TONIGHT! TONIGHT! profile picture


About Me

We are a Norwegian booking and promotion agency that mainly focus on national rock acts in various genres. Through our network of contacts and with our experience from the music scene we are proud to represent some of the best live acts in Norway. As a booking agency there is nothing more important than working with bands that we know will give their best effort at all times in front of a live audience. This is why our roster always contains professional musicians that have the necessary experience and attitude that we require and expect from our bands.

As a promotion agency we work with labels, festivals, artists and bands in the process of promoting records, tours or events in general. We develop a promotion plan that is always carefully adapted to the respectful bands or artists we believe in and the goals we set. Through our contacts in the media (radio, tv and printed/online press etc.) we work towards a target group in relation to reviews, interviews and general promotion. Please contact us if you have any questions about our services.


Vi er et booking og promoterings byrå som hovedsakelig fokuserer på norske rockeband innen varierte stilarter. Gjennom vårt nettverk av kontakter og med vår erfaring fra musikkscenen kan vi stolt presentere noen av de aller beste live-bandene i Norge. Som et booking byrå er det ingenting som er så viktig som det å jobbe med band som vi vet vil gi sitt absolutt beste når de opptrer foran et publikum. Det er derfor vår stall av band alltid inneholder profesjonelle musikere som har den nødvendige erfaringen og holdningen som vi krever og forventer fra våre band.

Som et promoteringsbyrå jobber vi med artister, band, plateselskaper og festivaler i prosessen av promoteringen av plater, turneer eller arrangementer generelt. Vi utarbeider markedsplaner som alltid blir spesialtilpasset de respektive band eller artister som vi tror på og i forhold til målene vi setter. Gjennom våre kontakter innen media (radio, tv og papir/nettaviser etc.) jobber vi mot målgrupper relatert til anmeldelser, intervjuer og generell promotering. Kontakt oss gjerne om du har spørsmål eller lurer på hva vi kan bistå med.


Tonight! Tonight! proudly presents:
Third Brigade

- As the latest addition to our roster, we welcome Third Brigade, a hard rock/metal trio from Oslo. They are currently in the studio recording and mixing their debut album. Stay tuned for upcoming gigs.
  • Brigade
  • NRK Urørt/Third Brigade
  • My Interests


    Member Since: 2/25/2008
    Band Members:

    Tor Magnus Knudsen
    Booking Tlf: 0047 99 04 37 73
    Sondre Strandskog Arnesen
    Promotion Tlf: 0047 41 63 85 32

    [email protected]

    Please send demos, material etc to:

    Tonight! Tonight!
    Dreggsallmenningen 20, 603
    5003 Bergen
    Sounds Like:

    Third Brigade - Tear the Bridges (Live at Hulen, Bergen):

    Big thanks to Frode Klement
    Record Label: Indie
    Type of Label: Indie

    My Blog

    Check out this event: Third Brigade support for Jaqueline!

    Hosted By:TONIGHT! TONIGHT!When:Friday, April 03, 2009Where:John DeeOsloDescription:Third Brigade varmer opp for plateaktuelle Jaqueline. Click Here To View Event
    Posted by on Tue, 31 Mar 2009 10:58:00 GMT

    PRESSEMELDING: Trashcan Darlings drar sin kos!

    Etter 13 år som Norges ukronede Glamour-Punk pioneerer nærmer det seg slutten for Trashcan Darlings. De etterlater seg 3 fulllengdere, en rekke singler og DVD'n 10 Years Of Trash. Avgjørelsen ble tatt...
    Posted by on Fri, 30 May 2008 07:17:00 GMT

    PRESS RELEASE: Goodbye On A Chemical High!

    After 13 years as Norway's uncrowned Glamour-Punk pioneers it's getting close to the end for Trashcan Darlings. They leave behind 3 full-length albums, a long line of singles and the DVD 10 Years Of T...
    Posted by on Fri, 30 May 2008 07:14:00 GMT

    Third Brigade confirmed to Kroa i Bø

    The band will open for the hard rockin' trio Jaqueline from Elverum. Check them out on before you line up to get your ticket on the 19th of august!
    Posted by on Wed, 21 May 2008 10:31:00 GMT

    Third Brigade ready for Kartfestivalen 2008

    Additional dates will be added soon! So stay tuned, meanwhile check out Kartfestivalen in Gvarv, Telemark and how to get there!
    Posted by on Fri, 09 May 2008 03:39:00 GMT

    Trashcan Interview

    Check out this extensive interview with Trashcan Darlings on! and their upcoming tourdates in Germany.
    Posted by on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 03:53:00 GMT