I am a Mom to many and a Granma to many more!!! My hubby is absolutely wonderful! ...I support Angelman Syndrome Awareness as my daughter Jenn is an Angel! ...I support Congenital Heart Defect Awareness as my son Matt is a CHDer. I also lost my Bobby who was also a CHDer
My Charity for CHD
Every year, 1/85 infants is born with some form of congenital heart defects.
The CHDA Inc. is a nonprofit all volunteer organization. Our mission is to advance the awareness and treatment of CHD through awareness, research, education and support.Congenital Heart Defects Awareness Inc
Donate: https://www.networkforgood.org/donate/MakeDonation2.aspx?ORG
Check our organization out at www.chdainc.org ... and check the CHDA Teen Crew out at
www.myspace.com/chdateencrew ...They are a great bunch of teens that volunteer. Most of them are not affected by CHD but have joined to reach out to others that have CHD.
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