our task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.
* - Q CHI - *
From the beginning wherein we were born into conscious awareness, all life is given to us freely as that which comes from the source of all that is. It is from this source, our source where we have our being and flow forth to co-create in cooperation and in divine order.
There are entropic forces that have subverted this truth. There is also a great new energy bringing every Sovereign Individual into to the game to play and win with every move. Each player, both the agents for the entropic forces and the Sovereigns understand this is the time of transformation. This game has been predestined and everyone must play some part, there can be no refusal to play. In playing you win with every move and you break through the barriers of fear, powerlessness and despair. If you don't play and allow the entropic forces to steal your moves you lose by defaulting your sovereign rights. They are good at taking player's power away through intimidation and deceit.
This game requires each player to take back their sovereign power to decide, to choose, to want, to have, to gain friends and build a world that can be appreciated. The only way a player can lose is to not play.
You first have to learn the rules the game. The agents of this entropic force do not play by the rules they have their institutions. Begin to open your eyes and see that you suffer from the fog of obscuration, of being out of context, not understanding the world. What you see is a fabricated illusion by the entropic force that is internally consistent with there agenda. They are historians who write a fictional story about everything you have learned. They are mentors of evil, scarcity and depression. They have built a foundation of lies mixed with truth to keep you from seeing the way things really are. When you admit the takeover and control of these most vile, evil anti-social selfish demons has happened slowly and consistently over centuries then you become aware of your own spark of awareness that comes into your consciousness and you are ready.
Upon this revelation you realize that you are witness to a giant conspiracy that has changed the landscape of the World Order. The primary agents of this conspiratorial network are the central bankers and their international financiers. The entropic force expands their financial power by using Federal governments, corporations and police power to enslave and demand tribute from the world's population. In each country, community and company these government fronts steal using taxes, interest and inflation.
The taxes come in all shapes and sizes, income, sales, fees, licenses and on and on. Individual income taxes are just one form of a great and ingenious deception to convince those who are locked into a labor pool have a ceiling placed on them where they are essentially indentured servants.
Interest is nothing more than a complete sham as the banks of the entropic force, all the banks are empowered to create money out of the value of future labor of the borrower and or the borrower's collective power to repay. There are no assets backing the funds of the entropic force. This is their lie.
Interest is charged on the very people who have guaranteed the funds and are the sole reason the funds can be created and which are created from nothing other than the value of the borrower's labor. It is a great deception
This may sound circular yet it is one of the key points that each Sovereign must understand and wake up to. You are being deceived. The value of your sacred labor is stolen and loaned back to you. You have been fooled. Don't continue to be a fool.
With Inflation the banks loan funds guaranteed by your assets and future labor to your government which is required through conspiratorial agreements to pay back this money with interest. This deception is simple and clear. Allow yourself to see that you have had your assets and labor stolen by one thief, your government.
Then a second thief, the banks, loan your assets back to you, if you qualify, as long as you pay them back plus interest, which is a tax and then the first thief must pay this second thief the full amount plus the interest that they created based upon your loss.
So in the game there is a simple theft that you allowed works like this. The puppet Government stole your sacred labor and assets first by you willingly giving up your sovereignty for whatever reason they convinced you that you need to give up your freedom for their control. You were promised protection! Your were promised wealth! You were promised many things they did not deliver on.
Then they conspire against you by implementing the entropic force's Banking Corporation plan to steal your assets and enslave you forever. They do this by counterfeiting a baseless currency which is devalued and inflated, that is taxed by your government and anytime you play in their game they charge you usurious interest and exorbitant fees.
The Old World financial system is founded upon theft, debt and slavery and they have created a financial illusion filled with falsehoods. The Old World economic systems are baseless, false, deceptive, degenerating and create decadence, destruction, war and pollution. Everything that is done by this old world system is opposite of your beliefs as a Sovereign.
At this moment in the game it is time to break the shackles of lies and ignorance. It is time to realize taxation is not for your benefit in any manner, nor appropriate for the development of your culture and civilization. This money that is called taxation is money that is being STOLEN. It is a theft of your rights and your labor and is being taken unlawfully. When the Sovereigns are strong enough and connected enough you will begin to see the game change.
The society you are part of has been lost, it is owned and it is enslaved by the Old World Order who have bribed those among you to betray your friends families and neighbors in an awful and deadly plot that has killed hundreds of millions of your loved ones. The nature of this plot comes from the depths of the outrageous lies that you still believe.
They have taught you to be stupid, to lose your way and to be ignorant of everything. They have taught you to lie, to cheat, to steal and be guilty. You are part of a plot to ruin your heart and soul. This has been done and now they hope to leave you to decay into apathy where your sadness is increased upon the mountains of debt that suffocate your every hope and aspiration.
You have no government it is owned by the corporate minions who are the agents of the entropic forces. Your country, your land your future is owned and you are living in a hopeless tunnel heading directly into oblivion unless you begin to wake up and become a sovereign.
In the Game the entropic forces management system keeps all of its property, including you, dependent and as internal collateral against its debt system. Everything you need for your personal and family's happiness and survival has been borrowed against. The entropic force uses their centralized banking system to set you up and steal your assets and your life. You were born into a nightmare and have not even noticed you are still screaming. The sound of everyone else drowns out your own poverty and pain in a constant roar of ceaseless agony.
It has not been revealed to you that the nations of the world have been conquered. You are a lost people. You have lost all that you are. Warriors lost their souls in the blood of conquest and there is evil upon your hands. It has stained your country to the core. The entropic force used you to commit the sin of murder upon your neighbors for their profit and control. In apparent victory you have been defeated again and again by an invisible enemy.
The ones who are conquered by your military power and financial might resist and fight back for their freedom from the domination. Their peaceful lands are now destroyed, decimated and under foreign domination. A willing totalitarian and stooge of the entropic force you are now contaminated by the evil that they are. Yet you have failed to corrupt the conquered for they have faith that your demise will be self-inflicted over time. Yet they do not even see that they are victims of the same system. They are caught in the same game and the abuser and the victim are the same.
The entropic force has infected you with the designed sickness of materialism, greed, power and in your own tortured soul you have nowhere to go but into the fear of rebellion and revenge against your temporal domination. So the fear grows into protectionism against the returning terrorism that has been created on your behalf.
The entropic force has instituted Mind Control through the state education, media and religion. It is here the evil magicians convince the captors that they are sinful, stupid and obedient to an all powerful God. God is strong, wise and benevolent yet vengeful and capricious. The God of the conquered is evil, immoral and of the devil. The concept is a paradox and convoluted to render the reasoning function of the mind useless in this compartmentalized belief. The conquering hypocrites in the ultimate act of hubris speak of the good of the people and the protection of their freedoms of religion, of life, of liberty and of a heaven that is not of this earth.
By being under the holy command of God they see themselves as saviors when death and mayhem are brought to land after land and the entropic force profits in every action by its messianic mercenaries. The captives begin to see hypocrisy through the mask of spiritual intent and become disillusioned and demand truth. Yet those who are this out of context with reality cannot even perceive their errors. By default each sovereign who resigns the ability to choose freely is commanded by the entropic force to do its bidding.
Financial Dominance is the method of total conquest. Most citizens have not begun to understand the power and scope of economic conquest in this reality. In this game the conquered are slaves to a system designed to demand Tribute as stated in the form of taxes, interest and inflation. The Tribute is collected through provisional governments who have formed legal systems which legislate and enact laws which demand payment of taxes and allow for the creation of debt against your labor.
You have become a slave without knowing it, without the use of visible force or coercion, so that you who are now a victim and do not realize you have been conquered. You believe you are paying it for your own good, for the good of others, or to protect you from some enemy. Your captors have become your "benefactors" and "protectors".
Total control took time as the conspiracy against the entire world demanded double agents working in corporations and government. The control is surreptitious. Most do not even suspect they are imprisoned and unable to live in sovereignty. There is no army that stops them from leaving or questions their actions. It's such an ingenious way to control a civilization.
Although the slowest tyranny to impose it is the most enduring. The captives don't see prison walls, fences or military force arrayed against. The religions validate the control of the masters, education continues to speak lies mixed with truth biased in total prejudice to free thinking people. The media keeps minds dull and excited focusing on wasteful desires, useless materialism and simplistic entertainment. Advertising companies create symbols of selfish freedoms of acquisition of more and more things, extravagant travel and drugs. Only a minority participate in "elections" for their rulers due to the apathy and unconscious recognition of the loss of rights and freedoms in a total dictatorship.
Without realizing it they are conquered. All institutions, corporations and government systems are instruments used to transfer wealth to their captors and make the conquest complete. Universal enslavement without you and everyone else being aware of it or rebelling is quite an achievement. ??The game has been going on for Generations. The control is absolute where Sovereigns are tied down by debt, taxes and inflation. The effort has been accomplished through the media, through education and through every form of peer pressure. The conspiracy is now the legitimate elected government. It has taken away the powers of those who would do good and preserve the values of the nations of the world.
The entropic force wants war, war is profitable. It is their way. It is evil and vile. It is that which they do in order to make certain that all is in chaos and there is stress, tension, death and destruction. With that there is anger and hatred that comes about from the killing of innocents. With this fear and vengeance to overcome and escape the dread of attack. So they teach you to attack first and to attack in the name of defense. And so it goes on and on until you are all killing each other in a bloodbath that has been the route of this planet for eons. ??I call upon you to understand the dilemma of this time, to see the path of the dark is to bring the light forth. They play the game that brings you open and to shine your light. The game that is not a game gives cause to wonder the machinery behind these changes.
From where did the fog come? How did the disease transform the souls? Why did so many lose their way? Why am I on this path? There is only forward and no backward. Repair that can be undertaken. The help you expect will not come. You are the only one. In the time that is past there is a lack of understanding. There is a great break and now there is power to hold all in oneness. The thought of the greater glory is allowable as the survival of the race depends upon the community of sovereigns.
The world has fallen from the grace of peace. Not from a natural disaster was the fall from peace the change was brought upon the world by the power of the humans who act as if they were gods, but they are not. These creators of fear have found the game treacherous to play and have decided upon global suicide to alter their destiny of a hellish decadent survival which they have brought upon themselves.
Who knows better than you to walk a path of righteous truth and clear principal. What is the underlying motive to bring peace to the humanity that has brought and been at fault for the decay and disaster. Who upon this planet can judge the respect of which the greater spirits cannot. From all questions there is no single answer because it depends upon the one who asks and the one who plays. A man who would ask is already a thoughtful being who knows the question that remains unanswered. The question are you deserving of better.
Listen! There is no time that you can begin to feel the pain like unto this day. There is no point at which you can look at this devastation and know not the utter disgrace it has wrought upon the eternal truth of your world. There is no words to speak to your compatriots who know the feelings shared and the willingness to rebuild the world.
You think that the evil is past and not listening but the principals are controlled and the gates are locked. There exists a great barrier and the entropic force has underground forces that are strong attempting to hold back the inevitable change. They may continue to stop your movements and the governments have their watch upon all entry into their domains. Health and spirit are watched as disease and death are the norms in this world now. So they see the sovereigns clearly by their light.
Your path is set and you are clear to build the new alliance. You must find those who can still listen but those are few indeed. You must not expect that there will be many who are alive nor are there many who can hear your words or will be healed when you arrive. The obscuration is complete in the destruction of the light of the soul. There is the walking dead in front of you and a small band of leaders you walk with. Everywhere you look you must seek out the few who are aware and willing to walk the path. The ones who are in fear will fall in the trap of the entropic forces. There is no other way for them they are magnetized to the downward spiral.
The path for you and your community is to enter through the secret pathways, to find the middle way, to hide in the shining light. You are to read the passages and learn the ancient stories. You are to find the hidden pathways beyond the central core. The business core of your world has been stolen. Focus on creating trade coalitions. Seek to trade friendship for healing. Receive the liquid light and assist those who give you something in return no matter how small. There is no other way than to give what you have and receive what you need. Source will provide. You are here to help see the great changes and enter the world of the rising sun. From the heart of each sovereign to every city and nation all people are unified in the new experience of this time.