Trashcan Darlings profile picture

Trashcan Darlings

The Pioneers of Glamour Punk

About Me

Official Trashcan Darlings forum here

Trashcan Darlings was formed by guitarist Chris Damien Doll and singer Strange? Gentle in the mid-nineties. Originally they wanted to be a glamorous party- rock ’n’ roll band but they almost immediately found themselves lost in a frenzy of drugs, alcohol and heavy self destruction. Therefore they baptized their music Glamour Punk.

Even though members, girlfriends and golden opportunities came and went Doll and Gentle somehow managed to keep the band going. Skinny Shotgun became the drummer in ’96 and Danny Dee joined on bass in ’98. The Dee, Doll, Gentle, Shotgun, and eventually guitarist Frankie Nachtnebel, who joined just before the first tour in 2001, line-up is by many considered to be the original line-up.

Trashcan Darlings had become hugely popular on the small club-scenes in Oslo, even though most promoters hated them, their fans loved them. Sometimes the gigs would almost turn into fights, other times the band would be too wasted to play. Sometimes they would attack both themselves and the audience with razors, cigarettes and broken bottles, and every time they would abuse and blame their audience for their own misfortunes. Still their fans loved them and increased in numbers and sang along to songs like I Just Wanna Die (On a chemical high), Barbed Wire Boogie and Johnny Is A Drag-Queen.

In 2001 they embarked on their first of many European tours and growing sick of their past, the band put all of their priorities into putting on good shows and writing even better songs. During this process both Shotgun and Dee left the group and Trashcan Darlings today consists of:

Strange? Gentle - Vocals
Chris Damien Doll - Guitars
Frankie Nachtnebel - Guitars
Q.Ken Rockers - Bass
Andy Hunter - Drums

The present-day Darlings are a highly respected rock’n’roll band both on stage and on record. The guts and gore still loom in the background, but added to this is a wall of guitars, professional stage performance and an aim to give 100% no matter what… The album ’Getting Away With Murder’ got great reviews in papers and magazines all over the world. They’ve toured in Norway, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France and Finland. Trashcan Darlings are better than ever…

My Interests


Member Since: 1/6/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Strange? Gentle - Vocal Chris Damien Doll - Guitar Frankie Nachtnebel - Guitar Q. Ken Rockers - Bass Andy Hunter - Drums

Record Label: none
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Live in April!

This SATURDAY (5th of APRIL) TRASHCAN DARLINGS will play at the MAIDEN CLUB in Oslo, Norway. Age limit for the gig is set to 18 years old and support comes from great Norwegian sleazeband, HELL DØRMER...
Posted by Trashcan Darlings on Mon, 31 Mar 2008 08:17:00 PST


Trashcan Darlings have been confirmed at the Back To The Future festival in Germany on the 19th of July this year.On this trip we'll also return to Stuttgart for a conce rt and play a few others as wel...
Posted by Trashcan Darlings on Thu, 21 Feb 2008 03:31:00 PST

Icon fuck up and release date!

For some reason Myspace fucked up the icon that showed previously unreleased tracks for the new CD, so we'll try again with new icons here.The releasedate is set to March the 3rd on and store...
Posted by Trashcan Darlings on Mon, 28 Jan 2008 06:11:00 PST

New CD on the way!

The brand new compilation CD, Real Fucking Make-Up!, is now in it's finishing stages. The master sounds fucking brilliant and the booklet will be completed this week, before we ship it off to printing...
Posted by Trashcan Darlings on Thu, 17 Jan 2008 05:25:00 PST


Trashcan Darlings are more busy than ever!Just got confirmation that The Last Rock'n'Roll Band (S upergroup featuring Casino Steel, Honest John Plain, Petter  Baarlie and other famous European rockers) ...
Posted by Trashcan Darlings on Thu, 22 Nov 2007 08:47:00 PST


The long-awaited picture disc version of Getting Away With Murder is now available from East Side Records: Picture of the disc and info on how to order can be found ther...
Posted by Trashcan Darlings on Wed, 12 Sep 2007 08:20:00 PST


Trashcan Darlings is getting ready to play the Force Attack festival in Rostock, Germany, on the 28th of July. following day, 29th July, the band will play the Clash club ...
Posted by Trashcan Darlings on Thu, 05 Jul 2007 03:17:00 PST


Thanks to everyone who came to check us out on tour and a big thanks to Down And Away for being such great guys as well!This was a really cool tour for the band with loads of fun and shitloads of stu...
Posted by Trashcan Darlings on Mon, 28 May 2007 03:37:00 PST

Here's another fucking update

As you can see most of the Trashcan Darlings' German tour is booked! We have 1 or 2 more dates to add, but it's ON and it will be way cool. We are doing the whole tour with great Swedish punk band Dow...
Posted by Trashcan Darlings on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 06:56:00 PST

Ok, it's been a while... here is another blog entry! We have just gotten a new rehearsal space, our best one so far! We are covering the walls in purple velvet to get a good atmosphere there. Had the first rehearsal in...
Posted by Trashcan Darlings on Mon, 12 Feb 2007 05:34:00 PST