~ Melanie ~ profile picture

~ Melanie ~

Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.

About Me

I am (can be) incredibly sarcastic, outgoing, determined and enjoy life! I love to laugh.... whether it's with you or at you... (Usually the later:) I'm definitely a the "glass is half full", not half empty kind of girl.... Optimistic, determined, creative... all could describe me most days. I'm old enough to know where I'm going and how I'm getting there yet still young enough to enjoy the diversions on the way. I've been involved in the entertainment industry for many years now in many different roles. It's an incredibly diverse and "lively" field to say the least. And hella' fun! It's the challenge that I love most! I'm currently promoting the band "Bedlem" (www.myspace.com/bedlemmusic) In addition to my already crazy life I'm working on completing my degree. (The student loans better be worth it!)

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My Interests

Life and following your dreams! :)


Great diversity. :)I enjoy all genres of music from rock 'n roll, R & B, Blues, some country, Old school and more. I love The up and coming band "Bedlem"... Be sure to check them out on my friends list!


The Shawshank Redemption has to be one of my all time favorites but I like action, thrillers, comedies and dramas. Of course gotta' love a few "chick flicks" here and there but not really my first choice.


I don't watch much TV... and for quite some time didn't subscribe to cable by choice. Very neolithic isn't it? However every now and then you just want to relax in a big comfy chaise and watch the box.


The Celestine Prophecy, The Da Vinci code, The Seat of the Soul, The Power of Decision, The greatest salesman in the world... I have an entire library of comparitive religion and philosophy... I love books that can make me make me appreciate life and challenge my paradigm on life!


My friends that "did it all right" and serve as a daily reminder of the endless possibilities.....