trucks, trains & Evil women. As journalists and pundits would have it: No Objections, Entertaining rockabilly (Aftenposten) , A Medicine against all mediocre radio-music (Bluesnews).During the winter of 2006 and spring of 2007 were hoping to spread our music abroad, by touring a venue in possibly what is YOUR country!About our Music: We dont have tag or genre to place our music in. It changes often and randomly, but generally it is true to three principles: Its highly danceable and clap-able, its got something that will make you want to sing along, and it sure as h*** will make you want to get off your seat! We have been dubbed The poor mans Seatsniffers and the Tom Petty of Rockabilly, but most of all our sound is Pure Smalltown Ramblers.
I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 !

My Interests


Member Since: 1/20/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Øyvind Sørensen (Upright Bass & Backing Vocal) Svein Åge Lillehamre(Drums & Backing Vocal) Torgeir Forseth (Vocal & Guitar) Kjetil Wang (Bari sax & Backing Vocal)
Influences: Seatsniffers, Elvis Presley, Chuck Berry, Johnny Cash, Carl Perkins, Hotclub of Cowtown, Brian Setzer & Stray Cats, Louis Prima +++++
Sounds Like: Boring rock`n roll for old people with high hair
Record Label: Flipside Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Vi skal en tur til Sverige

den 28 juni....
Posted by smalltown Ramblers on Tue, 19 Feb 2008 12:08:00 PST


There's a couple of videos posted on the "Videos" page in 'ere.Enjoy the crappy Sound!!
Posted by smalltown Ramblers on Mon, 27 Aug 2007 04:35:00 PST

Spam comments

Starting today, people posting comments with spam will be blocked, and the comments will be deleted
Posted by smalltown Ramblers on Wed, 14 Feb 2007 09:47:00 PST


Well that`s it...........We had a great time yesterday, and i really can`t think of any better way to end this..some of us will probably start up some new bands, we`ll let ya all know when time comes....
Posted by smalltown Ramblers on Sun, 17 Dec 2006 07:28:00 PST

Were closing down

Smalltown Ramblers will stop existing as a band 17/12 06.But we hope you`ll continue enjoying our music.It`s been nice.
Posted by smalltown Ramblers on Sat, 11 Nov 2006 09:42:00 PST

Kalde Føtter

Ja ja, kalde føtter får slakt.Det kommer vel egentlig ikke som noen overaskelse?Håper ikke det er den filmen vi blir assosiert med om ti år.
Posted by smalltown Ramblers on Thu, 26 Oct 2006 12:59:00 PST

About Ila Auto and The Carburetors

We have recieved a good deal of complaints the last couple of years, about our scary ability to play concerts at the exact same time as the notorious band "The Carburetors"And so it would appear to be...
Posted by smalltown Ramblers on Wed, 20 Sep 2006 12:34:00 PST


Vi vurderer å gjøre en konsert med fri aldersgrense i desember, siden vi har fått såpass mange friends under 18 i det siste.Er dette en god ide?, og vil dere under 18 ta turen?Hvor skal vi i såfall pr...
Posted by smalltown Ramblers on Mon, 18 Sep 2006 06:42:00 PST

Album Feedback

After gettin little or no press here in Norway, it sure feels good getting all those mails from bookies, radio stations, dj`s and happy owners of our cd from all over, telling us that it was all worth...
Posted by smalltown Ramblers on Wed, 13 Sep 2006 11:40:00 PST

New Drummer

We are currently inflating our new drummer.Our old one broke a piston, and is being replaced with a second hand one we got almost for free.This will change our sound a little, and we will start using ...
Posted by smalltown Ramblers on Mon, 11 Sep 2006 11:44:00 PST